Poll: Are you as sick of Star Wars as I am?


New member
Sep 13, 2009
The topic header explains my concern adequately, but I will expound.

As a member of Generation Y, Star Wars has been the bees knees, so to speak, ever since I was a kid. My parents showed my brothers and I the first three films before anything else Star Wars related, at first assuring us that "it was an old movie, and we probably wouldn't like it", the clever bastards.

Considering that the originals were made way, way before I was born, I think it's safe to say that the prequels were more relevant to my upbringing. At the time, I was too young to really judge them on their own merits, so they blended into the chaotic memories that are the rest of my childhood. In retrospect, I would consider them just mediocre, not particular terrible. HOWEVER! This thread is not meant to be a prequels vs. original series thread, so please, please, PLEASE don't turn it into one. But to be the example to follow, I would say that Star Wars had a modest effect on me as I grew up, and my expectations for what fiction was and was not.

However, after years and years of media exposure, marketing, spin-offs, fan-fiction, and various products, and am just tired of it. I don't have any enthusiasm or hatred for it at all anymore. I just don't care. I have no interest in seeing any new products or games concerning it. I had a lot of fun with Star Wars Battlefront back when the PS2 was riding high, and I will probably watch the prequels again some time in the near future if/when I feel like it, but other than that, it's just white noise.

But here is the part I really want other's views on: The new movies coming out.

As I said, I am very apathetic to anything "New" out of the Star Wars universe at this point, which means I am neither looking forward to them nor resent their existence. I have no interest in seeing them and won't unless someone tells me they are really, really good.

I'm curious what others think of this. Are you as sick of Star Wars as I am? Do you care about the new movies coming out at all? When did you become disillusioned with Star Wars, and if not, what is powering your enthusiasm?

While resentment is understandable, let's check our rage at the door, please.

Thanks guys.


New member
Jan 31, 2008
I feel like with Star Wars the amount of exposure you're subjected to is entirely up to you.

If somebody absorbs every new piece of Star Wars media that comes out then that's a lot to take in. But a lot of that media is pretty niche and easy to avoid. And as somebody who has avoided a good chunk of that media, I'm definitely not sick of it.

If somebody wanted to hype up for the new films maybe like, avoid Star Wars for awhile?


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
IQuarent said:
Considering that the originals were made way, way before I was born, I think it's safe to say that the prequels were more relevant to my upbringing.
I'm sorry :)

Light friendly mocking aside, I am not sick of Star Wars stuff yet. I was born a few years after Return of the Jedi came out and so my age bracket is pretty well-entrenched in Star Wars.

I think one of the primary reasons I'm not burned out is that I really don't do much with Star Wars for either the genres don't matter to me (like Battlefront) or because I've heard how terrible they are (anything to do with Episode I-III more or less). Outside of classics like Knights of the Old Republic and Rogue Squadron (somehow Force Unleashed got in my game list too but I thought it was good), I tend to shy away from Star Wars related stuff.

So I suppose it's like people with Zombie stuff; I still enjoy it because I just cherry pick the best stuff and leave the rest. I don't get burned out on all the crap for I just ignore it.

Sean Hollyman

New member
Jun 24, 2011
I'm really looking forward to the new Star Wars movies! I was only born in 95 so I didn't see the originals when they came out, but I think they are much better movies. But the prequels did give us awesome stuff like really good games and cartoons. I'm looking forward to seeing the new movies, I hope they aren't as crap as Episodes 1 and 2...


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Well, I'm sick of Star wars, though I only ever moderately cared about it when I was a kid (the KOTOR games are awesome though, particularly restored content mod KOTOR2), and nothing about the upcoming ones has me interested.

(Rant: I think bringing back the old cast is a mistake, their story is done, they don't need more story, there's an entire universe of people you could tell a story about, new interesting people, and a Boba Fett origin story? Seriously? The guy who does nothing of note, has no personality, and in his one action scene get's killed slapstick style by a blind man in a variation of the classic clown ladder gag? The guy who is only famous because he's got cool armour? Yeah, that makes me think these are going to be nothing but fan-wank. Which, fair enough, there's a lot of star wars fans, so you'll get your money, but you've not done anything to make me interested, (which is what the question concerns, I don't think movie making revolves around, or should revolve around pleasing me, honest)).

