Poll: Are you religious?


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Legion IV said:
RobCoxxy said:
If you REALLY believe in heaven, and that it's a quadrillion times better than life on earth, why do people wear seatbelts?

And cry when they say "Dad's in a better place?"
Alright, i gotta respond to this, i hope my comment wasn't taken in the wrong light, like i said not all and again it seems just my city, again sorry if offended you or anyone.

Now i hate when people use these arguments. First off of course I'll be fucking sad when a loved one dies, even though there probably ballin it up in heaven chilling and getting a hug from god. There still gone, they still died, they were still taken from this earth so of course we'll be sad.

If your best friend say for like 20 years said there moving far far away you'll never see them again and they cant call you or use phones but its there dream come true, you'll still be sad. So cut it out with that garbage, when i had a loved one die i mourned of course i did why wouldn't i she was still a kid!? but deep down and to this day i know shes in a much better place, shes fine shes up in the sky looking down on me and shes happy that even though I'll never forget her, I'll never be sad anymore that shes gone cause all that will do is make her sad so theres no point. So enough with that same quote.

Secondly, life here is still great, we were given life by our savior why would we squander the greatest gift hes given us? That would be an insult. He gave us the greatest gift of all which is life so why on fucking earth would we give that up!? Its like being served dinner an amazing feast Turly cranberrys fish, potatoes but dessert if your favorite cake and you just throw all the food over the table and say i want my fucking dessert not this garbage.

Now comparisons aside the other reason is, intentionally doing something like that would be in a sense killing ourselves, Our life's are not ours to take. When you let him into your heart its no longer just yours...

Just so much snark comments.
So why not just skip the whole Earth thing and let his creations all just live happily in heaven? This is what doesn't make any sense to me(among other things). Sure Earth could be a test. But why make humans imperfect and flawed and capable of even thinking of doing wrong or not believing in god. Why would you give them the opportunity to fail? Why wouldn't you make their brains default to believing in god so that little tribes all over the world who have never heard of Christianity (or whatever other religion that says all people who don't follow their religion go to the bad place) don't get banished to hell with absolutely no chance of even knowing what they did wrong?
See this is what I just don't get the most. IMO, either God isn't real or he certainly is not good.
I don't mean to debate religion I try to go with the whatever floats your boat attitude but I have always been curious about what a religious person would say to this and I would never ask this of a really religious person outside the internet because the only ones I know are family members and they would hate me if I let slip that I'm not religious. (These are outside the main family, my mom, dad, and sister are all agnostic.).
So again, I'm not trying to shake your faith or anything (I highly doubt some random opinion on the internet would be able to do that) I'm just really curious to see how religious people answer my above rant.


Ruining videogames
Feb 3, 2011
brom0220 said:
major_chaos said:
I stared out somewhat skeptical of the whole "divine being crated the universe from nothing on a whim" but then the fact that most of the science types I've asked about the origin of the universe can never come up with anything any more reasonable for the origin of matter or the origin of life has (among other things) caused me to follow the same path as my parents and be a christian, plus I figure there's always Pascal's Wager so its a win-win for me. The irony is that so many people here say that they don't like religion because its followers are pushy I have only ever had the opposite experience, I had several atheists rant at me and tell me i'm a moron if I don't agree with them but the church types have never been anything but nice.
The ignorance (as in, lack of knowledge, often confused for stupidity, it is possible to not know about something yet still be quite intelligent after all,) of a few people does not mean that it is reasonable to believe in a god without evidence to support its existence. Also, you are very lucky if you have only met the nice church types, but don't let that fool you into thinking that the pushy types don't exist. The history of mankind is riddled with atrocities committed in the name of religion. And for every atheist that condemns religious people as complete morons, there are many more that are just fine with people believing what they want to believe, provided they don't try to force others to agree with and accept their beliefs. Also, the sheer number of different religions makes Pascal's Wager pointless. What if when you die you meet Buddha or Vishnu instead of God?
1. since the "ignorant" have failed to enlighten me what is your theory on the origin of matter that make so much more sense than than a divine being (not trying to demand you see things my way just curious)
2. I think that I've met more pushy atheists because there are more of them, how many times have you seen a news story about atheists wanting legal action because they saw something vaguely religious and it "offended" them? how many times have you seen that same story reversed?
3. the history of man is also full of atrocities committed in the name of man, and of those committed in the name of religion were often little more than evil men using their own manipulated version of a religion as at tool to get what they want
4. I mention Pascal's Wager because out of all the religions I've studied Christianity is by far the one with the most evidence of being the truth

my captcha was Hickey ofaining O_O somehow that sounds nasty


New member
Mar 23, 2009
I'd say I'm an agnostic though I'm not entirely sure. I'm highly skeptical of the idea that there is a God but I don't rule out the possibility. That being said, if even if I did find irrefutable proof that there is a god and its the christian god, we'd still probably not see eye to eye on a good few things.

