Poll: Are you a Bioware Fan? What Type, and Why?

Bryan Jue

New member
Mar 18, 2010
spartandude said:
i just want to ask, i loved KotOR with a passion as well as DA:O and Mass Effect and Never Winter Nights, would you recomend Jade Empire?
I'm about 1/5 of the way through Jade Empire. As a fellow KotOR and ME fan, I would also recommend Jade Empire. The combat takes some time to get used to and the first hour or so is kind of slow, but it's a pretty cool and unique game. The answer is yes.

Edit: now that I think of it, Jade Empire's beginning really isn't as slow as KotOR 1 (ugh, Taris), or ME1 (by the time you leave for Therum you feel like you never want to see the damn Citadel ever again).


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
There's not an option that describes my situation. I've first heard of BioWare with MDK2, but I didn't become a real "fan" until Jade Empire (favorite game). It further didn't solidify until I played the first ME.

They make great games, to be sure. Doesn't mean that they're games can't be improved in some way (please don't get me started on the pause-and-play combat).


New member
Aug 18, 2010
What about all the people who first played Knights of the Old Republic, then Mass Effect (Not realizing they were linked in any way), then found out what Bioware was, then went back and played all the classics, and now loves every Bioware game there is?

This poll should to be much more inclusive, i know for a fact I'm not the only person who needs this option.

(I put classic, since i now love them all... it was the closest i could get.)


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
spartandude said:
i just want to ask, i loved KotOR with a passion as well as DA:O and Mass Effect and Never Winter Nights, would you recomend Jade Empire?
If you enjoy martial arts and Chinese mythology, then yes.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Been a fan since Baldur's Gate.
Haven't played any of their games since KotOR, though. Getting a new PC soon to catch up on the last few years.


Elite Member
Dec 1, 2009
I became a fan when they made KotOR, as it was the first Bioware game I played, so I guess I'm a classic fan.
Mass Effect is my favorite Bioware game though, and favorite game, period.
I love me some Bioware.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
...I guess I'm a classic BioWare fan with slight "only classic BioWare fan" leanings. I loved Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights and Knights of the Old Republic... I loved Mass Effect (and the Mass Effect universe is now my Star Trek... is there an equivalent term to "trekkie" for that?), I enjoyed Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect 2 despite some serious gameplay flaws (I was expecting more RPG, less shooter from the one, and 4th edition D&D from the other)... and while I'm less than enthused about Dragon Age 2s reputed gameplay changes and map design, I'll still pick it up when it gets cheap.
Also, looking forward to Mass Effect 3 and The Old Republic (as a star wars fan and a BioWare fan. Hopefully the story and gameplay are engaging enough to hold my interest... because I know item grinding and PvP won't)


New member
Feb 10, 2010
I liked pretty much every Bioware game I ever played. First one was Neverwinter Nights I think but at the time I didn't consider it a "Bioware game" it was just "a game". I didn't categorize games by developers, instead it was just good and bad ones (I didn't even notice it that much before I started frequenting gaming forums, those were just letters and logos I would spam Esc to get through faster). Now that I look back on it I can honestly say I liked them without any developer-fanboy biases. So yeah they make great games, just not my "bestest/favouritest" of all time.

Ian Caronia

New member
Jan 5, 2010
RollForInitiative said:
Not sure where I fit. I've played most BioWare games because I've been with them for years. It's interesting to see the results of your little poll; I'm glad that the "EA lapdog" count is lower than expected. I'm not too happy with recent hits to our reputation but I'll say this much: developer-side, we're still trying our God-damnedest to make fun games for you guys. I hope you'll bear with us through some of these rockier times and please know that we're listening. We really, truly are.

You're too loud to miss anyways. ;)
Oh, are you a developer for Bioware? Well, I'm sure I speak for many when I say that even those who say they hate Bioware often don't hold any ill will towards its developers. Developers do indeed represent a company, but it's the leads and higher-ups who have the eyes of the public to concern themselves with. They often can make a bad name or misspeak and create a bad light for their company when they think only about promoting and not about the repercussions of their words or actions.
The higher on the ladder you are, the louder your voice becomes. Developers get a bad rap because of these mistakes, but over the years the general public has come to understand this...mostly. lol
Thanks for posting and casting your vote (I assume). : )


New member
Mar 16, 2009
I played Mass Effect before KoTOR, It was alright but I really felt the the game play didn't age well. Videogames using a d20 system seemed odd. I'm a new fan and I expect to play Balder's gate at some point, but I don't expect much.

Chase Yojimbo

The Samurai Sage
Sep 1, 2009
Bioware for the win. Don't know why everyone hated DA2 (Well I know why, but don't care) The story was well made, though the dungeons and whatnot were hastily made, which though is annoying, I do not care for that type of stuff. Plus I have seen Bioware pull that stunt off before a few times and I have heard no complaints.

either way, Classic to the core lol. I just need to find me copies of the moldy oldies before they become to rare...


New member
Feb 25, 2011
Bryan Jue said:
spartandude said:
i just want to ask, i loved KotOR with a passion as well as DA:O and Mass Effect and Never Winter Nights, would you recomend Jade Empire?
I'm about 1/5 of the way through Jade Empire. As a fellow KotOR and ME fan, I would also recommend Jade Empire. The combat takes some time to get used to and the first hour or so is kind of slow, but it's a pretty cool and unique game. The answer is yes.

Edit: now that I think of it, Jade Empire's beginning really isn't as slow as KotOR 1 (ugh, Taris), or ME1 (by the time you leave for Therum you feel like you never want to see the damn Citadel ever again).
I never really got the hang of the Jade Empire combat. (PC player here) It seemed too easy to just pick a style, max it out, and spam its quick attack. I also thought the end was really abrupt. (Like, you beat the bad guy, walk out of his lair, and blink in the sunlight for a moment. *roll credits*)

Actually, I think there was a pretty good idea underneath, but both the storytelling and mechanical execution was ... not as good as I expected from experience with Mass Effect. On the other hand, I got it from Steam for $15, and, at 1/4 of the price of a modern AAA game, I suppose it's actually not bad. (You do need to fiddle with things a bit to get it to run on a PC with an OS more recent than XP, though, because the auto-setting-detect program crashes...)


New member
Dec 27, 2009
I've liked Bioware ever since Knights of the Old Republic. It sits on my list of favourite games. So that makes me neither old, nor new... a middle-aged fan maybe? I liked the first Mass Effect, loved the second, I'm liking the first Dragon Age and from the looks of the demo, I'll love the second one. There we go.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
I chose the first option because KoTOR is my favourite Bioware game. I still dig the latest releases, but Bioware peaked in that era.