Poll: Borderlands Gun Manufacturer: Who's your favorite?


New member
Nov 18, 2009
So we all know that there`s a largely impossible amount of guns in Borderlands, and they all have their own unique Company with the general attributes that go with it. Which is your favorite?
Sep 14, 2009
tediore, just basedon the fact it's saved my ass so many times when that one last shot is needed to kill the enemy and i have to reload, and the grenade hit kills them for me


New member
Sep 19, 2012
It really depends on the type of gun. I like Jakobs for Snipers and Pistols (massive powaaaa!), Maliwan for SMGs and Assault Rifles (elemental effects on rapid-fire weapons = win), and Tediore for Rocket Launchers (it basically doubles the amount of ammo you carry, what with the whole "reloading turns the Launcher into a missile" thing). I don't normally use Shotguns so don't really have an opinion there. If I had to pick I'd go with Jakobs, just cuz I like sniping; they all have their merits though. Except Hyperion. Not after Jack
killed Bloodwing.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Jakobs due to the pure power, especially on sniper rifles, you do get a smaller clip and less ammo but with Jakobs if it took more than one shot, you weren't using a Jakobs.


New member
Feb 19, 2011
Hyperion. I once got a gun from a Hyperion contract on a bounty board that gave me a talking sniper rifle. It talked trash to me when I used it. It was hilarious. This was on 2.

WoW Killer

New member
Mar 3, 2012
My current setup: Vladof sniper, Torgue rifle, Dahl SMG and Hyperion Shotgun. If I had to pick one manufacturer it'd be Vladof, as their snipers, rifles and pistols are all sweet. I was using a Vladof rifle as my bread and butter for ages till I got this one Torgue that pisses on everything else I've found. No contest on the snipers; a Vladof can take a constructor down in seconds.

And I was a massive Maliwan fanboy in the first game.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
I gotta say, after playing Borderlands 2, Tediore really won me over. There's just a satisfying feeling in throwing your gun at enemy. Vladof is a close second though, since more more firepower is always good.

Maliwan is probably my least favourite though, I disliked how elemental damage was head and shoulders above everything else in the first game, you have no idea how glad I was that the elemental advantage was toned down in Borderlands 2


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Many of you have not said Torgue, which means that you are either wrong or sniping.

Damage from non Torgue combat rifle = 4000 = actual damage of 2000 to 4000 (depending on target and resistances)

Damage from Torgue combat rifle = 4000 = actual damage of 8000 to 12000 (depending on target resistance and skills)

A Torgue minigun does to enemies what a macerator will do to raw sewage whilst at the same time being ammo efficent and non-situational.

Torque shotguns are also immense because when you pull the trigger the thing on the other end of the gun dies, which is pretty much the critical requirement of a CQC weapon in Borderlands.


New member
Oct 21, 2012
Bertylicious said:
Many of you have not said Torgue, which means that you are either wrong or sniping.
Wrong/personal preference, what's the difference, right? Torgue weapons are way too slow.

I voted Jakobs. Powerful and with a satisfying recoil!


New member
Apr 10, 2012
NearLifeExperience said:
Bertylicious said:
Many of you have not said Torgue, which means that you are either wrong or sniping.
Wrong/personal preference, what's the difference, right? Torgue weapons are way too slow.
Fine. Choose your own damn Borderlands 2 Adventure:

You are traveling through The Dust, searching for a way up the mountain to the Gyro camp. You have not taken a car because Princess Diana died in a car and this has left you with a crippling phobia of automobiles. Suddenly a bandit leaps down to confront you!

If you have a Torque minigun, go to paragraph 2. If not, turn to Paragraph 3.

You aim down the site and unleash a torrent of explosive gunfire at the hapless fool. He desperatley attempts to roll away but the splash damage from the inexorable hail follows him and renders him into a pile of lifeless muck. More bandits leap down at you but, thanks to massive damage per shot nature of your weapon, their shattered bones and exploderised entrails begin to form a great mound. You stride up the formation of ruined humanity to the glorious uplands of the Gyrocamp.

You aim down the sight and unleash a torrent of gunfire at the bandit. His shield absorbs much of the damage before your clip is empty. Desperately you switch to an alternative weapon, but it is ill suited to combat at this range. As your sight fades to black you desperately blaze away with an SMG, but the bandit laughs at your pathetic damage output. The last thing you see is his grinning face as he moves in to teabag your corpse.

You have died. Return to the beginning to start your adventure again.


