Because Hillary started this. Or at least put the cherry on top of the pile of continued weapons dealing to SA. Any "stopping" she would have done would have been the softest, lightest nonsense since SA kept her charity nice and topped off. Donors get privileges.Lil devils x said:Go ahead and elaborate. Are you suggesting Hillary manufactured this? I really have to wonder what sort of reality you live in to think that Trump vetoing an effort to stop this and Trump giving them Nuclear tech is not somehow making this much worse. Explain how that is not going to make everything worse in the region, not just for Yemen either. This is escalating confict with Iran to an entirely new level. Once this is done it cannot be undone. OF course this is far worse than anything previously.crimson5pheonix said:But it's not worse than it was though. It's not like they need nukes to commit a genocide, something they're doing quite well with just what was given to them before. By Hillary. This situation was unavoidable as soon as Hillary got put on the ticket.Lil devils x said:Go ahead and show me where I said I thought it was okay to back Saudi Arabia to control the middle east? Oh yea I did not and have been opposed to it for a very long time now. I don't think the Us should be allied with Saudi Arabia AT ALL, even before the conflict with Yemen due to their human rights violations against women and girls. I oppose the deal Hillary made, but I also realize that deal would have been made if she had never been chosen for secretary of state. The deal was going to be made regardless of who was secretary of state at the time. That is more on Obama's foreign Policy at the time, mind you I was also one of Obama's most vocal opponents on these forums at the time. I have not changed positions and either you have me confused with someone else or you are being disingenuous to state that I am not interested in stopping it.crimson5pheonix said:If I seem indifferent it's only because you aren't actually interested in stopping it. This situation is only like this because of decades of foreign policy you regard as acceptable. This really is just a natural extension of what has been happening, that you only notice it now is on you. But you don't even notice it now, you're still claiming that arming the Saudis to better control the middle east is fine, unless Trump does it.Lil devils x said:No one said Trump manufactured this, however, he is making it worse than anyone else would have. There is a level of degree. Clinton made a deal anyone else in her place would have done. Trump however is OVERRIDING EVERYONE ELSE to do what he wants regardless of what anyone else would have done. Are you going to explain his deal to provide them with Nuclear tech as well? How you can conflate the two to be the same is beyond me.crimson5pheonix said:This has already been discussed to death and I've pointed out why Hillary wanted to please the Saudi's herself several times, so I'm not going back into it. However,
"I was just following orders" is explicitly not an excuse. Pretending this situation is manufactured by Trump isn't fooling anyone. Acting like things would be a-okay if he wasn't in office isn't fooling anyone.If Hillary had not done her job as Secretary of State, she would have been replaced with someone who would.
Congress voted to stop it from happening and he VETOED IT. No one else but Trump would have made that decision. I guess this isn't about ending it to you after all. You pretended to care when Hillary did something negative but when trump makes it far worse than anyone else would have, you are indifferent.
It isn't going to be able to be stopped at all when Trump is done here because they will no longer need US assistance at all once he enables their Nuclear options. You failing to address that Trump is far worse than Clinton, or just about any other candidate either republican or democrat in regards to Saudi Arabia does not mean that I in any way supported past actions. I have never supported US actions in Saudi Arabia, but I am also not going to pretend that what is happening now isn't far worse than anything that has happened in the past as you seem to be doing. You trust the man who said that Saudi Arabia has to protect themselves or they will have to pay us anyways, and that He said Saudi Arabia was going to get nukes anyways and "They?re going to start having them or we have to get rid of them entirely." and then he goes and makes secret deals with Saudi Arabia to give them US nuclear Tech? You do not think that and his veto is worse than what has happened previously?
It is not a matter of who is doing it, it is a matter of what they are doing and why.
In addition, More US citizens voted for Hillary than did for trump, how is her being on the ticket making it unavoidable? She would not have vetoed the effort to stop this and she would not be selling then nuclear tech either. If Hillary had won, yes it would still be bad, but at least there would be a chance to end this. Trump is eliminating current and future ability to end this through his actions.
As for the nuclear deal, it should be pointed out that Trump's deal is one competing with Russia and China. Unacceptable that SA get nuclear tech. However, the centrist position should be that "at least it's nuclear tech on our terms". Right?