Poll: Are the generation of kids getting worse and worse over time?

the spud

New member
May 2, 2011
NO You are taking a few casual observations of a very small percentage of the people you are calling out and applying them to the group as a whole. It is called generalizing. Don't do it.

Secondly, intelliigence in most developed countries is going up by 3 percent a year, so that argument just went out the window.

Third, is there something wrong with using foul language? No, no there isn't.

Fourth, the rate of crime has been going down pretty much since the beginning of man, and it continues to do so to this day.

So, no, the kids aren't getting worse. The older generation will never approve of what the younguns are doing.

Trippy Turtle

Elite Member
May 10, 2010
They are normally pretty well behaved when I see them. Most of the badly behaved ones have stupid parents or have absolutely no freedom at home.
Once they hit about 13 is when most kids they start getting badly behaved though.

Kids these days are annoying because they can get away with it but other then that their not bad. They just need to learn that they can't always get their way.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
the spud said:
NO You are taking a few casual observations of a very small percentage of the people you are calling out and applying them to the group as a whole. It is called generalizing. Don't do it.

Secondly, intelliigence in most developed countries is going up by 3 percent a year, so that argument just went out the window.

Third, is there something wrong with using foul language? No, no there isn't.

Fourth, the rate of crime has been going down pretty much since the beginning of man, and it continues to do so to this day.

So, no, the kids aren't getting worse. The older generation will never approve of what the younguns are doing.
I will admit that a few of them are just general observations, honestly the whole "they're getting stupider" was just me throwing stuff out there (which was wrong since that basically detracted from the discussion value). Re-reading it I guess it's not so much about them getting worse in every aspect, it's just the amount of kids disrespecting their teachers are growing.


New member
Jul 30, 2011
I hope not, i just so happen to be stuck in this "horrific" generation. :3

Drakmeire said:
It's not true at all. If anything, kids today are less intolerant then ever and actually fairly considerate. Problem is, you would never notice this because the only children that catch your attention are the annoying ones.
Think about it, the only kids you see on XBOX Live are the ones who were raised by crappy parents who would let them play on XBOX Live. If you play shooters, you're bound to run into a foul-mouthed little brat at some point...or a foul mouthed full grown brat as the case often is.
I have a decent amount of hope in the next generation despite what I may say about humanity. All kids just seem awful after you grow up. If I ever met myself at 10-15 years old I probably would smack me for being such a little asshole.
It's only the bad ones you notice...At least I hope so.
Mind you, not every person under the age of 18 on xbox live is a total jerk, i think that now people just assume that they are bad, unintellegent teenagers that swear at their parents. Its really annoying seeing i fall under the category of under 18 on xbox live. :\


New member
Aug 8, 2011
It's just the fact that most people are little assholes as kids without realizing. I'd have to smack myself back when I was 9/10 so many times for all the stupid things I did.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
nah....thats just human nature for you

though it does make you wonder....in the time we live in all this new information..EVERYTHING at your finger tips on demand..there is almost NO reason for kids (or me for that matter, unless I got out to get games) to go out side

they say that social awkwardness may become the new norm....


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
Hindsight is always 20/20. Though I do admit from what I've been able to observe, there are quite a few more parents these days who absolutely refuse to discipline their children.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
As part of this generation, I can say that most kids I know are either annoying hipsters or teenage stereotypes, neither of which are respectful, tolerant, or even decent groups of people.


New member
Dec 15, 2008
I don't know. My range of observation and understanding is nowhere near the scope of having enough of a grasp on an entire generation to judge them as being "better" or "worse" than another generation.

I'm just some dude on a forum.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
As always, it depends on how the child was raised. I've met truly awful children - the scream just because they can, they treat the outside world as their own personal play-pen, and they show absolutely no fear of their parents. Good news is that these kids are usually around 7 to 9 years old. Afterwards, they tend to get a little bit better, to be honest.

I will say that young children these days behave worse than they did in my age. When I was in school, if the teacher told the class to be quiet, they'd usually be quiet. Nowadays, according to some teacher friends I have, kids at public schools act like chimpanzees. They don't want to learn, they don't want to listen... and it comes across in their academic work.

But classroom behaviour isn't the only measure of a person. The stats don't lie - crime, in developed nations, has been decreasing (that might not be attributable to the kids - I think crime has decreased because we have better forensic and information-processing tools necessary to catch them).

Kids are definitely more boisterous these days. Far less polite as well. But are they actually any more evil than the kids that came before? No. Not really. They're just louder. Are they more ignorant? Not really - most kids have always been ignorant, throughout history (most adults are ignorant as well for that matter).

