undeadsuitor said:
Idk i can think of a democrat backed infrastructure bill with new deal in the name
If I had said at any point "Republicans were the party of Lincoln, and Democrats were the party of slavery!", doubtless posters (likely including yourself) would have come out of the woodwork to say "that's inaccurate, because the party system changed in the aftermath of the civil rights movement and Southern strategy!". And, if
anyone else had said it,
I would have too.
Because it's true.
And, like it or not, that door swings
both ways. Which is why there was such a focus on Southern modernization during the New Deal, and a massive chunk of why so much post-war scientific and technological development was focused in the South and Southwest. Keeping Southern Democrats happy, and subsequently the New Deal Coalition together, took a
fuckload of pork. It just happened to be pork that had massively positive outcomes (to be honest, one could uncharitably characterize the New Deal itself as the biggest pork barrel in American history).
The Democratic party of today is
not the Democratic party of FDR's day. Because
that Democratic party
was still the party of slavery (and in the North, the party of Tammany Hall), albeit one at the beginnings of a transitional period having adopted progressive voters breaking ways with Republicans, thanks to the latter party's naked corruption and embrace of Gilded Age politics.
If you want to claim the successes of FDR's Democratic party, you get to claim its failures as well. Do you
really want to start down that rabbit hole?