And, honestly, I'm kind of worried that a star wars movie every year (or 2 years, whichever they're going through with), is going to make it even more unlikely we'll get any other galaxy spanning sci fi extravaganza that's not attached to some already popular franchise (off the top of my head I can name Star Trek, Star Wars, Serenity, Fifth element (and maybe Guardians of the Galaxy, which I haven't seen, so don't really know yet)), and I'd love to see something new, we get loads of near future, usually Earth, sci fi, but few space opera, and I think that's something that transfers well to film (hell, despite my complaining about Star Wars, there's definitely a reason it's popular), so, you know, throw me a bone guys.

And now, completely off topic, and it's too late for you OP, but I see this a lot on polls, so this is for everyone:

Please, when making a poll with a yes/no answer, make sure that the response 'yes' to the title of the thread, does not mean the opposite when applied to the question posed in the poll, almost threw my vote away with that, and it wouldn't be the first time (and it makes me wonder what percentage of voters accidentally voted the wrong way, and if I can trust the results. . .Yes, I am a Californian in the Bush/Kerry election, thanks for asking).


New member
Dec 8, 2009
I wouldn't say I'm sick of Star Wars, it's just more than I don't really care. Unless the general consensus is that the new movies are absolutely amazing, I probably won't even go see them. What does annoy me is the litany of "OMG Star Wars!" reactions that seem to pop up with every bit of news that is released. The news itself isn't all that hard to avoid but the constant discussion over how amazing, terrible, over rated, influential, etc. Star Wars is/was with every news story that trickles out is unavoidable.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
If you're sick of something can't you just not consume it?

That's what I'd do. I'm not a fan of Star Wars, so consequently I don't watch the movies more than once, I don't read the books/comic, listen to the radio drama or cuddle up to a Chewbacca love doll. Thus I do not become sick of Star Wars.

Otherwise it's like someone crying out, "My God, I'm so sick of pasta!" while they shovel down their seventh plate of the stuff.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
I wasn't alive for the A New Hope, Empire came out when I was barely out of the womb but for some reason I distinctly remember seeing it in a theater as a very young child (maybe it was a holdover at a local theater). Jedi was the first I saw in theaters, and I've been hungry for Star Wars since... 34 years of it in fact. If after 34 years I'm not sick, I doubt I'll ever sour on it.
Do I dislike some of the material? Oh hell yes. There are some awful things that are associated with the franchise that I consider only the ravings of a madman with a CGI fetish and too much hubris to know when something is probably a bad idea. But nothing can diminish the love I have for Star Wars in general (and I'm also a huge Trek fan). I've also mellowed a lot in life and very little can induce rage in me anymore. I don't nerdrage over bad decisions whether they be made by comics, game publishers/developers or movies/TV shows. Mistakes are made, but it doesn't have to ruin what I like. Its not as if a 7th Star Wars movie turning out to be crap would somehow create some quantum paradox that taints my childhood. No one can take my memories or sully them because they're set in stone. They happened, and nothing changes that, and I'll never get sick of what I love about Star Wars because its ingrained in my past as a happy memory. I can never get sick of happy memories.


New member
Sep 13, 2009
Zhukov said:
If you're sick of something can't you just not consume it?

That's what I'd do. I'm not a fan of Star Wars, so consequently I don't watch the movies more than once, I don't read the books/comic, listen to the radio drama or cuddle up to a Chewbacca love doll. Thus I do not become sick of Star Wars.

Otherwise it's like someone crying out, "My God, I'm so sick of pasta!" while they shovel down their seventh plate of the stuff.
Accusations of hypocrisy seem completely unnecessary. Perhaps I should clarify my position?

I used to like Star Wars, but it's been in the public eye for so long and in the media outlets that I happen to like(oh to give a random example, this website) that I got really tired of it. It's awfully hard to avoid when every other episode of this that or the other on websites like this are going on about it constantly(yes, that was an exaggeration). If I have to give specific examples I will, but they are not hard to find. Not that there is anything inherently wrong with Star Wars or discussion of it.