They're more rude, I'll give you that. But I don't think they are morally any worse than the kids back in the 60's or the 50's. You see, back then the media and the news tended to, well, outright ignore children. They treated them as if they didn't exist. Nowadays, the youth, flush with cash from their parents, have become a major consumer force, and so the media pay attention to them and report their exploits and doings. This has led to a rather unfair amount of scrutiny.

Even if kids behave worse these days, it's also fair to say that adults behave just as badly. I've seen 35 year old men walk into a store swearing up a storm, in the presence of children. I've seen 50 year old men express extreme hostility and cruelty towards people just because they worshipped a different God than they did.

Adults are often quieter and less openly rude than kids, but in all honesty they're just as cruel, petty and nasty.
Oct 12, 2011
"I fear for our civilization. The new generation is ruder, more vulgar, unmotivated, disrespectful of their elders and lazy. What will come of our culture as they grow older?"

This quote (I probably got it a bit wrong, but the essence is there) was tacked to the door of one of my professors back in school. It was attributed to a Greek philosopher back in 300 BC.

Every generation looks askance at the new generation coming up.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
DarkRyter said:
I don't know. My range of observation and understanding is nowhere near the scope of having enough of a grasp on an entire generation to judge them as being "better" or "worse" than another generation.

I'm just some dude on a forum.
I guess generation was the wrong word, I don't mean everyone in the world, but the class. Like if you were the class of '12, like me, is the class of '15-'18 worse than your class at that age. Which I guess would be hard to guess since you were that age, I used a third party for my so-called "judgements"


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Oh yeah, of course they are. Just like how my generation is worse than my parents generation, the OP's generation is worse then their parents generation, and everyone is getting worse than their preceding generation.

Im pretty sure cracked did an article on this, though i cant be bothered to go there now and look, but suffice to say you're just getting older. the world is changing with the trends, and it will only continue to change as it goes.


New member
Dec 7, 2010
CthulhuMessiah said:
McNoobin said:
Grade 9: Disrespectful, annoying
Grades 7&8: (above) + majority using excessive drugs
Grade 6: (above) + sexual relations
I'm in grade 11, I'm a virgin, I never used drugs (unless you count the few times I was forced to go to church and got wine at communion), and I try to respect my elders to a point (if they don't respect me, I won't respect them back).
yeah im in year 11, i smoke weed and i drink but not seriously and i always try to be cheery and respectful to my teachers. i never talk back and i always try to be friendly toward them.
Sep 14, 2009
eh nahh, it's flipping around sure (shit with everyone having to be PC now a days and "think of the children!" and all that horseshit...) but i wouldn't say it's gotten "worse".

the kids who do stick out though, they stick out hard, that nail isn't gettin the hammer as the saying would've gone, the parents are too lenient and those little dipshits get away with everything constantly so you end up constantly noticing them.

and then

the equation comes up

"stupid kid...why the hell did he do that crap, all kids must be stupid."

"stupid jerkoff..why the hell did that guy do that crap? that idiot must be stupid."

sweeping generalizations that doesn't involve you are easy to make, unfortunately.

the spud

New member
May 2, 2011
McNoobin said:
the spud said:
NO You are taking a few casual observations of a very small percentage of the people you are calling out and applying them to the group as a whole. It is called generalizing. Don't do it.

Secondly, intelliigence in most developed countries is going up by 3 percent a year, so that argument just went out the window.

Third, is there something wrong with using foul language? No, no there isn't.

Fourth, the rate of crime has been going down pretty much since the beginning of man, and it continues to do so to this day.

So, no, the kids aren't getting worse. The older generation will never approve of what the younguns are doing.
I will admit that a few of them are just general observations, honestly the whole "they're getting stupider" was just me throwing stuff out there (which was wrong since that basically detracted from the discussion value). Re-reading it I guess it's not so much about them getting worse in every aspect, it's just the amount of kids disrespecting their teachers are growing.
Eh, well, maybe, but that kind of thing is kind of hard to know without quantifiable data (I'm one of those "until I see a graph, I don't believe it," kind of guys.


New member
Aug 17, 2010
Every generation says so about the ones younger than themselves. It's a part of growing up, really. As xkcd pointed out, the heavily disliked MTV generation is 30-40 years old now, and they're doing fine.

Really, I think it's basically that people underestimate all the crap that went on when they were that age, and overestimate all the crap that goes on now. Not so much rose-tinted glasses, just that if you were not a part of the group that did all the crap, you didn't really hear about it, and if you did, thought it was wrong because you didn't do that stuff. I know I've heard some fairly unpleasant things attributed to all people my age, when I knew a majority of people didn't do that.