Poll: Are you finished with Bioware now?


New member
Jul 9, 2010
I'm waiting for the resolution of the Retake Mass Effect 3 movement.

I'm also hoping that when Dragon Age III comes they will have gotten rid of the voiced protagonist and allow you to choose your character's race as well as gender.

I'm hoping that they'll release real rpgs in the years to come, less fps with a rpg elements tacked on, more branching storylines.

So even if I'm not entirely giving up on Bioware, I'm waiting for a sign to trust them again as I did before.


New member
Nov 6, 2007
I don't know why people would decide not to play a game before it is even out, based on the fact that they might not like it. Surely, this applies to every game!

If you've been disappointed in the past, just wait for reviews and word-of-mouth next time. Then decide whether you want to buy it. That's what you should be doing anyway.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
Actino said:
Bioware is a BUSINESS which is renound for producing incredible games.
I wouldnt call Bioware games incredible, but thats just my opinion.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Meh, the question isn't if I'm done with Bioware, but rather is Bioware done with me? I'm a fan of the games they made in their first 10 years of existence, but Bioware doesn't seem to care about this audience anymore.

Yuno Gasai

Queen of Yandere
Nov 6, 2010
Eddie the head said:
Why because the last 10 min of a game was not as good as the previous 30 hours? Or because the MMO they made didn't kill World of Warcraft in a few months? Seams silly to me to swear off a whole developer because of the last 10 min of a game.
This is pretty much my thinking.

I'm one of the people who's willing to judge Bioware on a game-by-game basis. If they come up with an entirely new game (i.e. one which is separate from some of their existing franchises) that interests me, I'll give it a look.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
Pumpkin_Eater said:
endtherapture said:
There were a lot of other problems with ME 3's story, but I'll agree with pretty much any fan pitched ending being better than the actual one.
Wait I thought they cut the real ending into dlc to counter-act story leaks?


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Elmoth said:
Not so much finished with them as much as, striking them off my 'respected developers' list.

Relic Entertainment
GSC Gameworld
CDProjekt Red
Obsidian Entertainment
Double Fine
InXile Entertainment
You have some strange standards if obsidan is on that list, I usually expect the game to be finished before it is put into stores.


New member
Feb 28, 2010
TheBear17 said:
SajuukKhar said:
Murmillos said:
In short; just say that you are trying invalidate his opinion by your own better-then-thou opinion.

Every game has its own set of issues, but BioWare games used to be better over-all. (again - just an opinion shared by many-many others).
Nope not at all.

I was merely pointing out the supposed level of quality Bioware head has been and always will be a opinion, and like all other opinions they are not fact.

A game company can never get better or worse, they can always just be.
Is there a real rational point somewhere in there or just Zen bs?
It's Zen BS. The quality of a service or product can be measured by the reactions to said product or service. In addition, one would think that a game company that makes well-received games is better than one that makes panned games, and that's only counting sales and customer reviews. Plus, if a company that has a history of making well-received games suddenly produces a game that is panned by 80% or more of their target audience, you can say that the company's products have gotten worse.

SajuuKkar is just spouting more relativistic BS in order to defend his opinion. Just ignore the troll until it goes away.


New member
Jun 6, 2010
I voted wrong. Yes I will play Bioware games. ME3 was great till the end. The end was just inconclusive. I can easily forgive them for making me have a blast of a time.


New member
Jun 30, 2010
Due to EA and the general shift in direction, I will not purchase further Bioware games. The only reason I even bought 3 was to finish the trilogy, but i have felt slightly underwhelmed in my progress so far.


New member
Sep 1, 2010
the ending for ME3 wasn't what I wanted
Now I'm never going to buy their games again!
because any rational human being would conclude that a disagreeable ending should spoil an entire quality game!


New member
Aug 19, 2009
I used to love Bioware, but they've been doing little but spitting me in the face lately.
Now it's more of a love/hate relationship.
Still can't give up on them just yet though.
I hope this is just some kind of phase they're going through.


New member
Jun 4, 2011
endtherapture said:
Now...after Dragon Age 2, ME3 and THAT ending, how many of you are actually going to abandon Bioware?
Still didn't start playing ME3, and I've no idea what kind of ending could cause such controversy, but DA2 caused some as well, and I never understood why people disliked its gameplay. Even more so, I found it baffling when my friend told me he skipped DAO because he heard the gameplay was bad. Think about that for a second.

The way I see it, some people get disappointed, angered, or whatnot, they make their voices heard on the internet, and people start repeating those words. But it being the internet, people tend to go to extremes, and instead of a simple "The ending is poor" we get, well,
endtherapture said:
THAT ending
as if it were infectious.

But to answer your questons, I will play their games, but since Origin is needed to run the new ones, I don't plan on buying them. (See what I did there? People trashtalk about Origin, and I read about it and adopt an opinion. This can be good and bad, but most of the time it's just a timewaster.)


New member
Mar 31, 2010
I voted wrong thanks to your fucked up title. Thanks for that.

Make my "no" a "yes". I LOVED Mass Effect 3. I do wish there was more of an epilogue to it; more closure for my squadmates; but other than that, I loved the whole journey...

From looking out of the window at Earth, nearly 5 years ago, to
looking over the ruins of Earth with a dying Anderson
at the end of ME3. These games have taken me from highs to lows like no other and I'm eternally grateful to all at Bioware that they made it and let us play in their universe.

To the whiners out there: grow up. Stop seeing conspiracies and lies wherever you turn. The world isn't like that. Not everyone is out to screw you. Major news sites aren't accepting bribes for good scores. These people, reviewers and developers alike, love this series and if you think otherwise you are seriously delusional.

I pray to god that you get some perspective on life so that you can look back on all this rage and laugh at yourselves.