Poll: Battlestar vs. Stargate


Bearer of Pointed Commentary
Jul 13, 2008
My BSG vote is, of course, for the only version that's ever been produced, starring Dirk Benedict as Starbuck. -:D


New member
May 12, 2010
i enjoyed the first parts of BS but lost interest fast.
on the other hand i loved Stargate,i have watched all 10 seasons of SG1 at least 5 times.
Atlantis was also awesome, didn't quite have the same humour but still good.
an i really enjoyed universe while it ran.
but really go and get Farscape, wipes the floor with them all.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
I actually watched all of Battlestar Galactica recently, all four and a half seasons within a week. I've been watching Stargate on and off all my life. While I liked SG-1, I felt that it was only really good when it focused on humour more than science. I loved the first three seasons of Atlantis, but felt like it really fell down at the end there. Galactica.....well, while I liked the idea, I really wasn't sure about most of the fourth and final seasons. So overall? I'd probably have to go with Stargate because it's re-watchable whereas I don't find that so much with Battlestar.


New member
Feb 10, 2010
Watch the original Stargate , it has nothing against any other Sci-fi (and you HAVE to watch the film first)

Im watching the New BSG its very people orientated highly political more of , this is what the people would do if this happened, more of a Sci-fi soap opera like stargate universe.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
New or old BSG?

I have watched mostly the new one.
Personally, I liked BSG better. A lot of it is, however, politics, religion and survival in space (Not the 'shoot the enemy' type of survival, but more the 'We need a leader, we need food, we need water and we need food' kind of survival). There are some espionage sections to it, and some battle sections too. The battles, when they happen, tend to be fast. An interesting and deep story, but can sometimes get a bit heavy.

Stargate depends on which series you watch, and which season. I like SG1 and Atlantis, and I didn't mind Universe. Sometimes funny, and generally more light hearted. It does say something about the series to have gone on for this long though.

Both are good shows IMO, it all just depends on what you're looking for in a show.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Archangel357 said:
Archangel768 said:
I found what I've watched of Battlestar Galactica to be unimpressive. The characters were really unlikable.

That being said, I found Stargate SG1 and Atlantis to be brilliant and the characters in those shows are fantastic and very likable.

Don't watch Universe though, as it just feels like Battlestar Galactica, boring and the characters are lame.

Well, that's my opinion. I have a friend which absolutely loves Battlestar Galactica.
First, HEY!!! You stole my handle!!!

Next, what you call "boring" and "lame", adults call "deep" and "fleshed out". What's "likable" got to do with anything? People are idiosyncratic, contradictory, complicated... Is Shylock "likable"? I guess that means that High School Musical is superior to The Merchant of Venice, then?

What's "boring" about a group of people desperately trying to keep up the illusion that they are the "good guys" while sending suicide bombers to police academies? What's "boring" about asking what it is that makes us human? What's "boring" about asking whether society's values are relevant if that society is all but gone, or whether it is those values that constitute a society? Theodicy? Transhumanism? Ethics? Actual bloody issues?

Oh look, splosions. Issues r laem.

mcattack92 said:
Battlestar Galactica is for people who like
politics and drama while Stargate is more for the people who like action and crazy science stories.
Pretty much.

OT: Are you over 23? BSG. No question.
I never said "deep" and "fleshed out" was boring and lame, in fact, I can enjoy those qualities in characters quite a lot (see Ghost in the Shell SAC), I was just stating my opinion on how I felt about the characters and I just so happened to not like the characters in those shows. Also, I find it amusing that our user names are similar.

btw: My parents are well into their fifties and my Brother in Law and Sister are around 30 yet they all really enjoy Stargate SG1 and Atlantis and hole similar views on the others shows. So I think they kind of disprove your point on being over 23.