However this is mainly based on the vocal minority of idiot Christians rather than the more quite sensible ones. So maybe he's not that much of an arsehole. Time will tell. Be an interesting conversation if I ever make it up there.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
Legion IV said:
RobCoxxy said:
If you REALLY believe in heaven, and that it's a quadrillion times better than life on earth, why do people wear seatbelts?

And cry when they say "Dad's in a better place?"
Alright, i gotta respond to this, i hope my comment wasn't taken in the wrong light, like i said not all and again it seems just my city, again sorry if offended you or anyone.

Now i hate when people use these arguments. First off of course I'll be fucking sad when a loved one dies, even though there probably ballin it up in heaven chilling and getting a hug from god. There still gone, they still died, they were still taken from this earth so of course we'll be sad.

If your best friend say for like 20 years said there moving far far away you'll never see them again and they cant call you or use phones but its there dream come true, you'll still be sad. So cut it out with that garbage, when i had a loved one die i mourned of course i did why wouldn't i she was still a kid!? but deep down and to this day i know shes in a much better place, shes fine shes up in the sky looking down on me and shes happy that even though I'll never forget her, I'll never be sad anymore that shes gone cause all that will do is make her sad so theres no point. So enough with that same quote.

Secondly, life here is still great, we were given life by our savior why would we squander the greatest gift hes given us? That would be an insult. He gave us the greatest gift of all which is life so why on fucking earth would we give that up!? Its like being served dinner an amazing feast Turly cranberrys fish, potatoes but dessert if your favorite cake and you just throw all the food over the table and say i want my fucking dessert not this garbage.

Now comparisons aside the other reason is, intentionally doing something like that would be in a sense killing ourselves, Our life's are not ours to take. When you let him into your heart its no longer just yours...

Just so much snark comments.
To the first thing: I agree. I understand why christians are said when a close one dies even if they believe he is in heaven.

To the second thing... wowowow, slow down a little there, buddy. "We were given life by our savior"? Why? What's the point of "living"? Why do we have to be in this plane of existence when there's one infinitely better after we die? Why have to go through suffering, pain and horror? What's the point of living?

Also, why do you call Jesus (I assume you are talking about jesus here) "our savior"? From exactly what did he save us?

"Our lives are not ours to take". What the hell? Why not? It's OUR lives. We can do whatever we damn please with them. If life is just some kind of on-rails experience we just have to accept and live through, why bother to live at all? WHY exactly do you have to go through life and death to go to heaven? Couldn't God just simply pick up our souls and get them into heaven, effectively preventing them from commiting any sin, and thus, making hell unpopulated?

If God is all powerful and omniscient, why doesn't he prevent us from doing bad things? Why do we have to "prove" him anything when he knows exactly what we are going to do? Why did he send Jesus to Earth if he knew he was going to be killed? Why didn't God manifest himself before Jesus? Why doesn't he make himself present? Why doesn't he send an obviou signal that shows without doubt that he exists?

And what exactly is God? What is heaven? Where are they? What is a soul? Is space real? Is it infinite? If so, is God somewhere in Space? Does he keep track of more planets other than Earth? Is hell a tangible place?

If God created humans to be like him, why are we warmongers, greedy, selfish and violent by nature? Wouldn't that mean God purposely set those emotions there intentionally? Wouldn't that mean evil comes directly from God?

But then, why? Why did he create Evil? Why is he making people suffer? Why go through this suffering? Why this torture? Why not just fucking make an uthopia where everyone is happy?

Why did he make that so that in order to survive we need to kill each other? Why do animals have to die to give us food? Do animals have souls? Do they go to heaven? Why were they created and given life if they do not have? Why? WHY?

Answer me and you'll maybe convince me to reconsider my beliefs. Until then, I'll keep thinking there are no Gods at all


New member
Nov 21, 2009
No, mainly because I should have my own ideas and opinions without being forced into a strict set of them, so that I am open to others opinions and can make my own mind up independently of a strict set of ideas.


New member
May 24, 2011
Ammutseba said:
Am I schizophrenic? No, no I'm not.
See? It's shit like this that pisses me off about atheists. Let people believe who they want to believe.