New member
Oct 21, 2012
Bertylicious said:
NearLifeExperience said:
Bertylicious said:
Many of you have not said Torgue, which means that you are either wrong or sniping.
Wrong/personal preference, what's the difference, right? Torgue weapons are way too slow.
Fine. Choose your own damn Borderlands 2 Adventure:

You are traveling through The Dust, searching for a way up the mountain to the Gyro camp. You have not taken a car because Princess Diana died in a car and this has left you with a crippling phobia of automobiles. Suddenly a bandit leaps down to confront you!

If you have a Torque minigun, go to paragraph 2. If not, turn to Paragraph 3.

You aim down the site and unleash a torrent of explosive gunfire at the hapless fool. He desperatley attempts to roll away but the splash damage from the inexorable hail follows him and renders him into a pile of lifeless muck. More bandits leap down at you but, thanks to massive damage per shot nature of your weapon, their shattered bones and exploderised entrails begin to form a great mound. You stride up the formation of ruined humanity to the glorious uplands of the Gyrocamp.

You aim down the sight and unleash a torrent of gunfire at the bandit. His shield absorbs much of the damage before your clip is empty. Desperately you switch to an alternative weapon, but it is ill suited to combat at this range. As your sight fades to black you desperately blaze away with an SMG, but the bandit laughs at your pathetic damage output. The last thing you see is his grinning face as he moves in to teabag your corpse.

You have died. Return to the beginning to start your adventure again.
Good point.
I would die in an alternate dimension of Borderlands where enemies are designed to withstand all gunfire except Torgue's.
Better get a torgue weapon then, in case the very fabric of reality changes and I get sucked into a black hole to the above mentioned dimension :O


New member
Apr 10, 2012
NearLifeExperience said:
Good point.
I am glad that you agree with me and have become a better, more correct, version of yourself as a consequence.

I feel like Diogenes, only less naked and covered in shit.


New member
Oct 21, 2012
Bertylicious said:
NearLifeExperience said:
Good point.
I am glad that you agree with me and have become a better, more correct, version of yourself as a consequence.

I feel like Diogenes, only less naked and covered in shit.
You're pretty funny :p but still wrong.
What manufacturer you pick depends solely on personal preference. There is no best.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
NearLifeExperience said:
Bertylicious said:
NearLifeExperience said:
Good point.
I am glad that you agree with me and have become a better, more correct, version of yourself as a consequence.

I feel like Diogenes, only less naked and covered in shit.
You're pretty funny :p but still wrong.
What manufacturer you pick depends solely on personal preference. There is no best.
Would now be a bad time to point out that the poll at the top was asking for "favorites", not "the best"?

OT: It depends largely on what class I'm playing, but my Mechromancer seems to have developed an affinity for Jakobs repeaters and shotguns, Vladof miniguns and SMGs (once Anarchy maxes out these are great for area suppression, assuming you also maxed out Close Enough) Tediore launchers (about the only Tediore weapons I like,) and maybe a blue-or-purple rarity Torgue shotgun for Death From Above antics.

On a side note, Mechromancer is quickly becoming my favorite player class. Gaige is best pony. :3


New member
Jan 14, 2011
Since the majority of my time is using an Assault Rifle to beat back the horde, I've got to side with the Vladof Brand. Vladof is my must mostly because of the manageable recoil when firing, reasonable magazine and reload speed. For everything else, on the other hand, anything with a high damage wins although I do avoid Torgue weapons since the projectile speed is slow enough for the target to strafe away from it.


New member
Oct 21, 2012
6_Qubed said:
Would now be a bad time to point out that the poll at the top was asking for "favorites", not "the best"?

6_Qubed said:
Gaige is best pony. :3
And now I feel dirty agreeing with you..

Anyway, I guess it also depends on what you're using the weapon for. My main weapon is a Jakobs shotgun (The Striker is so nice and accurate!), a purple Jakobs sniper for those faraway targets, an eridium powered Maliwan corrosive SMG that I use solely for armoured foes, and for tough bosses I use Badaboom, a legendary Bandit rocketlauncher that fires 6 rockets at the cost of just 1. I'd never use one brand for all of my weapons, diversity is the key to overcome your opponents. But firing a Jakobs sure feels satisfying!

The only manufacturer I don't like is Tediore. The only thing they have going is the fast reload, that also does splash damage. And Dahl snipers.. burst fire while zoomed is just wrong on a sniper.