erttheking said:
Donald Trump is a Democrat.
Fucking what?
You do know what party he ran for right? You say you want an honest debate and you pull that horseshit on me?
CaitSeith said:
When a take is so hot that it obliterates the speaker himself...
Saelune said:
That is literally objectively, factually, completely untrue. You're not even trying at this point.
Imma answer Agema. Agema knows what's up.
Agema said:
tstorm823 said:
Donald Trump is a Democrat, of course he's talking about regulating free speech.
No he isn't. Donald Trump has pretty much no meaningful political ideology.
He is really just a totally self-interested narcissist, whose interest is self-aggrandisement and saying stuff to make people like him. Consequently he said Democrat-type things back in the day, because he was a New Yorker and mixed with the metropolitan liberals of New York and said the sort of things that kept him in good standing with his social circle.
I know what you're saying, and will respond to what you actually mean, but I have to say, I got quite the chuckle halfway through this paragraph at "he's a totally self-interested narcissist, consequently he said some Democrat-type things". Like man, I wish I had written that, that's gold!
At any rate, I'm not sure if you're aware, but at the time he was saying Democrat things, he very well may have been registered as a Democrat. It's not that he was a Republican trying to appeal to his social circle, the man was a Democrat, by his words, his associations, and his registration. And his personal life that could make a Kennedy blush.
But I am the one saying he
is a Democrat, so it's on me to justify it, and that's difficult, because it's very difficult to pin down any definition of Democrat. Both major parties are big tents with many (often conflicting) opinions within them, but at least the Republican Party has some consistency over time. You can get whiplash from the changes in the Democratic Platform over time. The way to track the Democratic Party is really by appealing to the name itself: Democracy. However public opinion swings, the Democrats will be there. Arguably that's a good thing, that's a signal of actual representation, but it's also pretty much exactly what you're saying Donald Trump did. He found the ideas that would make him popular and ran with them. That itself is a Democrat-type thing.
However, he clearly resented Obama (I cannot help but suspect some element of racism in Donald Trump, even if mostly concealed) and found his route to power easier by appealing to Republicans and populism. And thus he did, because that's what he does: he wants things and for people to idolise him, and he says what he needs to in order to get it.
I'm with you here. I don't know why the man resents Obama so much other than the color of his skin. I mean, given Trump's character, it's possible Obama slighted him personally at some point and Trump held the grudge. But less than a year into Obama's presidency, Trump decides to never be a Democrat again, feels like white flight.
And let's face it, Republicans don't actually have a good history on free speech. We do not have to look far to see a great deal of Republican voters have been very hostile to elements of free speech. A surprisingly large number of Americans (perhaps 20-30%) are not okay with certain groups having equal access to public expression. Given that such disliked groups include homosexuals and atheists, I'm pretty sure plenty of that ambivalence towards free and equal speech is coming from Republicans.
Here's where I concede most of this argument. You're right, lots of Republicans are bad at free speech. I stand firmly that defense of free speech is a conservative position in America, but there are definitely some Republicans not adhering to that position. I could have answered by saying Republicans sometimes don't hold conservative positions, that's certainly a non-controversial answer to the accusation that conservatives are only for free speech when it benefits them, but that's not nearly as fun as the "hot take".
However you want to pretend that moral abcess is a Democrat, he's representing the Republican Party, voted for by Republicans, held in better esteem by Republicans than virtually any other major Republican politician. He is, since he won the presidential candidacy, the primary voice of the Republican Party and his opinions the primary representation of it and its voters beliefs. DEAL WITH IT.
That Donald Trump's presidency has been so conservative is basically an accident. As you said, the man's a narcissist. He does things to make people like him and punches back at people who attack him. He's caught in a current of doing conservative things and getting positive feedback from conservatives, and he's already been getting demonized by the left since he picked a fight with Obama a decade ago. That is in no way set in stone. If the Democrats want him to do something, they basically just need to ask nicely. He's down for criminal justice reform, he's down for gun control, he's down for pharmaceutical regulations. If ever they treated him as "not Hitler", his ego would put him right back in their camp again.