Poll: Class-Based Load Out or Weapons On The Map?


New member
Jun 26, 2008
I like having a load out more than having the weapons spawn on the map. Every story I've heard about Halo's multiplayer is that the beginning of the game is always a rush for the best weapons rather than actually trying to find and kill people. Games like Team Fortress 2 and Farcry 2 get it right with the weapons and class systems, but Battlefield Bad Company made it perfect by actually letting you switch classes mid battle if you found the kits of a recently dead enemy solider.

Class systems give a much better experience too. Don't like the Demoman's style of gameplay? Spawn as a heavy and try him for a while to see if you like that instead. If you don't like Halo's multiplayer one day, chances are you won't like it the next either.

It also gets a lot more depth from a game, as class based multiplayer is more than just a contest to see who can get the biggest gun first.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
I like finding the weapons then using them, gives you a sense of acomplishment... kinda

3rd rung

New member
Feb 20, 2009
Honestly I feel starting with weapons is bette becuase first it takes away from peopel just memorzing news locations and just killing people who don't know the map that well. second I fell it alway specilztion in game play I like to snipe so I start with a sniper I don't have to run around with a SMG till I find one. it also puts more stratigies into the team based matches beucase peope will selct certain classes based on their teams choice insteead of just running around looking for guns


make cupcakes not bombs
Sep 14, 2008
cball11 said:
Okay. You guys ready? Ahem.



TF2 and any other class hooter is inherently better because the stupid fucks without jobs huddled in their parents' basements learning the locations of every spartan laser and mauler don't win every single damnable time.

Halo and every other shooter with multiplayer designed around doing your rounds from super-special-awesome weapon cache suck testicles because anyone who wants to play for, say, an hour of one day because they have a life, is instantly alienated no matter how quick his finger trigger, how precise his targeting, or how experienced he is with shooters.

he asked what weapon load outs you like not

So, it sounds like class-based shooters are simpler and therefore better? WRONG. It is very tough to balance classes, but it's extremely rewarding. But, it is impossible to balance picked up weapons because as soon as someone figures out the shortest distance from the SPNKR to the energy sword, he will dominate. As soon as someone picks up a torque bow and a shotgun, anyone else using different guns is suddenly out of the running.

Class-based shooters for the win.

he asked what weapon load outs you like not for a rant on halo, or is just a allergic reaction where if you hear the word halo you have to spout hatred?


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
I find that in my short time with Halo having to look for weapons is a hassle. I've only played it a few times but it was surprisingly easy to just run into battle with your initial assault rifle and hope that the other guy doesn't have a rocket launcher or something. I think TF2 is better because you don't need to scavenge about looking for weapons when you respawn and you can jump right back into the action with the same stuff. It also forces you to be more strategic. If you're a sniper you have to run from close by guys, where as in another game if you're a sniper you can find another gun.


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
It depends on the game really. Some games are just set up to be class-based games, and without the classes...well, it wouldn't be the same game.

As most people have already used, TF2 for example, is exactly what a class-based load out weaponry game is. Every class, looks and feels different. Thats why the weapon load out feels natural.

My personal pet peeve of one of the worst class based games was Conker: Live and Reloaded. They butchered what was once a great set up from the N64 version. I loved being able to just run to a spot, grab a different gun and be on my way. In L&R, I had to die in order to switch my weapons...and when going from the original to that multiplayer, it just didn't sit right.

I prefer Weapons on the map, to be succinct.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
I like it either way it depends on the type of game.
For games with a stronger versus multiplayer emphasis (team fortress 2) I think getting the weapons when you spawn is the better way to go.
In Single Player games (Like... all of them) or co-op multiplayer (Left 4 Dead) It's cooler to find them as you go.


New member
Jan 1, 2009
i prefer to spawn with the weapons so that some noob doesnt run and take my weapons before i do


New member
Mar 27, 2009
I like both ways, but mostly I prefer finding the weapons.
In particular, like in L4D, where the weapon spawns change places and weapons


New member
Mar 23, 2009
It really does depend on the game... semi-realistic games do well with class based systems. COD 4 and 5 take this to a whole new- almost RPG-ish level.

But you can't begrudge quake style fast paced shooters either. Flyin around in low grav UT is still some of the best shooter memories I have.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
Class-based loadout is way better. I always hate having to look for better weapons just to match up to others.

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
I like to customize my load outs like in Call of duty 4 and World at War. The fact that you couldn't customize the load outs in BF bad company is one reason why I didn't get the game.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
I don't really have a preference. I like choosing my load-out, but I also like the element of strategy having weapons on the map creates (ie: getting the spartan laser before the other team, or using the missile-pod to destroy enemy vehicles in Halo).

Iron Mal

New member
Jun 4, 2008
Both have their strengths and weaknesses.

Having a pre-selected weapon lay out is good since it allows players to just focus on getting into the thick of the fight rather than having to make a desperate dash for the best gun avalible (it also avoids competition over who get's what since everyone can start with what they want).

However, such a way of picking guns up often means that it is much easier for players to camp right away (spawn, dash for the dark corner, wait until the end of game, repeat process) and often results in their being a 'best class' or 'best weapon'. Balance is often a huge issue, keeping classes (like those in TF2) balanced rarely works without sacrificing their individuality and just picking your gun from a list (like in CoD4) often results in what I call the 'M16 crowd' popping up (where everyone picks the same gun because it is the best or most effective, like the huge number of people who take an M16 in CoD4 with stopping power due to it's high accuracy, burst fire and 1-hit kill ability).

Having weapons scattered around the map is often better when the guns in the game are balanced (like in Unreal Tournament) having weapons scattered around the map works better since it encourages players to explore the map and seek out other players in the process of dining weapons and ammo. This also removes yet another common problem in games like CoD4 where people use some weapons inappropriately (such as sniping in a confined CQB map).

Weapons in the map can cause issues when every players first thought is 'must find best gun' and when some players start to fight over who gets what gun (anyone who's ever been in a race with someone to grab the shotty in Halo 3 will know what I'm talking about). A large number of weapons will often be ignored anyway since they are the weaker weapons in the game (who honestly picks up the pistol in Halo 3 when given a choice between that and a rocket launcher?).

Games that are centered purely around the multiplayer experience (like Unreal Tournament) tend to benefit from having weapons scattered around the map (the weapons are balanced enough that you can grab any weapon and be in a good position to take on other players).

Games that try to balance multiplayer and single player are better served by a class or weapon load out since this allows players to immediately go with the weapon that is best for them rather than having to go through a pile of guns of various strengths (in single player the guns often get increasingly stronger towards the end, these are often the prefered weapons in multi).

Big Chuggz

New member
Mar 31, 2009
i guess a little bit of both, I would like a pre-set wpn kit but i do like the perks and faults of picking and choosing of weapons ( like snipers pack a punch but ammo cap suck ).........ex, I love BF2 (battlefield 2) but i hate the fact that you cant have shotgun and heavy mech gun (cause thats how I roll) so I feel that there should be both, maybe have Class type like snipers can shoot with other guns but will have trouble with it more than others i.e Ghostrecon but with out the wierd controls and funny movement scheme......BTW if u dont like my spelling, SUCK IT!!!!


New member
Feb 6, 2008
I prefer to buy my guns in spawn(CSS).

But of these two I prefer looking for my guns, because it gives the teams something else to fight over, and you can't spam over powered weapons.