New member
Jul 21, 2011
To echo a few points earlier on, it's apples and oranges. Yes, both are scifi (and SyFy), but they're doing different things. SG1 is going for fun; BSG for drama. In a nutshell, SG1 can get away with episodes like Window of Opportunity and 200, so it's near impossible to compare the two.
BSG is certainly an admirable show. It's very serious and at times quite effective, but personally I too often found some of the characters and plot points incredibly stupid.
Of course I'm biased towards SG1: it's the show I grew up with, and it will always have a special place in my heart. Sure, there are plenty of dodgy episodes (mainly in the first and last 2 seasons), but I still find myself enjoying it thoroughly whenever I randomly catch it on Foxtel. BSG, for all it's hard work, for the most part completely fails to immerse me in its universe, which I rarely had an issue with in SG1.
And for the record, I loved and Atlantis and quite enjoyed Universe (I'm quite perplexed at the hate, but there's no denying it's aping BSG's style). O'Neill and McKay are two of my favourite characters of all time.


New member
Jan 4, 2011
BSG all the way.
The stuff i've seen from any stargate series always was pretty bad? Simple or maybe even childish? (i'm not bashing the show, this is just my opinion)

BSG isn't just about explosions and telling a new small story each episode, but also makes you think about problems we have in the world right now. (abortion, class and other social issues)

I've seen somebody say in this thread that he didn't like the show because the characters weren't likeable, but imo this is also a strenght of the show. They don't just give you the good and the bad guys, but make you think about every issue these people (and ofcourse the cylons)have to deal with in the situation their in. These characters actually grow instead of being just good or bad.

These are some things why it makes such a great show.
If you've finished it you should watch game of thrones :)

Oh and Firefly! yes! watch that! o_o
and spartacus (first few episodes are quite stupid and lame, but they get a lot better! :))


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Well, how about you watch the first few episodes of both and then deside?

Also I love battlestar and find stargate boring


New member
Mar 29, 2010
As others have said BSG is exceedingly well written, brilliantly paced, tightly focused drama that starts with a bang rockets up for a while but does tail off a little towards the very end. SG1 is great fun that takes a season or two to really get to the great stuff then tails off for a season or two. If you're after fun go for SG1, if you're after well crafted drama, go BSG, but personally I'd watch BSG first then watch SG1 after (for one BSG will be a LOT cheaper)

Though I'd like to second the Farscape nomination. First episode is terrible, but after that its probably the best sci-fi show out there after Futurama. Characters are great, stories are incredible, humour is fantastic. Frelling brilliant. It was a show that was that good after it got cancelled prematurely the fan reaction was strong enough to get it resurrected


New member
Nov 10, 2010
BSG got stale fast when they started throwing in the religious nonsense. Guess the writers couldn't be bothered anymore.

SG however has remained interesting and entertaining, no competition here.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Archangel357 said:
No hard feelings, mate (do they call you "Arch" on forums, too? I hate that). Sorry if I came off as patronising.

At any rate, the whole point of BSG is that the characters aren't supposed to be black and white, but that each of them battles inner demons. They're all deeply flawed, which is why I can relate to them far better than I can relate to MacGyver in SG-1. Roslyn may be crazy. Tigh is a drunkard and a sadist. Starbuck is a slut and a loose cannon. And yet, they're the "heroes".

Plus, Series 3 of BSG was basically a major "frak you" to the American war in Iraq, so that gets major bonus points.
No worries. I think I recall being called that on occasion before. I had someone thinking I was a girl once because angel was in the name despite my choosing of that name being a reference to a space warship in a TV series lol.

Fair enough, I can understand the appeal that the characters have to you as I can also appreciate the internal struggles that characters in other media endure. I guess it just comes down to personal preferences. Also, I feel as though I came across in my first post as very harsh on the show. I didn't hate it, I guess I was just expressing how It didn't really suck me in, in comparison to the alternative shows.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
I grew up watching Stargate, beginning by seeing the original movie at the cinema. I diodn't watch Battlestar Galactica until I bought the DVDs. I find Stargate fun to watch (As it is not exactly very srs, has MacGuyver in it), but I found Battlestar more interesting (More plot-related things happen).

