Poll: Battlestar vs. Stargate

Toaster Hunter

New member
Jun 10, 2009
I love both, but I have to go with Galactica. Its brilliantly written and acted and is my absolute favorite show of all time.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
i have to go with BSG, it's just overall better than stargate because for my taste stargate relied to much on technobabble and shooting aliens. More significant is after season 7 it just felt dragged out, the big bad was perfectly dead and it could have been a good ending.

Riff Moonraker

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Mar 18, 2010
thevillageidiot13 said:
My girlfriend and I want to start a new show. I'm ashamed to say that I've never seen either, as I've always been an old-school Star Wars (and occasionally Star Trek) man myself.

The question is simply enough. Thanks.
Seriously... do yourself a favor and watch Battlestar Galactica. Its one of my favorite series EVER.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Stargate is to BSG what Xena is to Game of Thrones.

so if you like campy, lightweight fluff go with Stargate.

if you like drama, layered conflicts and complex characters go with BSG.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
Mr.K. said:
And that Caprica is just some cyberpunk soap drama shit.
How much of Caprica did you even watch? It's really, really a stretch to call it a "cyberpunk soap drama". Maybe if you'd only seen the first couple of episodes I could understand but beyond the pilot and a couple of episodes following it, the show evolves massively into something truly amazing. Plus if you've seen BSG then you get the fun of noticing all the little nods and subtle references like a total nerd.


New member
Jan 30, 2011
I loved Battlestar, but the writers started taking themselves way too seriously once they started focusing on religion and such. C'mon, you have a fleet of the last remnants of humanity being chased by a race of machines -- surely there are other, more fun areas to go into.

Stargate is fun and entertaining. It usually doesn't go as "deep" as BSG, but that's not necessarily a con.

Salad Is Murder

New member
Oct 27, 2007
I think in a straight up fight between the two, the Precursor ship would win...especially once you get that Auto-Tracking thingy installed.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
BSG was boring as fuck. I may have only watched it a few times but none of them were interesting and as it went on it just got more incomprehensible... also I hear the ending was basically complete bullshit. I am also a massive fan of all the Stargates, which is much more light-hearted and with a sense of adventure about it.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Stargate is alright, but I didn't find it nearly interesting enough to watch 10 seasons worth of it, not to mention the 2 spin-offs.

Battlestar Galactica is a must-see show. It's got an interesting story and mythos, great production values, and a kickass soundtrack. The first two seasons are brilliant, but the show gets somewhat stale afterwards. Also, the finale could've been much better, but at least it concludes the main storyline, which is more than I can say about a lot of other shows. *cough*Lost*cough*

Caprica? Don't waste your time with it. Pretty much all of the characters are insipid or downright annoying, and the story is nothing to write home about. There are a couple of interesting bits showcasing the culture of the 12 Colonies, but unless you really liked BSG, you're not going to care much.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
Some_weirdGuy said:
The show isn't sexist like you were making it out to be and you know it. Dont make me have to find a list of all the times where it was because of Carter and Carter alone that the day was saved.
The show consistently did a good job of showing women in combat roles (something that the US military is still officially against).

But even if you take away the times Carter saved their asses with her brain, far and away the series gave all the brilliant scientist roles to men. Certainly by the end of her run in the show, she was far more an administrator/politician than a scientist.

By Atlantis, there is only one brainy scientist, and he's a guy.

Universe gets even worse. You've got two super brilliant scientists and both are guys. They, in turn, are aided by three less skilled scientists, two of whom are male. The sole female scientist of the five is generally more focused on the "softer" life sciences; assisting in the medical bay, working with hydroponics, etc.

The one girl actually good at math is only good at math because aliens took her over and changed her brain. C.C

I like Stargate, and it did a lot well, but showing women in non-medical science fields was not one of those things.