In terms of God, I believe in the Bender theory: "God's got stuff to do. He shouldn't be answering all of our prayers, we've got to do it ourselves." We're not his children; he's more like our landlord.


New member
Aug 27, 2011
I'm not religious because I've never seen any evidence to prove that a god or group of gods exist.
Simple as that.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
SideSmash said:
Is there an "I Think" option?

Also, I'm getting kind of sick of all the snarky atheists who think they're smarter than religious folk. Get the fuck over yourselves, ESPECIALLY the whole "Flying Spaghetti Monster" thing. That doesn't make you look smarter; that makes you look like an asshole.

Also, i'm Jewish. 'Nuff said.
1) "I Think" is covered under the "No" choice.

2) I don't see a problem with the FSM thing if you're using it to point out anyone can come up with stuff, make bold assertions and use crazy rationale to "prove" they're right. If a theist can come up with real evidence for their god, then hey! I guess that'll show the snarky atheist.

3) You wouldn't be the first Jewish atheist I would've heard of, so no. 'Nuff wasn't said.


New member
May 24, 2011
SaunaKalja said:
SideSmash said:
Is there an "I Think" option?

Also, I'm getting kind of sick of all the snarky atheists who think they're smarter than religious folk. Get the fuck over yourselves, ESPECIALLY the whole "Flying Spaghetti Monster" thing. That doesn't make you look smarter; that makes you look like an asshole.

Also, i'm Jewish. 'Nuff said.
1) "I Think" is covered under the "No" choice.

2) I don't see a problem with the FSM thing if you're using it to point out anyone can come up with stuff, make bold assertions and use crazy rationale to "prove" they're right. If a theist can come up with real evidence for their god, then hey! I guess that'll show the snarky atheist.

3) You wouldn't be the first Jewish atheist I would've heard of, so no. 'Nuff wasn't said.
Nononono, I mean "I think I'm religious."


New member
Jun 6, 2010
Krall said:
Wait, why is agnosticism a third option? Surely it's covered by "No"?
Nope, an agnostic is more like "undecided". Not a believer but not an atheist either.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
SideSmash said:
Ammutseba said:
Am I schizophrenic? No, no I'm not.
See? It's shit like this that pisses me off about atheists. Let people believe who they want to believe.

In terms of God, I believe in the Bender theory: "God's got stuff to do. He shouldn't be answering all of our prayers, we've got to do it ourselves." We're not his children; he's more like our landlord.
Listen, we would "let people believe what they want to believe" if that didn't interfere directly with our freedom.

Theist parties and organizations have been obstructing the way of progress and keeping in the way of mankind since forever.

Have you ever seen a group of atheists persecuting and annihilating every theist on sight? Have you ever seen an atheist purposely sabotaging a theist for the sake of making him suffer?

Have you ever met a theist person that was kept together from his family because they were atheists? Because I have seen the opposite, and I can tell you it's quite frustrating.

I'm tired of theists being able to bully atheists around, and as soon as atheists say something about it, they get shat on by the public opinion.


New member
Jun 16, 2011
I use to be but I've decided a few weeks ago that any God that would condone through silence conservatives who twist the words of Christ (the most awesome man ever, even if he is fictional) into a gospel of fear and hate isn't a God I want anything to do with. Either he doesn't exist or he doesn't care. Either way, I've given up on him.

I WANT there to be a God. But I honestly don't see it happening.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
sure, its much harder NOT to believe in something that it is to believe in a religion of sorts. not gonna go into details tho.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
Krall said:
Wait, why is agnosticism a third option? Surely it's covered by "No"?
Because Agnosticism is not teh same as Atheism. Atheism is the disbelief in a god or creator, while Agnosticism is the idea that there may or may not be some sort of god or creator. It is a good third option, becasue it is sort of an ambiguous I'm not sure" choice.

Also, just to let everyone know, Atheism does not mean the disbelief in spirituality. Spirituality and religious belief are two different things, though they often tie in together. One can not believe in a god or creator, but still believe in a human spirit or soul, and it would be considered a form of Atheism.

Also, just to let everyone know, Atheism IS A RELIGOUS BELIEF. It is an idea about religon, and your beliefs therein. My philosphy professer pointed this out once, and the man has doctorates in religious philosophy anf logic, so I am inclined to believe him.

As for my own beliefs, they are a series of ideas that I composed myself. Roughly, I am a Universaliist, but it is not as simple as just saying that. I believe in the idea that science is correct, but that there is also some sort of higher intelligence. I do not believe it a is a large bearded figure on a glowing throne, but it is intelligence none the less. I do not want to go fully in depth, as that wuold require a book, and I don't have time for that now.

