Poll: Are you finished with Bioware now?


G-mans Henchman
Mar 30, 2011
Yes. I think that no matter what a game dev does they deserve at least a fair look at any game they bring out, if you love games you shouldn't judge any new game solely by what has come out of the studio before. for example I didn't like what activision did with CoD after MW2 but I still seriously considered MW3 on its own merits.I didn't end buying it btw.


New member
Nov 2, 2011
I don't hold game companies to high standards. They can make a shit game. They can have an awful ending to a great game. I only ask that they have ethical business practices. This day 1 DLC abuse broke the one and only standard I hold them to.

I'm actually shocked to see the gaming community indifferent to this ethical violation only to turn around and complain about the ending of the game. What does that say about yourselves? You'll turn a blind eye to ethics but be damned if your video game ending is not what you wanted? They can try and fail at story writhing but you don't fail ethics, you purposely violate them. The ME3 ending was a failure. The day one DLC was malicious.


New member
Mar 25, 2011
Yeah... no. Unless they do more of this multiplayer is important monumentally to the single player crap. I can't stand that crap. I can't support multiplayer on my internet connection, and Mass Effect, up until 3 was single player only. I don't mind that they have a multiplayer component, but don't get your peanut butter in my chocolate.

Am I done with Bioware? Heck no. They're still one of the best companies on the market. If I got pissed over every disappointment there would never be anything to play. I mean as boring as I thought Half Life 2 was I should never have played Portal, which was fantastic.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Restated the question:

Is the fanbase too spoiled to actualy enjoy any other game?

My answer would be yes. Bioware is a great company and I'm genuinly addicted to Mass Effect 3, just like I was with 1 and 2. In fact, I love most of the new design choices. I think the game beats Mass Effect 1 and 2 by miles, which was a very high bar.

Also, I think the fanbase needs to stop crying so loud, it makes them look stupid. The day-one DLC didn't fucking matter. The multiplayer is good and a nice addition and whatever people will make up next to fuss about. Seriously. People have no idea how it is to make games. The day-one DLC for example, was a very fine result to good planning, not an example of wasted resources.

Anyway, enough of this rant.

I think BioWare is a great company that deserves the praise it gatherd in the past, because I believe Mass Effect 3 is a worthy game.

Fanbase: cry more.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
The mass effect 3 ending was a complete and utter joke. And it turned out... nobody thought it was funny.

I got to the end, found out that I literally didnt need to do ANY of the side missions.. at ALL. They have ZERO effect on the game... didnt change the absolute shit ending choices. (The changed the colors of the Relay burst.. and the order Garus, EDI and Joker come out of the ship.. OOOOo Ahhhhh... LAAAAME.

Not to mention, The kid blah blah blahs when it could have been boiled down to.. "Hey, look man, your dead no matter what.. so pick to control, destroy, or buttsechs the reapers. Lemme know how that works out for you. Peace!"

Yeah.. thanks Bioware for that epic waste of time. I was expecting an epic battle, leading to a satisfying conclusion.. only to literally watch the same damn ending with different COLORS?! Are you KIDDING me??

I made 100% paragon choices.. and it made ZERO difference in the game..

They should have just made it a crappy FPS.. (which is an option, not surprised.) and sold it for 9.99 in the bargain bin.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
10 minutes of suckage of an otherwise great game isn't going to put me off Bioware. So no, I'm not "finished" with them and I expect to see another great game from this company. Hopefully...


Monk of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2009
I'm still holding on for hope for Jade Empire 2

I mean if I can have a new SimCity and a New Command and Conquer Generals then there still is hope.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Yes bioware has made some of my favorite games Like jade empire just because some people didn't like the ending of one of the best game of the year is not a good reason to not buy there games


New member
Aug 14, 2008
We'll see. Bioware hasn't been a company that produces every game as "OMG MUST PLAY" (but then again nobody does for me), but the ones that do strike my fancy have been fantastic. I also quite liked the Synthesis ending option from ME3, so I don't really feel the popular hate of Bioware at present time.

Sigma Castell

Elite Member
Sep 10, 2011
Has anyone actually bothered to look furtheer into the ending than 'ZOMG BIOWARE ARE CRAP'? I mean, do you honestly think Bioware, a company with a pretty good track history when it comes to games, would, for some incomprehensible reason, through all that out the window in a lazy ending? did anyone bother to wonder how anderson got onto the citadel, when the everyone but shepard was wiped out? or why Harbringer jsut flew off instead of killing shepard? or why the Illusive man just ignored the console if shepard dies? or why shepards eyes, if you pick blue or green, looked like TIMS, who is being indocrinated by the Reaper tech inside him? If Bioware are guilty of anything, its thinking that their fans would be able to work out that the ending sequence didnt happen, because shepard hallucinated it after he was knocked unconcious by Harbringer. and before i get ranted at, actually bother to look at the evidence. think: the connections to the catalyst were open to space. there were no barriers of any kind. how could shepard have survived? no-one would ignore a plot hole which completly ignores basic science. humans cant breathe in space. so please, stop whining about the ME3 ending, and think for a moment.
or just watch this. it explains it better than me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZOyeFvnhiI&list=FL8jfh8z8ocTJPafn5pDNeww&feature=mh_lolz
Bioware have an excellent record. one 'mistake' shouldnt ruin that.

Damien Granz

New member
Apr 8, 2011
endtherapture said:
Before ME3 came out, a lot of people said it would be the last Bioware game they ever purchased.

Now...after Dragon Age 2, ME3 and THAT ending, how many of you are actually going to abandon Bioware?

I honestly can't see myself buying anything more from Bioware unless Dragon Age 3 is in the style of Dragon Age Origins, then I'm done.

How about you?
I'm done with treating their brand name as an automatic purchase/success.

Not with the idea of ever buying a game from them; if they redeem themselves, cool by me. But the automatic 'benefit of the doubt' I rarely give to good companies about a game before I see it, is done.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
I thought Mass Effect 3 was really good up until the ending so I still think they can do good. However, I've never really been a fan of Dragon Age, so it will just depend on what their next titles will be.


New member
May 31, 2011
Zaeed was the only character I deemed worthy in the mass effect series even sheppard and all those characters seemed so weak and childish for someone who has served in many wars that Sheppard doesn't even sound like he has mental war scars. A gritty hardcore mercenary with a decent story in ME2. However they totally wasted this potential, so the company can choke yet again.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
HOunestly I dont care about the ME3 ending. Its Biowares IP and they can finish it anyway they like, I played Mass Effect 3 for the story told before the ending.


New member
Sep 28, 2010
Most gamers seem to talk a big game and always seem to say "well next time I won't buy from them." then the next time and the next. just admit it, sales dont lie and whatever game they produce people will buy it in droves. from what i can gather about me3 is that people loved it til the ending so you must have enjoyed it a little bit.

Don Savik

New member
Aug 27, 2011
I don't deal in absolutes so childishly, so I'm going to say it depends on the game. Dragon Age I never really got into and the third seems to be an attempt to cash in on Skyrim/make things better with the fans, so its not looking too good. Mass Effect on the otherhand has become the Call of Duty of science fiction games so I'm definitely done with that.

On the other hand, I'm currently playing and loving Swtor, its nice to know thats where Bioware is putting all there effort into. Its quite an awesome mmorpg.

Did Bioware drop the ball with a few things? Yes. Their money obsession has ruined some aspects of the series.

Are the fans going way overboard? Also yes. While the ending deserves better for a 90+ hour series of games, stop treating it like its worse than the holocaust. Yes, the game needs a better ending, but could you just tone it down a little?