Mark Flanagan

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Apr 25, 2011
Watch SG: Atlantis. Its more story driven and they really get the show parred down to what people want in a SG episode.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
If you go with Stargate, just be warned: the show starts out really quite campy. But it gets over it fairly quickly. Also, btw the entire series is up on Hulu, so if you want to give it a shot (which I highly recommend), you can check it out there for free.


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Sep 9, 2009
Zakarath said:
If you go with Stargate, just be warned: the show starts out really quite campy. But it gets over it fairly quickly. Also, btw the entire series is up on Hulu, so if you want to give it a shot (which I highly recommend), you can check it out there for free.
I know. That's where me and my girlfriend watch all our TV. Thanks. :D


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Two entirely different kinds of shows...even though they are both sci-fi.
BSG is a drama. I don't think I ever laughed while watching that show.
Stargate (Discounting SG:U) is a fun, rollicking good time of a show.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Babylon 5. Sorry that isn't helping is it? I guess I'd go with BSG out of the three there, but Stargate does have MacGyver.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
Belaam said:
The show consistently did a good job of showing women in combat roles (something that the US military is still officially against).

But even if you take away the times Carter saved their asses with her brain, far and away the series gave all the brilliant scientist roles to men. Certainly by the end of her run in the show, she was far more an administrator/politician than a scientist.

By Atlantis, there is only one brainy scientist, and he's a guy.

Universe gets even worse. You've got two super brilliant scientists and both are guys. They, in turn, are aided by three less skilled scientists, two of whom are male. The sole female scientist of the five is generally more focused on the "softer" life sciences; assisting in the medical bay, working with hydroponics, etc.

The one girl actually good at math is only good at math because aliens took her over and changed her brain. C.C

I like Stargate, and it did a lot well, but showing women in non-medical science fields was not one of those things.
Don't say that dirty word! Universe never existed lalalalalalalalaa-i-can't-hear-you-lalalalalal.


Also, the brilliant scientists you speak of are all background extra's. The story focuses on SG1 so even when some 'brilliant scientist' is introduced they end up taking a back seat to Carter or turn out to be an antagonist(intentionally or otherwise) that Carter saves the day from.

Also, uneven gender ratios exist in real life, in the fields of occupation that you are talking about. Does the show really have to split its cast exactly 50/50 male and female for it to avoid the sexist label?

And yes, you are correct that in Atlantis the brilliant scientist position goes to a man, but leader of the entire expedition goes to a woman ;)

Its no more gender biased than real life.

but hey, do you really even care about this topic of conversation? I have to say that in all honesty it not that big a concern for me, as we're dragging this thread off topic XD

So, to salvage this post:
My mother bought the entire series of SG1 and Atlantis a while back(when it was still being made). I ended up watching most of it with her, and it was an enjoyable show.

Battlestar when I watched it was less enjoyable to watch, but I never watched the whole thing through so maybe I just needed more time to settle in with it.

However, I must admit my bais here:
I think I dislike sci-fi which isn't grounded on earth/a homely planet(or so it seems).
I haven't watched many sci-fi series, so I might be wrong and it might just be stargate itself that I liked, but shows where they have no 'home world', where they are instead flying around in a big spaceship as their 'home' ,or like sliders (where they're never 'home', just moving from reality to reality), etc. It seems that I don't like hem as much.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
thevillageidiot13 said:
My girlfriend and I want to start a new show. I'm ashamed to say that I've never seen either, as I've always been an old-school Star Wars (and occasionally Star Trek) man myself.

The question is simply enough. Thanks.
You must see BSG. It is such an epic tale, it is the best Science Fiction story ever created. Period. Stargate is a great Science Fiction program, I love it, I own both shows on DVD that's how much I love them, but if I had to lose one of those two important science fiction limbs, I'd sadly remove Stargate before I removed Battlestar.

Which is great, because since you have neither limb, you can attach both! (I'm going a bit abstract, but anyway). But if you decide to watch Stargate, and you will not be disappointed with it, do remember to pull out BSG once you're done, it so deserves the attention of any and all science fiction watchers.

Good luck! Let us know which you pick/first.