It really depends on what you are into. Stargate is a light show with relatively small amount of plot, large amount of action and pseudo-techno/science, MacGuyver, and humorous almost all the time, as well as it's spin-off Stargate: Atlantis. Universe I'm half and half on. Battlestar is much more dark and serious, has a little less action (Guns go off in just about every Stargate episode, Battlestar can go about three episodes with next to no major-ish fight scenes) but does have a good serial plot and characters that change over time.

Captcha: the full monty - .....I see....


New member
Nov 27, 2009
Have watched all episodes of both series. Actually own the first season of SG-1. Own all of BSG.

BSG is the kind of show where after most episodes, you either want to talk about the episode, sit and think about where you stand on the issues of that episode, or wipe away a tear or two. People will engage in questionable decisions to survive and struggle with those decisions (give or take Lee Adama). A major theme seems to be that there are God-like powers in the universe.

Yes, it would have been better with the last 30 mins of the final episode revamped.

SG is the kind of show where you enjoy the action, effects, etc. The brainy guy will always find a solution (and always be a guy) and everyone will live happily after; while there may be negative consequences to their actions, the characters themselves rarely seem to struggle with what they have done (though Universe - clearly modeled after BSG - did this a little more). A major theme is that anyone claiming to be or represent a God is not really and out to scam you out of whatever they want from you.

Off the top of my head, I can't think of a single episode where I would call a friend after it aired and discuss the implications of the episode (something I did regularly with 2-3 friends after BSG episodes)

In literary fantasy terms, BSG is Lord of the Rings and SG is Harry Potter. Both are good, but one puts an emphasis on epic themes and the other is primarily fun. Let's see, in sci-fi terms, maybe BSG is Asimov and SG-1 is Allan Dean Foster.

OP: both are excellent, but it depends on what you are looking for in a show.


New member
Aug 24, 2009
out of those? i hate to say i'd go with SG1
and what is this "battlestar" caprica in the options? ;) Caprica is nothing like BSG (as it has completely different setting in a different time), and while the teenies sometimes just screamed for some spanking because they acted like... well, teens, it made the show that more "believable". i'd say give the first... 3 episodes a try. i enjoyed watching its one season (though not that much that i have to watch it again ^^")

if you want to watch something good, grab some Star Trek (with exception of the prequel-abomination, of course, which didn't have star trek in its name for a very good reason)

oh and Firefly (watched 3 times now). but be prepared to be very very sad that it was stopped. gorramn mutha... *RAAAGE*

i also enjoyed Andromeda quite much (watched it... dunno, five or six times?). especially season 2 and parts of 3, where i actually sat there and tried to figure out what this was all about. talking about some crazy stuff and wtf?!-moments here and there xD
it most certainly has it flaws, no denying that, but for me it worked; it has a certain charm about it. most of my friends didn't like it that much; i fell for it from the first minute ^^

Belaam said:
BSG is the kind of show where after most episodes, you either want to talk about the episode, sit and think about where you stand on the issues of that episode, or wipe away a tear or two.

Off the top of my head, I can't think of a single episode where I would call a friend after it aired and discuss the implications of the episode (something I did regularly with 2-3 friends after BSG episodes)

In literary fantasy terms, BSG is Lord of the Rings
please not that everything below this falls subject to my opinion; in short i only want to say i disagree, but as this is low-content, i'll explain a little more why i do so. i do not tell you to change your mind; why would i? ^^

actually, i really thought BSG was not (that) deep. and on a way too big part it felt like watching some soap-opera; especially late season 1 to somewhere 3-ish, if memory serves. although it got a lot more watchable after that. but sometimes it was relly hard to watch an episode to the end.
the only reason i discussed episodes of BSG with someone was to find out if there is any good reason to make them THAT cheesy. i did not find them to be so "deep" at all. but maybe that's because i know where i stand on issues/topics, and don't have to think about it that much. maybe if you know what you want/think/value the series just doesn't have much to offer. dunno.

also, calling BSG the LotR of sci-fi is just insulting to LotR ;)