Poll: An alternate name for video games.


New member
Apr 25, 2011
Proteus214 said:
Your portmanteau is incredibly...bad. The problem with making a portmanteau like that is that there is no consideration of the etymology of the new word. In this case it literally means "out from within" which to me sounds like...pooping.
Oh. Oh God. That is hilarious.

On topic: Firstly, if you make up a new name now, will look like a marketing ploy. A bad one at that. Secondly, it will not be adopted universally, so gamers/Interexers will sound like a bunch of confused idiots.

On the other hand, "video games" is a pretty good term. "Video" and "games" are understood; these words have a meaning in our common language in a way that "Interex"--or anything else you could make up--doesn't. I would struggle to remember what to call video games if you changed their name to some markeding-speak. Nor does the term "video games" drag down the medium: games are not necessarily considered childish (chess, anyone?), nor are videos inherently bad.

If games want to be taken seriously, the solution is not to change their name; it is for people who make and play games to show that they are worthy of being taken seriously.


Warrior without Weapons
Jul 27, 2009
steeple said:
That's actually what call entertainment on the internet.

OT: I don't really think anyone is going to intentionally come up with a replacement name with it. Especially not after spending time trying to come up with it.

edit: not mention the impossible task of getting everybody to start calling it w/e the new thing is.