Poll: Are you finished with Bioware now?


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
I don't know. With ME3s ending, Deception, and what I've heard about DA2, I don't know if I'll be sticking with them after this. They've done good in the past, but the way they're trending now, it seems that things aren't to improve.

Of course, they could always prove me wrong, but then again, I'm only really 'with them' because of Mass Effect.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
Depends pretty much entirely on how they handle the whole ending thing. It's looking better now, with the announcement from Muzyka, but I won't say anything for sure until we know more.

Blade_125 said:
Question to everyone. I haven't bought ME3 yet (I'd like to say it's on principal for the whole DLC BS, but it's more because I just bought a condo and I have no money). I have heard a whole lot of complaints on the ending, but what about the rest of the game? Is it just as bad? How does it compare to the first two?
Besides the last 10 minutes, and parts of the opening level, the game is pretty much the best the franchise has ever been.

The problem with those last 10 minutes, though, is that the game seems to go out of its way to ruin established continuity and make past choices seem pointless. (Hence why we've fought for the ending to be "fixed".)


New member
Aug 21, 2010
How ridiculous, anyone who says no is lying because you know dang well if they release another excellent RPG you'll go out and buy it regardless of your previous butthurt.

That being said, the main thing that upset me about the ending besides catalyst child was no detailed epilogue. In DA: Awakenings you find out the fate OF YOUR FREAKING SWORD. Yet in ME3 they can't even be bothered to tell me if my Brogans Wrex and Grunt make it back to Tuchanka or not. Uncool.


Karma Haunts You
Jan 5, 2011
I buy games I like. So probably not since they make good games.

"Oh this ending is so bad i'll never buy another game from them again"

You do realize different departments work on different games right? ME3 has a department, So does DA.


New member
Jun 1, 2011
I'm not going to be so pig headed as to say I'm never going to buy a game from a company again after some past mistakes. I, for one, didn't think the ending to ME3 was all that horrendous, though I see why other people do. Even if I did sympathize with all the people screaming bloody murder about the ending, that would be a stupid reason to boycott Bioware.

To me, it seems like a second grade playground.
"Bioware, you broke my toy! I will never be your friend again!"

It's just silly. Chances are they will make games that will have improvements based on what they've learned from their mistakes. It's probably going to get better, not worse. If their next games don't appeal to me, I won't buy them. If they do, I will. It's that simple.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
I thought Mass Effect 3 was pretty awesome. I guess that'll teach me to play a game, beat it and legitimately enjoy it without checking online to see if everybody else thought it was good or not.

Seriously, I read some articles about this supposed "terrible" ending. The "plot holes" are easily explained and as for people not getting what they expected; boo fricken hoo. It's like they've never actually finished a Sci Fi novel.

You want your choices to affect how the universe turned out? Guess what! They DID!

Blah. I'm so sick of people complaining about it. It wasn't the greatest sci fi ending ever, but it was pretty good.


New member
Nov 8, 2011
Yes the ending of ME3 was a bit of a let down after all of the great moments in the game, but honestly the Mass Effect series was one of the best series, in any medium, for me. Yes Dragon Age 2 fell a little flat but Bioware listened to the fans and tried to create a better experience. Failing at trying to improve, to me at least, is a good thing. I think I will keep giving them my money for the great games that they produce.

P.S. poll or thread name need to be edited totally misvoted on it.


New member
Mar 21, 2012
I love BioWare's games. I am a huge Dragon Age fan, and I love the Mass Effect games, and I thoroughly enjoy Star Wars: The Old Republic. So many people were upset with the ending of Mass Effect 3, but I personally wasn't bothered by it. So, no, I am not done with BioWare.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Ha! I do love drama queens.

I've never really been interested in any Bioware games, but I'll be laughing if they serve up a slice of fried gold and all you 'I'm through with you!' guys will be quietly playing the shit out of it. Or not so quietly, whatever. Maybe it's too much like common sense to judge their next game when it's actually been released?


Pee Eye Em Pee Daddy
Apr 4, 2010
I think they got big headed and cocky about thier games that this is their reality check. They better not end up like square.

Patrick Buck

New member
Nov 14, 2011
Yeah, I still haven't bought ME3 yet. I know the ending is supposed to be shit, but hell, I still wanna see how it ends.

