Poll: A question for all Wii U owners and fans of Nintendo

Veldt Falsetto

New member
Dec 26, 2009
Do you care if Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed aren't released on Nintendo consoles and why?

I do not, I don't think the console needs them and I think better games are coming.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
Not really, if I'm going to buy one of those games I'd just get it on Xbox.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
Not at all, even if I did like those franchises. Unfortunately for Nintendo, the Wii U gamepad is often just a slightly heavier, less comfortable version of a Playstation or Xbox controller. If a multi-platform game comes to Wii U, it's much more likely I'll get it on PC or a different console.

Trinket to Ride

New member
Jul 13, 2014
I don't play either of those games anyway. Even if I did though, I probably wouldn't care.

I use PC for 90% of my singleplayer/online multiplayer experiences. I bought a Wii U pretty much just for when friends come over and for the inevitable new Zelda.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
I use the Wii for quick fun and party games, I play single player or online multiplayer games on PC. I rarely get invested into a game on wii, I think the only single player game I finished on wii was Okami.


Aug 2, 2013
I'm gonna say yes. I love Assassin's Creed -- I've played every game except the first one shortly after release. I also haven't gotten a new-gen console yet, and when I do it's probably going to be the WiiU because I love the WiiU's exclusive titles. At the same time, I don't have a PC that can properly handle new releases on adequate quality, and I don't see myself being able to purchase one any time soon. So I would much prefer that, if I''m going to buy a console, I would be able to play games from what is one of my favorite series right now. It's the same reason that I'm disappointed that Arkham Knight won't be coming to WiiU -- it's the last installment in my favorite series of games and I won't be able to play it for quite some time because it's on a console that I would buy for really just a handful of games.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I don't care too much. I bought AC3 and may buy AC4 and the two CoDs eventually due to how cheap they are but I don't care about newer installments. It's a shame though that such big titles are going to pass up on the U in future. Most people may own a Wii U as a secondary console but the main gamepad feature (ie: you have a live map in your hands) is really useful.


New member
Jul 31, 2008
Not really, but then I never really got into either Assassin's Creed or COD. Played the first Assassins but found it to be incredibly dull, I heard later installments were better but I never got round to seeing that for myself. COD I've also played bits and pieces of over the years at friends places and such but was never that interested in the concept.

Also might be worth mentioning that I have a PC as well, so if I wanted too I could still play those games anyway.


New member
Oct 4, 2009
Complaining about not getting multiplats when you own more than one platform seems kinda silly. If I was going to get these it would of have been on my PC.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Considering how I don't buy Acti games and I've never bought AC I'm gonna have to say NO. And especially considering how my tastes are manifold, I'm not gonna have ANY trouble filling in gaps.


New member
Sep 14, 2011
I don't care about either game honestly, but at least AssCreed has had 2 entries on WiiU already, so I'm sad for those people who like them. They seem way more fun than CoD at least.

Nintendo isn't paying out for exclusivity like Sony and Microshit are with their games, so between that, the low install base (it's creeping up!), and the difference in hardware, I'm not surprised that the big (greedy) publishers aren't willing to push games for Wii U.

Frankly, I think the major 3rd parties tried to push the Wii U into the last gen by doing little but porting older games over to the Wii U instead of actually developing for it. There was little reason for PS3 or Xbox owners to re-up on games they've had for a year or more, and those who didn't play on the last gen get screwed by not having the other titles to draw upon - especially Arkham Asylum and Mass Effect 1+2. I'm not saying they shouldn't have ported the majority of the titles (and I'm glad some people are enjoying them), but I really don't count that as "supporting" the Wii U, just a cash grab and a test of the water, which they thought was too cold. I had Arkham City for PS3, Deus Ex:HR for PS3 and PC (bought twice to have the final cut), and Mass Effect TRILOGY for PC - why would I buy them again for the Wii U when there are other exclusive titles I can spend my money on?

I'm fine with Nintendo being the "other" system, though I feel bad for those who only have a Wii U and no other supporting hardware, PC included.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
No because I dont particularly like those franchises for one and second I also own multiple other platforms that would allow me to play them if I wanted.

That said I think Nintendo should care that devs dont for the most part want to release games on their system simply because they see it as not worth it. Their first party has carried them a long way but without a varied amount of 3rd party games they are gonna be in trouble and some would say they are now in a way maybe not financially yet but they do have problems they need to address pronto that goes way beyond COD and Assassins Creed not coming to their system.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
the WiiU Gamepad is cumbersome and I hate using it so I will get both of those games on PS4 or PC whichever my friends go for. Maybe I would consider it if there was an option to use the pro controller and not have to even look at the gamepad for a map or item screen or anything at all. The less a game uses the gamepad the better


New member
Jun 23, 2014
Not really, though that might be because I haven't played the games so they don't have too much meaning to me, and first person shooters and stealth aren't really as appealing to me as the platformers and RPGs that I normally associate with Nintendo. I'm the kind of guy that enjoys child-like, colorful games (and horror for some reason)

Maybe this will change when I get modern warfare mobilized, but I can't really see that happening :/


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
Veldt Falsetto said:
JoJo said:
Not really, if I'm going to buy one of those games I'd just get it on Xbox.
Any reason why?
IDK, they feel like they belong more naturally on that system (and the Playstation), maybe that's just me.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Don't care one single bit. I'm burned off Ubisoft just like I'm burned off EA and the last CoD I played was Ghosts and I hated it. Blops 2 was better overall and was best played on the Wii U for me.

Seriously, if you're a third party company, do not say and do stuff that will actively lose you customers. EA did it, Ubisoft, Capcom, Square Enix, and Sega have done it. Acti-Blizz hasn't, but they don't produce good enough games for me to buy anymore. I got sick of Microsoft with the 360 and how they acted with the Xbox One reveal, which burned me from them permanently. Sony, I'm middle ground, but I doubt I'll be getting a PS4. Absolutely nothing about it appeals to me, the games don't look fun, and I am not wasting another $60/year for online play that will not be fun. Can blame Microsoft's horrible attempt at that with the 360 too.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
I'm a little bitter about Call of Duty.

1) Why is it this one they're dropping? They made ultra crappy Wii ports of Call of Duty for how many years, and now that there's a Nintendo platform that requires basically no extra development to port onto from the ps3/xbox360 version, they've decided not to bother. Moreover, since they'll probably drop last gen support with the game after this, this is the last opportunity they may ever get to make a CoD for Nintendo without having to make an entirely different game. Making advanced warfare for WiiU would be hypothetically easier than any previous or future version of Call of Duty, and they would very much own the shooter market for the console at least for a while, so I don't understand the decision.

2) This is the one that I want. I know it sounds nitpicky to choose between Call of Duties, especially having never personally owned one (though having at least some experience on all of them since 4), but I don't want anything Treyarch touches. World at War, Black Ops, they can suck it. It's all slow, tactical, nitpicky gameplay catered to people obsessed with which guns damage 2% faster than almost identical other guns. What I want is Modern Warfare 2 back, the quick to kill, quick to die, super explosions leading to kill streaks with even more super explosions chaos festival multiplayer (maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but you know what I mean.) Advanced Warfare seems more like that than any of the WiiU versions, and now it's not happening.

And I'm a little bitter.

But I don't blame them. Nintendo Call of Duty has a track record of bad quality and bad sales after all.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
Nope, I would just prefer to get those on other systems at this point. Now I would like to see a new Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty that I would want to buy in the first place. I haven't been interested in either for about two years, and the upcoming titles still don't draw me in at the moment.