Saelune said:
You literally did not. You claimed Hillary said specific quotes. I then told you to cite these quotes, and you literally did not even try.
You support many of the same views Trump does and constantly defend Trump, his allies, his supporters, and criticize, often unfairly, his opposition and opponents.
You have given me no reason to believe that if you could have voted, that it would have been for anyone but Trump. I also think you just like pissing off left-wingers for the sake of pissing off left-wingers.
Nobody else in the thread is denying what Clinton has said about the LGBT community.
If you're willing to hold opinions which are counter to evidence, it's on you to prove them.
Google it.
Silvanus said:
The Lunatic said:
There's no evidence she's changed her believe aside from it now being popular.
If you just do what's popular, you're no ally of the LGBT community.
Then we had two choices: a candidate who supports LGBT causes but for disingenuous reasons, and a candidate who doesn't support them at all, and is outwardly hostile.
A candidate who supports LGBT causes for disingenuous reasons is at least not a direct threat.
Yeah, I guess Garry Johnson or any other third party candidates just don't exist.
If LGBT matters are so important to you, you should vote for a candidate who represents that, not somebody like Clinton for being the "Least Worst" of two people most likely to be president.