And The captcha was "She's a witch".
Monty python flashbacks. :)


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
Like anything else, I'll wait and see whatever new game they drop is.

Example: The Old Republic? No thanks, since I'm not real big on PC gaming and I'm not a big fan of MMOs. No point wasting dosh on something I don't care for, right?

New or re-released Jade Empire? They will almost literally have me by the balls.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
Or... you could stop caring about what developer makes each game and buy games that YOU like the look of, and that YOU think you would enjoy and is worth your money. I loved ME1, ME2 and Dragon Age: Origins. I wasn't a fan of SWTOR and have yet to pick up ME3. This doesn't mean, because of 1 game of theirs I didn't like, that I will refuse to buy any of their future games, because they might just make some games that I really like, and some that I don't, it doesn't mean they went downhill between ME2/DA:O and SWTOR.

Honestly, people's logic when it comes to their purchasing of games and developers is ridiculous. Buy shit you like, don't buy shit you don't like, that's all it needs to come down to. Stop getting pissy about who made what game and what they did to what franchise. Just buy games that you like.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
Yahtzee pretty much nailed me3. Well at least my complaints with it. They butchered side quests more then even me2 did.

Now we get maby 2 or 3 side missions where you actually land on a planet. The bulk of the quests are just go to system x, hit your scan pulse to highlight the planet with quest item.. then send a probe to pick it up. Do that about 15 times and it gets boring fast.

War assets are in no way acknowledged during your gameplay. By that I mean, you wont be fighting with krogan,turrian or asari forces. Find a dozen ships to add to your war assets? You hear nothing about those. Get 3 groups of bloodthirsty mercs on your side? You never see a vorcha attacking a husk.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
I had the same problem with your poll as Pumpkin_Eater, except I am on the opposite side of the argument.

I personally loved the game, and will think about the fantastic journey across all three games rather than those last five minutes, so yes I will continue to buy their games.

It really only went downhill for me when you started talking to that ghost guardian, the whole argument with The Illusive Man and "Best seats in the house" thing with Anderson before that was intense.

In the end, people who will still keep defending/enjoying their games will be called "Fanboys", and anyone who says that Bioware has become corrupted by the dark side of EA and doesn't care about their customers zomg will be called "Haters".

So lets settle this by simply saying Haters are going to keep hating and Fanboys will keep loving, and there just won't be a thing to change either sides minds.

EDIT: In case nobody gets it...

General_Mills44 said:
Barring a bad ending ME3 was a fantastic game. However just because the last 5 minutes were unpleasant I'm not going to suddenly forget about the 36 hours of pure fun.
... this is my opinion of the game, with a few tweaks.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
I've really liked Bioware for a long time, but I just don't want to play their games anymore. ME2 kinda worried me when it came out. And then DA2 was just a disappointment, so much so that I decided that if ME3 was terrible then I was done with them.

ME3 had such a terrible ending that I kinda just sat there a little while thinking "This is it? What the hell happen to everything? That was the end? How is this anything like what they advertised?" I tried to play it again for the achievement, but the MEs had been ruined for me.

So, I'm done with Bioware. I simply can't trust their games to not be terrible, and neither can I shake the feeling that they were gonna try and sell us a false ending in the first place.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
Midgeamoo said:
Or... you could stop caring about what developer makes each game and buy games that YOU like the look of, and that YOU think you would enjoy and is worth your money. I loved ME1, ME2 and Dragon Age: Origins. I wasn't a fan of SWTOR and have yet to pick up ME3. This doesn't mean, because of 1 game of theirs I didn't like, that I will refuse to buy any of their future games, because they might just make some games that I really like, and some that I don't, it doesn't mean they went downhill between ME2/DA:O and SWTOR.

Honestly, people's logic when it comes to their purchasing of games and developers is ridiculous. Buy shit you like, don't buy shit you don't like, that's all it needs to come down to. Stop getting pissy about who made what game and what they did to what franchise. Just buy games that you like.
Don't you buy a book based on the author? Aren't there directors whose movies you won't see because they are terrible? You can usually predict whether or not you might even like a game by looking at who made it.


New member
Jan 25, 2011
ME 3 did a good job, hell half of the side missions had their own cutscene and debrief they didnt have to do that.

All in All ME was a fun ride, some moments in the story were perfect. Every game has ups and downs, its just ME3's sour spot was the most important part of the game.