While I don't like the US prison system, and China's prison system is worse. We have to remember they got this idea from Singapore whose prison system and reeducation camps are also something I don't like. China just took it and made it an order of magnitude worst.
I would be honest to you guys even Obama didn't do anything regarding Myanmar's islamophobe ethnic cleansing, and I wouldn't either against China because to do so would be to put the US economy at risk against China. (Even if I would against Myanmar as it's a weaker country)
It weakens your geopolitical hand and to ask another country to do something. The more you ask, the more you need to give.
You also couldn't destabilize China but doing so risks counter-destabilization in the US.
The most I could see any leader do is a UN-style bolded letter, and maybe some Turkish nationalism if your Turkey.
Again Trump is either a populist or a realist in Foreign Policy. If he's a populist he hates Muslims as he's not one, and won't do anything for them as he views them as an immigration threat to the US, if he's a realist(So was Obama) he won't weaken his hand in the trade talks which is what I am guessing he is.
His meeting with Xi will mostly be about opioids made in China, US manufacturing, North Korea, or US agribusiness, and maybe buying China LNG natural gas.
Even the neoconservatives aren't crazy enough to want war with China. Progressives could confront them, but the democratic party and the republican party are controlled by baby boomers/old people who don't want to upset the status quo or are racist because they own most of the US assets.
Your best bet against China in the short-term is OPEC. Get OPEC to stop selling fossil fuels to China, then China would have to buy them from Russia at a higher rate, and that could kill China's economy, and weaken their hand. Long-term you could economically improve surrounding countries around China, and your own economy(and not buy 5g telecommunications From Huawei). You could also weaken China's soft power as well with Islamic countries, but Muslim-banning Trump isn't the man for the job, and neither is Tulsi.