Avnger said:
You do realize that Republican Representative Steve King's very existence alone (though he's far from the only one) exposes this for the nonsense it is, right?
edit: And before you say "But he was stripped of all his committee assignments!", that was only 5 months ago. The man has been in Congress for over 15 years...
And he is one person. Much like how the Dixiecrats were Democrats, and the vast majority of them stayed Democrats, but like 3 switched to Republicans so now all racists are Republicans, right?
Joe Biden has said far more racially tinged things than all but the worst Republicans. He helped create racial disparity in America multiple times. Hell, he eulogized one of those Dixiecrats, calling him a friend. But unlike Steve King, he's largely gotten a pass on his comments because there isn't an organized network of media outlets dedicated to amplifying his worst qualities. He wasn't stripped of his positions, he's a presidential front runner! Does that mean the Democrats are collectively racists dog-whistling white supremacists?
twistedmic said:
First off all, the new tax reform bill was staggeringly biased towards the rich and super rich, with lower and middle class people get a mere fraction of the benefits.
People have been saying that, but they are incorrect. First, they lump tax cuts to corporations with tax cuts to the wealthy, and that's not how things work. Corporations saving on taxes don't just give that surplus as a lump sum to wealthy owners, but even supposing they did, the owners would then pay tax on that a second time. The tax cut benefited the middle class directly as far as paying less taxes, and the lower class indirectly from the much higher economic growth rate and much lower unemployment that otherwise forecasted (because business are reinvesting their profit , not just cutting wealthy owners fat checks).
'Tax Incentives' typically mean that the business owners and shareholders get more money for themselves. Those businesses might build in low income communities but that sure as hell doesn't mean that they'd be paying above minimum wage (currently $7.25/$7.50 an hour) which is not a livable wage.
Something like 1% of employed people make minimum wage or below, and most of those below are working tipped jobs that actually make significantly more than minimum. They are paying above minimum wage, I guarantee it.
Where is the money coming from to help these black colleges? Is it coming from military spending cutbacks? Or are the Republicans planning to pull funding from public schools, federal parks, various social services etc? Are any of these obscenely rich Politicians donating their own money to help>
It's not always money. Sure, the HBCU got Pell Grants restored and are being spared any proposed cuts to education funding, but the projects they've worked on are largely networking. Getting these colleges into arrangements with other universities and professional industries to share resources and points of contact so that the students can connect to their desired profession. Historically black colleges aren't going exceptionally bankrupt and need mountains of money. But they do have the unique challenge of a lot of first generation college students who don't have a head start on making professional contacts.
Give me links to the info that Trump and his brood are trying to reform the prison system to help the incarcerated, instead of trying to privatize the prison system.
Hey look, a bill that lets people out of prison by applying sentencing reform retroactively, seeks to improve prison conditions, and hypothetically would establish rehabilitation programs for inmates.
Also, if you'd like a solid example of biased information delivery, ask yourself why that wikipedia article feels the need to name exclusively Republicans as opponents of a non-controversial bill, when they could have picked at least a couple of the 57 Democrats in the House who voted against it [https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/h215].
Are the Republicans helping minorities and the poor by constantly trying to strip them of health care, medicaid, medicare and WIC? What about their unending quest to strip women of their reproductive rights? Is that helping them?
Short answer, yes. Our miserable attempts at providing people "free" healthcare are a huge part of how healthcare in the US became an insurmountable mess. The "reproductive rights" you're talking about are killing human beings. Republicans hold the controversial opinion that people are better off when they have accessible, affordable healthcare and aren't killing their offspring.