Poll: Are Ponytails Cool?


New member
Dec 20, 2009
Luke5515 said:
I used to have shoulder length hair, and it was 50-50 too. After I got a job, the "hygiene guidelines" said that I had to get my hair cut. All of my friends who were girls said it looked so much better, and my guy friends could care less, cause we're guys.
After all of that...I really missed my long hair. I don't give a shit if you like my hair or not, I want me to like my hair! So moral of the story, fuck everyone else, if you think your hair has a "fight the system" kind of attitude, then you go fight that system, and you kick it's ass with the god given hair that you love!
i like you! you know what? just because you said that i'm going to completely ignore what everyone else on this thread is saying and pretend that they're all complimenting me! no, i'm not being sarcastic, i really am!


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I wear my games in a hair in a ponytail mainly for practicality (eating, work, etc). I don't care too much for looking cool. I think long hair is cool in general though.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
interspark said:
so i've been growing my hair out for a while now (i'm a guy, by the way) and my hair is now considerably longer than most of my female friends, and i wear a ponytail, for practicality and because i think they have a "fight the system" kind of attitude to them. the feedback i've got is pretty much 50-50, my sister in particular expressingly telling me that they are NOT cool and that i should get a haircut. so what do the general public think?

(i would post an image were it not for the stupid Facebook image viewer thing that disallows the viewing of individual image pages, and therefor, image URLs)

EDIT: sorry, that bottom one says "" apparently, you don't use 's in the poll options
You should just grow it and see if it suits your face. I have long hair, but for practicality it's often tied back. I keep myself clean and trim, and have a bull beard, trimmed, as well. I have no problem with women or people in general, but it really depends on what suits you. Also, and I hate to say it, but if you have thinning hair, receding hair, or are noticeably a little fatter than everyone else, really don't bother, you'll end up looking like comic book guy


New member
Jul 29, 2010
Used to have one myself actually, mainly during my lazy college days. When I look back, I think it just didn't work to be honest, although the reason I cut it was more due to it getting in the way during martial arts training. Besides that, like some have mentioned above, you must be awesome, *and* have facial hair. Generally I think it only works on musicians too, tough guys (or tough looking guys) no way. Unless you are one of the main characters in Samurai Champloo heheh.


New member
Jul 16, 2008
I was in a similar situation a while ago and even though I had similar 50-50 feedback while I had the ponytail, I got 70-30 feedback in favour of short hair after cutting it off.

I'm glad that I had long hair at least once in my life, but short hair has it's advantages. It's easier to take care off, doesn't get in the way and, as sad as it is, people respect you more.
The only annoying thing about short hair is that it looks bad if you don't get a haircut frequently.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
If you like it, go for it. Everyone says my hair looks better now that its short. BUT I DON'T LIKE IT, I WANT MY HAIR BACK.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
It really depends on who it's on (if we are only talking about guys) there's a math teacher at my school with a deep voice and glasses with a ponytail, actually looks cool on him. Other people you just want to burn it off.


New member
May 8, 2009
coming from a guy that had blue hair past shoulder length at one time... My opinion is probably invalid but....

Rock it if you like it, who gives a shit if its cool or not if its how you prefer it.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Cut your hair, Ponytails on guys are for creepy pedo's who can't afford to go to the hair dressers.


The One with the Cake
Oct 17, 2008
amoamaremetallum said:
You absolutely 100% need to have a beard/awesome moustache to pull off a ponytail. I don't care who you are or how popular you are or how awesome you are. If you are a male, with a ponytail, you must have facial hair, otherwise it is proven fact that you look like a prick.
I agree fully with this. I have long hair but never put it in a ponytail simply because I can't pull it off. But I think that if I could actually grow some good facial hair that I would look a bit better.

I prefer to just let my hair hang loose though. Ponytails just don't suit a lot of people.


New member
Feb 4, 2011
The only way it looks decent on a guy is if you either:
A) Have a full beard and a strong face. Broad shoulders help complete the tough look.
B) Are thin, but have some muscle and normally sport a slasher smile. No facial hair in this case.
C) Are a kung fu monk.

9/10 times when I see a guy with a pony tail I think: hippy, flamer, trying to hard to be badass.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Now if you were saying your girlfriend was telling you they're uncool, you might have case. But you're not. So you don't. But I guess if you're okay being associated with this -

Then by all means, go ahead.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
I would say that if you're a guy and you have long hair, it should be in a ponytail.

I grew my hair several years ago into about a 9-inch ponytail and it ended up looking pretty good (according to other people, not just my own narcissistic opinion). The one caveat is that pulling your hair back will sharpen and accentuate your features; this may end up making you look more severe. I eventually cut my hair short again because it was just too intimidating. (I'm 6'6", so there's plenty of unintended intimidation happening already).


New member
Jan 26, 2008
I tie my hear back to keep it out of my face every day 3 bobbins, I'm that hard core.


New member
May 19, 2009
Just promise me that you wash and brush it regularly, and get it trimmed every month or so. If you're one of those guys who just grows his hair but never takes care of it, then you need to cut it off now for the good of those around you.