Saelune said:
crimson5pheonix said:
Silentpony said:
crimson5pheonix said:
Silentpony said:
I know this is off-topic, but can anyone explain how someone(Trump Jr.) can be too stupid to break the law? Like, if attempted Murder is a thing, how is Attempted Conspiracy not a thing?
I know Stupid is hyperbolic, but the jist is that trump jr was too ignorant of election laws to knowingly violate them, when he violated them. So...excuse me?
That's just how it is for influential enough people. "Ignorance of the law is no excuse (unless you're rich)."
Yeah but why would Mueller care? That's lawyer/judge shit, payoffs and the like. He's a cop, for lack of a better term. Being rich=no laws isn't law, its practice from lawyering up. There is no law, that I know of, that says 'Being rich means laws don't apply' otherwise why are Hollywood moms being taken to jail?
Because that's funny. As for this, it's exactly what happened with Hillary before. The investigation into her showed she broke the law, but she got off with "she didn't know the law was being broken" or some such nonsense.
The investigation showed she didn't break the law, that she was perhaps careless, but not criminal. Besides, the Trump family has done the same stuff she has.
Trump and his lot have done far worse than Hillary has ever done in terms of email, phones and cyber security. Don't you remember shortly after taking office he fired the guy who was trying to secure his phone because he didn't want to be told what he could and could not do with his phone and NEVER REPLACED HIM. He just fired the guy responsible and didn't hire another person to handle the job. In addition to not only using his personal unsecured phone and email, his family has done so as well. He seems to think that if he fires all the people responsible for cyber security, then he won't have anyone to tell people about how unsecure all the shat they are doing is. He just fires people and eliminates the role all together.
People were going on about how Hillary used a private email server, when that was far more secure than Powell using something as ridiculously insecure as AOL. Hell if Hillary hadn't used her private email server that was physically protected by secret service, Russia would have been far more successful at gaining access.