Smithnikov said:
There's a reason for that sad state, however. Those "whiny babies" worked day and night to slag on people for their "microaggressions", called for death to "cis white scum", and shut down discourse left and right with even regular unpolitical people because they were 'racist' for whatever that means anymore. When you call people scum just for the sin of being born white or not being upper class urban elite, or not the correct minority, PEOPLE TEND TO GET PRETTY IRRATIONAL ABOUT IT, and they got irrational enough to put the first blowhard who came along and said they weren't guilty of the original sin of being white and 'privledged'. Trump just happened to be the one who won the pony.
Liberals fucked up. WE shit the bed and Trump's lunacy is the harvest we've sewn. It shouldn't have been this way, but it'll keep being this way until our optics and the establishment get it's fucking head out of it's ass!
Two reasons why that doesn't work.
1.) I didn't say those things. The vast majority of people on this forum didn't say those things. The vast majority of people in the United States didn't say those things. I will not say it didn't happen. We all know it did. But the volume of people who are saying that who are liberal compared to the liberals who are minding their business and living their lives like everyone else? It's not even close. There is a small fraction of democrats and liberals who are doing that vs the vast majority of Social Democrats (like I call the Fiscal Republicans) who are thinking about the Nation instead of their street.
So the response to a widely-spoke about (but over-exaggerated misrepresentation of a whole) overreaction of a few lead to an overcorrection that literally will have devasating consequences to the World Entire. They've
actually chose to be the cartoon-ish villain the overreaction of the few painted them as. That's like me going "You know what? Everyone just sees my color and thinks all these dangerous things about me... Fine, I will become a street thug and I will go rob and loot people."
No one would buy that. Which actually leads me to my second point.
2.) There's a laundry list of things that are still being done to everyone. To everyone. If black people said "Fuck it, if my nation and fellow citizens don't think we're worth protecting via same and balanced rules, let's completely exist out of the law"... will the rest of the nation look at themselves and say "You know what? This was our fault. If we just listen to them and not accuse them of things and just gave them the equal protection under the law, this wouldn't have happened"?
Fuck no. The rest of the nation wouldn't care. They would call it an excuse and say Black People are just trying to get away with shit.
If Women had enough of people telling them what they can or can't do with their bodies, 80 percent of them move to the Southwestern states and forced men out the state via elections and the like... would Male America take a step back and think "God. They were just asking for rights about what to do with their own body, better pay, and not have to plead for anyone to listen to them over sexual assault. And of COURSE it's irritating to constantly being ignored, being summed up by their body and the pleasing-ness of it, and living in fear that any person who walks next to them could over power them with little recourse. I understand the New Nation of Womyoning (I was going for 'Women' and 'Wyoming', Did that read?) and hope for a thousand years of proper rule".
Again, hell no. That wouldn't fly.. but I kind want to see it done.
I'm told that it's egregious that the Holiest of all things, Football, was tainted with politics for matters that actually affect around 70 percent of players. Yet none of the so-called fans of these people seem to care because 'they didn't do it so they shouldn't have to be subjected to it'.
Interesting idea. However, simultaneously, I have to suffer a giant orange man-child who lies so much that in August, it's past 12,000 [] statements for something I haven't done? Who wrecks the environment and lowers protections for workers []?
Nope. Sorry. That doesn't compute. At worst, for a few years, These Cis-White 'Scum' as you mentioned felt like what it feels to be a woman, LGBTQ, or a minority. And their response was to burn it all down while putting their fingers in their ears so they don't have to listen to anyone's issues but their own. I can have sympathy for many people. That's... a little hard.
That's not to say I don't have sympathy for Cis-white people as a whole. Because yet again, the vast majority DIDN'T seek to overturn everything because a few of their number was subjected to that. And there are some of those who were and didn't react the same way. But those who were subjected and decided everything must be destroyed because they were slighted? Yeah, very hard to sympathize with that.