Poll: Are you finished with Bioware now?


New member
Oct 26, 2008
I was done with it after ME2. It made me see that Bioware is now beyond redemption. Then DA2 came around and my opinion stayed the same.


New member
Feb 28, 2010
SajuukKhar said:
Chronologist said:
Didn't bioware specifically say after witch Hunt came out that they were NOT going to do a story about the magic god baby?

I swear i saw it talked about multiple times on the dragon age wiki
You make it sound like Bioware doesn't blatantly lie to its fans.

abridged quote of the promotion for DA2
"You play as Hawke, who is the most important person in the history of the Dragon Age world"
Yes, because accidentally finding magic crazy rocks that make the leader of the Templars nuts, never seeing them for about 2/3 of the game, and generally only happening to be close to the actually important figures makes you the most important person EVER.

That's without even getting into their deceptions regarding Mass Effect 3. Come on.

EDIT: It's also not a magic god baby if it takes place 10+ years after Dragon Age: Origins. Then it's a magic god teenager.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Wow, bad poll design. I wanted to vote for 'yes' but voted for no because I saw the thread title. And anyway, I bear no grudge (or any respect/fandom) for Bioware, if they make a game that looks good, I will buy it. Don't really care about the Mass Effect 3/ Dragon Age 'scandal', if you can call it that.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
I took it one step further. ME3 is the last EA game I will ever buy. If I see EA on a title I will not put in money into purchasing or renting it.

EA ruined such a great developer. All I have to remember them by is Baldur's gate, NWN, and KOTOR.

May you rest in peace Bioware.


New member
Mar 13, 2010
Unless EA/Bioware releases some free DLC to fix the horrible endings for Mass Effect 3, I'm done with Bioware. I was even all set to purchase Dragon Age 2 and Jade Empire, but after ME3 and Casey Hudson's poor handling of the situation, I'm not giving that company any more of my money. Granted, a large chunk of that is also due to EA's horrible PR.


New member
May 24, 2011
Holy shit, I accidently voted no. Of course I'll play another bioware game. ME3 was a great game until the ending. But how long is the ending compared to the rest of the game.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
I don't know. I honestly haven't played Mass Effect 3 yet. Though, judging from all the fan rage clogging the internet recently, I might not ever pick it up.

It'd be pretty sweet if they made another Jade Empire, though.


New member
Jul 18, 2009
Yes. I finished ME3 before I started seeing the internet backlash. I think it's insane. You have the right to complain about the ending. I get that. And I get that lots of people wanted their rainbows and unicorns happy ending. I kinda did too. But one of the driving themes throughout ME3 is that you can't save everyone, there will be losses, etc. Know why? Cause that's what happens in a war. Everyone loses.

One other thing: if they make a new ending, they SHOULD charge for it, if for no other reason than people have to get paid to work.


New member
Mar 20, 2012
I wouldn't say I'm finished with Bioware but I'm becoming increasingly worried for their future projects. Their games are still astoundingly good but the sprinklings of retarded and lazy choices seem to be getting more and more generous.

I liked DA2. The combat was dumbed down to the point of it being laughable and the story wasn't brilliant either but I still had an amusing few days playing it. My experience with ME3 was probably similar to most others. I loved it from minute one to the bafflingly awful ending despite a few bits and peices in the story inbetween leaving me scratching my head a bit. Its true that not every story has a happy ending and they don't have to have one to be good but thats kind of the point. This was YOUR Shepard's story. If you put the time and effort in to have your Shep get everything right over the course of the 3 games, save every character, ace every paragon/renegade check and do every sidequest under the sun(s) etc you should be allowed that ending where Shep crushes the Reapers under his/her mighty boot, lives to tell about it, highfives Garrus and everything is lovely forever (with a scene showing how everyone is getting on following the final battle being mandatory). If you constantly fucked up and didn't bother doing anything other than the main story jazz over the trilogy then yeah, you get to eat shit but if you were a rubbish Commander Shepard then it fits. Thats always been my thought on the subject anyway.

The thing that made my 'Why Bioware, why?' sigh even more gravelly and forlorn was the business with the Mass Effect: Deception novel. I'm guessing a lot of people don't care but this was the first book in the series written by someone other than the lead writer and he ballsed it up so badly Bioware are currently picking through the smouldering wreckage trying to find something salvageable. The problems were so huge and numerous that it leads me to believe little or no proof-reading took place prior to the books release because if somebody who knew the bare minimum about the games read it they'd probably find themselves confused and pointing out flaws by the end nevermind nerds like me who eat this shit up like its Christmas.

