Poll: Can you swim and/or ride a bicycle.


New member
Nov 9, 2008
I'm not sure where i stand on my ability to swim. I think I could paddle for about 15 metres, but I'm not sure if I could tread water for any decent period of time. I guess that means I can't swim. As an Australian, it's really not acceptable, but eh, I can't really fix that shit now.

I can ride a bike just fine, though.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Hagi said:
Being Dutch, I can naturally do both.

I don't think there's a single Dutch child, without a serious medical condition, that does not learn these things.

On top of that basically everyone owns a bike at all times here.
Quite so. It always takes a bit of adjusting to realise that not everyone considers it completely normal to have mastered both skills at a young age.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Bike riding is a hobby of mine, I try to ride at least an hour a day.
Swimming is something that I can do, but haven't done in years. I was never a super strong swimmer but I can at least get the job done.
I learned how to both at around the same time, at about age 4.

GLo Jones

Activate the Swagger
Feb 13, 2010
I absolutely love being in large bodies of water, it feels very liberating. I learned to swim very early, and was actually a member of my city's water-polo team for a couple of years. Unfortunately, (I don't know if there's something wrong with my ears or something) I can't go deeper than about 4 metres underwater. It hurts.

I used to cycle everywhere non-stop as a kid. It's something you never lose, and -unlike swimming- I don't think there's really that much of a skill range beyond 'can/can't do it'.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I've almost drowned twice, and I've smashed my face in countless times while biking, so I can do both but I prefer not to.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
I can do both.......however, I'm a terrible swimmer. I can swim well enough to keep myself alive but that's it. I certainly won't be saving anyone from drowning as it would just result in two waterlogged corpses instead of one.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
I learned how to ride a bike at the age of 6...ish I think. Very fun story, The first thing I do when learning how to ride a bike I drive right into a fence. I think that exists on video somewhere...
I don't remember when I learned how to swim but it wasn't long after I learned how to ride a bike.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
I was born in Australia and have lived here my whole life. Yes I can swim. I also can ride a bike. I had to all through high school.

latenightapplepie said:
I'm not sure where i stand on my ability to swim. I think I could paddle for about 15 metres, but I'm not sure if I could tread water for any decent period of time. I guess that means I can't swim. As an Australian, it's really not acceptable, but eh, I can't really fix that shit now.

I can ride a bike just fine, though.
Please please try and learn to swim. That's the one thing we're proud of. That most of our population can swim. Please boost that number higher.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
I haven't voted because I'm unsure I can ride a bike.

Now I did learn it like everyone else and I rode for a while. But it's been years since I've ridden one. I know people like to say you never forget how to ride but I've yet to test that out again.

As for swimming, I've got the underwater thing pretty good. But I'm not sure I can hold my breath for very long. Which is why I want to learn how to do the over hand technique of swimming.

The Floating Nose

Senior Member
Dec 5, 2010
GODDAMMIT ! I picked the wrong option !!! I can both swim (really well) and ride a bike. I think that if you can't for medical reasons it's a necessity to know both of them. It can really come in handy.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
latenightapplepie said:
I'm not sure where i stand on my ability to swim. I think I could paddle for about 15 metres, but I'm not sure if I could tread water for any decent period of time. I guess that means I can't swim. As an Australian, it's really not acceptable, but eh, I can't really fix that shit now.

I can ride a bike just fine, though.
How is the water in Australia? I know in California, the Pacific is ungodly cold, which is why nobody actually goes in it. Plus in Australia there's all those things trying to kill you: snakes, cephalopods, Kylie Minogue.


New member
Sep 1, 2009
I lived on a cluster of islands til I was 18, so I don't remember learning to swim, much like I don't remember when I learned to walk or talk. Just something I've always remembered knowing.

I got my tricycle when I was 3 or 4. I could ride my bike by kindergarten. It had a basket and cute pink streamers on the handle bars.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
I can swim like a boss but bikes I can't do, I hate vehicles, don't trust them.


New member
Nov 9, 2008
Dags90 said:
latenightapplepie said:
I'm not sure where i stand on my ability to swim. I think I could paddle for about 15 metres, but I'm not sure if I could tread water for any decent period of time. I guess that means I can't swim. As an Australian, it's really not acceptable, but eh, I can't really fix that shit now.

I can ride a bike just fine, though.
How is the water in Australia? I know in California, the Pacific is ungodly cold, which is why nobody actually goes in it. Plus in Australia there's all those things trying to kill you: snakes, cephalopods, Kylie Minogue.
Haha. Yeah, the water is just as cold. And where the water is warmer, up north, you have to deal all those things that can kill you. Not sharks like most people fear, but jellyfish. The Irukandji close entire beaches in QLD during the summer.


New member
May 3, 2010
I can ride a bike, but I can't swim.

Riding a bike I learned when I was 12 or 13.

Swimming... well I can barely even tread water. I sink like a rock, and swimming from one end of a pool to the other (the long way) is something I've never accomplished in anything but maybe a kiddy pool.

So yeah, just to enlighten you elitist asswipes, not everybody knows how to do these things by nature alone.

If you're one of those people who are saying "If you haven't mastered these things by age 5 you must have a disability," I'd like to kindly request that you kill yourselves immediately.


Oct 12, 2009
I can swim (poorly) but didn't learn that until I was about 12-13.
I can't ride a bike, nobody ever thought to get me a bike or to teach me...

I've only ever met one other person my age who can't ride a bike