Silentpony said:
ObsidianJones said:
So...yes. You think America where states have not ratified the Equal Rights clause are equal to Islamic states where women do not have any rights. These two are equal in your eyes because both cultures are made up of people, and "Each human has infinite capability for malice, kindness, bravery and cowardice"[small]Which no, to most people malice is nonsensical. Being evil is not just as easy as being nice[/small] and no regard to what variable means in respect to different cultures, "No culture is devoid of this capability to produce varying people"
Here's a fun little mental exercise. Think of cultures as dice. Lets make fundamentalist Islamic cultures a D3, lets make American modern culture a D10, Netherlands a D20, and Star Trek Federation a D100. Every human born into these cultures rolls their respective dice to see how moral they are. To your credit every single culture is capable of rolling a 1, a 2 or a 3. Every single one is capable of producing a right bastard.
However, some cultures have extra numbers added on. Those numbers are Representative of separation of church vs state, bills of rights, democracies, oversight, educated populace, etc...
So while any one person can be a bastard regardless of culture, some cultures have a way higher chance of producing someone not a bastard, based on the variables offered.
A 1 is a 1 is a 1. Always the lowest. But the highest can be a 3, a 10, a 20 or a 100. And those are different numbers. Meaning different variables, ie values, per culture.
So here's the part where it seems actual conversation is proving meaningless.
You talked about a document. I talked about a document. That doesn't prove cultures are equal. And I would have no problem saying they are in the first place. But I'm responding to your comment here.
Silentpony said:
If in the Quran there is vague enough language than a radical or fundamentalist has the wiggle room to say rape is a punishment, not a crime, then the Quran by definition has that vague enough language. If another Islamic group chooses to interpret that differently, great, good for them! But the words are still there. The potential is still there.
And seeings how the Quran in the Islamic world is a legal system, we get to compare it to other legal systems. For example no where in the United States legal system is there vague enough language that a Judge can interpret rape to be a thing a person can be sentenced to.
And in that light, yes we do get to say our culture is better because we don't have the 'Yes maybe rape' clause, even if some of the other culture is choosing not to use the 'Yes maybe rape' clause.
In this case, the words aren't there, but the actions are. The potential is still there that those states go "Lulz, no. Women, get back into the kitchen because that's where we decided you belong".
If we're talking about two cultures' ability to look at the documents that government them and decide what to do after, yeah, sure, if it will make you happy I'm saying America and Islamic are equal. But the truth of the matter is that I will say any culture that has a governing rubric, because it all can be opened to interpretation.
That is my essential point. It feels like you're ignoring it for the "Superior/Inferior Culture" angle. If some people 'justified' rape because of an interpretation of Quran, they are wrong. If some people chained up women in their basement in America and said it was allowed because women aren't even mentioned in the Constitution, they would be equally wrong and villainous. But, and I need you to stay with me here, my overarching point is that
as there exists equal ambiguity in both documents, there exist equal chance of unsavory and morally deranged people to use that ambiguity in order to excuse their actions.
I'm not talking about America as a whole, I'm not talking about Islam as a whole... but those few disgusting people who exist in both cultures who look for any justification for their perservation. That doesn't make one culture better, that doesn't make another culture worse. People can be horrible in whatever culture they were born in.
We wouldn't want other cultures to view us as inferior due to Guantanamo Bay, Rampant Police Brutality and the Citizens that blindly support it, The Disappearing Native American Women and how we're largely clueless about it, Trump's embarrassing actions, The administration's appalling treatment of our Allies, our Abysmal Health Care records, The shameful way we treat our Vets (spoiler alert, sometimes we deport them after promises), the Fourth Reich kicking off here, and so on.
Oh, and lastly, The Staggering amount of Native American Women who are raped and can't find justice because their assaulters were white men not apart of their Native Laws [].
So we shouldn't cast judgment until we can sort our own shit out. Even if we're 31th, that is shameful. And the thought of "Hey, look at 32th being worse than us" is not only embarrassing, but it's distracting from getting us to a better place.
Silvanus said:
Ah, right. I took that line-- "we protect it. Religion has to fall into that"-- to mean that society offers broad protections for religion because of freedom of expression, not just that the same protections apply.
After all, as it stands, religious institutions enjoy substantial additional entitlements.
I understand. And if I'm honest, I'm not a hundred percent against some extra protections. But if actually used correctly.
Like if a Church was actually non-for-profit in a poor neighborhood and can't keep the lights on? Yeah, sure. As long as they are doing the best to provide services such as outreach and guidance to the less fortunate, I'm happy to support that with my Tax Dollars.
But if it was one of those Mega-Millions Churches in Texas where the pastors fly jets across the country to one of their different 5-story, opulent churches where literally tens of thousands of people each week are giving money in the collection plate, complete with brand merchandise? Go stuff yourselves. Pay taxes, stop exploiting people, and stop giving the idea of actual spiritual healing a bad name.