The Tali reveal was something I just didn't get. I was a little sore because the quarians were one of my favourite things about the ME universe and I was looking forward to seeing what they looked like. It was less about Tali and more about her entire race for me. Getting a stock photo with 5-10 minutes in photoshop was annoying but I was more confused than I was irritated. I've seen some fantastic predictions of Tali's appearance all over the internet. Bioware could have just gotten someone, ANYONE to put something together for what they must have known was a pretty widely anticipated moment in the series but they didn't. Yeah, like I said I don't get it.

The funniest thing about all this shitty ending business is that Bioware seem to genuinely believe it was all a good idea. Casey Hudson tells us he likes that it has gamers talking and debating and also that he thinks these endings ensure the series is not forgettable. Huh. I guess getting kicked into a muddy ditch full of alligators at the end of an otherwise fun journey WOULD be pretty memorable but not for the right reasons. I'd certainly talk about those alligators afterwards but not in what you'd call a flattering light.

In conclusion: Yeah, Bioware are making some pretty stupid decisions (or failing to make decisions that really should be made) right now and I'd be lying if I said it didn't make their games any less enjoyable but enough to make them not worth playing? I don't think so.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
Depends entirely on the game they are putting out. There's a part of me that would like to think that after two games that have received such backlash, they'll take their time and seriously figure out their next step. Plus, I don't think it fair to give up on Bioware after ME3's ending. A solid majority of gamers (myself included) really liked the first 98% of the game and its two predecessors. I look at the ME series as a sum of its parts; the ending of ME3 alone will not deter me from seriously considering future Bioware releases.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Not that I beat ME3 yet, but I've enjoyed all 3 Mass Effect games, the Mass Effect Multiplayer and both Dragon Age games. Will I buy a bioware game again? I don't know it depends on if its good.
Just because a certain company makes a game doesn't make it special, just look at how the Final Fantasy series turned out.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
Let see:

KotOR: Loved it.

DA:Orgins: Hated it, found it to be a totally hosed up game.

DA2: Loved it, because it fixed all the things that I had problems with in DA:O

ME1:Loved it.

ME2: Loved it.

ME3: Loved it, and love all the things that people are hating on.

So yes, it all adds up. The money will be flying out of my pocket to BioWare when they come out with their next game or DLC.

BioWare is the #1 developer for me at the moment.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
I don?t really like their current direction but if they make a game that looks good I?ll buy it. Not likely to be a preorder or day one buy tho.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Axolotl said:
I was finished with Bioware with Dragon Age. The whining about ME3 has been nothing but music to my ears.
my sentiments exactly. well, i was finished at dragon age 2, but thats a minor point.

ME3 to me (i borrowed a friends copy, no way id pay) is like the final scene in Return of The King where the forces of men are surrounded by orcs: ME3 is a small core of good surrounded by a sea of evil.

the gameplay is solid and the narrative engaging, but there are far, far too many bad things for me to excuse, even if they are only peripherally related to the quality of the game. the day one DLC, origin, the NES sprites, the stock photo, the progressive shift to being a GoW clone, the lack of dynamic dialogue, and lets not forget the looming eye of sauron in this metaphor, the fucking ending.

i do have a theory as to the ending though: i think it was intentionally awful so it would cause an uproar and get EA to rethink their handling of bioware. a way for the writers to secure their future basically.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Mass Effect 3 was among one of the best new games I've played in a very long while. The ending was a huge disappointment, but not enough to discount an otherwise excellent story.
I suggest in the future you just play up until the charge on the transport-beam, then turn the game off and declare yourself a winner.

Grey Day for Elcia

New member
Jan 15, 2012
Phlakes said:
A couple weeks from now, once the dust settles, Bioware will still be Bioware. If you've been on the internet for any amount of time, you should know that this happens after every single game they release- fans rage, threaten they'll never buy another Bioware game again, and then a year or two later they have the next one preordered.

It's almost like they're being irrational and caught in an angry mob. What a thought.
Yeah, pretty much, lol.

I'd bet money that every single person that voted they won't play another Bioware game, will.

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
The only Bioware game I ever tried to play was KOTOR, since I'm a Star Wars fan. But I couldn't bring myself to play past the first hour, it was so boring. I really wanted to like it, too. I just don't see Bioware as making my kind of games, that's all.


New member
Jan 13, 2010
Ohhh it's not the real ending. Ohh I see. There's more to come. Oooh I see, all will be revealed. Oooohhhh ok. Ooooh stinks like EA.

No. Or yes. I don't know what the fuck this poll is about.