Has anyone actually bothered to look furtheer into the ending than 'ZOMG BIOWARE ARE CRAP'? I mean, do you honestly think Bioware, a company with a pretty good track history when it comes to games, would, for some incomprehensible reason, through all that out the window in a lazy ending? did anyone bother to wonder how anderson got onto the citadel, when the everyone but shepard was wiped out? or why Harbringer jsut flew off instead of killing shepard? or why the Illusive man just ignored the console if shepard dies? or why shepards eyes, if you pick blue or green, looked like TIMS, who is being indocrinated by the Reaper tech inside him? If Bioware are guilty of anything, its thinking that their fans would be able to work out that the ending sequence didnt happen, because shepard hallucinated it after he was knocked unconcious by Harbringer. and before i get ranted at, actually bother to look at the evidence. think: the connections to the catalyst were open to space. there were no barriers of any kind. how could shepard have survived? no-one would ignore a plot hole which completly ignores basic science. humans cant breathe in space. so please, stop whining about the ME3 ending, and think for a moment.
or just watch this. it explains it better than me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZOyeFvnhiI&list=FL8jfh8z8ocTJPafn5pDNeww&feature=mh_lolz
Bioware have an excellent record. one 'mistake' shouldnt ruin that.