Anyone who wishes to argue/debate anyhting I've said, feel free. I will come up with an answer.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
CarlMinez said:
Krall said:
Wait, why is agnosticism a third option? Surely it's covered by "No"?
Nope, an agnostic is more like "undecided". Not a believer but not an atheist either.
No, it isn't. Agnosticism is not "uh man, I can't decide which one do I believe, let's just wait until one dissapears and join the other one".

Agnosticism is not having solid proof to demonstrate either of the theories. Agnostic is a person that believes these are just theories and we have not discovered the truth yet. Agnostic is someone that is awaiting for the absolutely truth to be discovered. Agnostic is a person that doesn't blindly follow faith, nor made-up stories, not theories that do not have any proof behind them.


New member
Jun 6, 2010
SaunaKalja said:
SideSmash said:
Is there an "I Think" option?

Also, I'm getting kind of sick of all the snarky atheists who think they're smarter than religious folk. Get the fuck over yourselves, ESPECIALLY the whole "Flying Spaghetti Monster" thing. That doesn't make you look smarter; that makes you look like an asshole.

Also, i'm Jewish. 'Nuff said.
1) "I Think" is covered under the "No" choice.

2) I don't see a problem with the FSM thing if you're using it to point out anyone can come up with stuff, make bold assertions and use crazy rationale to "prove" they're right. If a theist can come up with real evidence for their god, then hey! I guess that'll show the snarky atheist.

3) You wouldn't be the first Jewish atheist I would've heard of, so no. 'Nuff wasn't said.
Just felt the need to point out that this has never been, nor should it ever be, a question of evidence. Extremist atheists and theists make the same mistake, namely that they don't see religion and science as compatible. But they certainly can be. Indeed, some of the most distinguished scientists ever, throughout our human history, has been religious. There is simply a limit to what science can tell us about the world. Human experience is subjective and demands philosophical answers.

What you prefer depends on what kind of person you are. You are simply not in position to say what's right and wrong. Whether you "think" or not doesn't depend on whether you are an atheist or a religious person. It obviously depends on how ready you are to accept views that differ from your own.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Krall said:
Wait, why is agnosticism a third option? Surely it's covered by "No"?
Surely good sir it is covered in the yes? I always saw agnostics as Christians who are starting to come around to atheism.
Agnostic is a firm maybe but I for one am an atheist. It makes the world so much more beautiful and wonderful and I find real joy with life not just endlessly trudging on waiting for the release of death to bring me happiness. It also makes life precious and suffering needless.

Arina Love

Apr 8, 2010
no, i'm an atheist because i'm human of reason,logic and science and personally i don't see how religion fits in to any of that. i generally don't have problem with adult believers but i DO have big problem with children religious indoctrination without a choice and religious genitalia mutilations in age when human is incapable of thinking and deciding for thyself.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
Fbuh said:
Krall said:
Wait, why is agnosticism a third option? Surely it's covered by "No"?
Because Agnosticism is not teh same as Atheism. Atheism is the disbelief in a god or creator, while Agnosticism is the idea that there may or may not be some sort of god or creator. It is a good third option, becasue it is sort of an ambiguous I'm not sure" choice.

Also, just to let everyone know, Atheism does not mean the disbelief in spirituality. Spirituality and religious belief are two different things, though they often tie in together. One can not believe in a god or creator, but still believe in a human spirit or soul, and it would be considered a form of Atheism.

Also, just to let everyone know, Atheism IS A RELIGOUS BELIEF. It is an idea about religon, and your beliefs therein. My philosphy professer pointed this out once, and the man has doctorates in religious philosophy anf logic, so I am inclined to believe him.

As for my own beliefs, they are a series of ideas that I composed myself. Roughly, I am a Universaliist, but it is not as simple as just saying that. I believe in the idea that science is correct, but that there is also some sort of higher intelligence. I do not believe it a is a large bearded figure on a glowing throne, but it is intelligence none the less. I do not want to go fully in depth, as that wuold require a book, and I don't have time for that now.

Anyone who wishes to argue/debate anyhting I've said, feel free. I will come up with an answer.
I would disagree with this one. Atheism is not a religious belief. Atheism is just sticking to what's real, and disregarding what has not been demonstrated. If you are atheist, you do not "believe" anything. You see, you hear, you experience, you test, you think, you wonder, but never, ever, blindly believe in something. An atheist will NEVER say "I believe in...". He'll say "This is the theory that has the most solid proof and has more chances of being actually true".