I'm not consuming Star Wars. Nor am I offended by it's presence. Where as others are excited by new movies coming out, it just makes me sigh. I'm not complaining about it's existence; I don't want anything to do with it. Not anymore. The point of this thread is that I was wondering if I was the only one who felt this way, because I couldn't imagine that was the case.

Telling me that you know better about what I'm thinking or doing than I do does not lead to productive discussion, in my opinion. I don't disrespect you and I can understand if there was a misunderstanding(paradoxically, I suppose) so also allow me to preemptively say that there is no need to get defensive. It's all good.

Mister K

This is our story.
Apr 25, 2011
Well, to be fair I never thought that SW was really that good. I mean, the setting is nice, The Force is a nifty device and light-sabers are cool-looking. Oh, and Darth Vader is great villain, how could I forget?

Everything else I found, well, kind of boring. Also, I simply cannot understand some peoples fascination with Princess Leia (or Leya, whatever). I don't mean as a character, but as a, well, fantasy of a woman, you know what I mean.

However, I liked KOTOR 1 and 2.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
Tired of it? Has there been any new stuff in the last few years?

I like Star Wars. Loved the originals, thought parts of the prequels were OK, really enjoyed the EU all the way until NJO. Liked over half the video games. X-Wing and Tie Fighter simulators were great, Rogue Squadron and all associated rail shooters were crap. Dark Forces was cool, anything from DF 2 on was stupid Jedi stuff that got more and more away from what was good about the 1st one. Being a mercenary in the SW universe was fun, being just another Jedi got boring fast. KotOR and 2 were great, that's how the jedi stuff is done right, turn-based combat. Action games like Force Unleashed... weak.

But has there been anything recently? Besides some kiddy cartoons that I never paid attention to anyway? The EU is dead, the only game I had any awareness about was canned, and it's been how many years since the last movie?

It's just hard for me to consider myself tired of something that I have had no exposure to for 5... 7... how many years? Maybe as many as 9? No, I actually think it's about time for some new Star Wars.


New member
Jul 31, 2008
Nah I'm not sick of it. Starwars has it's good and bad moments in all forms: OT, PT and EU stuff. But regardless of all the lousy parts of any of the actual media, it's still a really really cool universe and I think I'll continue to like that aspect of StarWars. And also SSC's StarWars 1/6 figures.


New member
Sep 13, 2009
Good responses! I appreciate the varying perspectives. Unfortunately for me, it doesn't appear that my opinion is as widespread as I thought it might have been. Keep it coming!


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2011
I am. Star Wars was practically my life all throughout childhood and a good chunk of high school. But the prequels left a real sour taste in my mouth, and next to nothing I've heard about the upcoming movies has made me want to see them. And I can't say I much care for how Disney's handled the EU. I still enjoy some of the older books and hold the KOTOR games in very high regard, but I'm really not at all enthused for the future of the franchise. I don't hate that it exists, I'm just not interested in it anymore.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
I was born after Star Wars (in 89), so I never cared for it. When I got around to seeing the original trilogy I was not impressed, and I watched the prequels because other people did but they were terrible. I think its because I like characters more than setting, and the characters and interactions in Star Wars were just awful. Growing up on something like Buffy or Star Trek DS:9 and yes, even Voyager, when nothing really has to happen because the whole episode can be carried on the backs of character interactions and dialogue really coloured my world view of entertainment. It also led me to liking TV shows much more than movies, I like long arcs and slow story-telling.

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
I still love the entire franchise. In my opinion, Star Wars is still "prima rullar," which is Swedish for "a movie series that delights and fascinates both adults and children the world over and always shall."


New member
May 12, 2011
I am a massive fan I have played the games watched the tv shows read the books and I am so pumped for episode 7 and rebels as the new canon change means its all fresh and new again and I have been a starwars fan all my life and have never even seen a starwars film on the big screen when it come out

the only thing I am sick of is people bitching about the prequals its been over a decade since phantom get the fuck over it

plus the revenge of the sith novelaztion is amazing

heck I am the guy that spends hours browsing wookiepedia