Poll: Cursed By Indecision, what game should I play first?


New member
Aug 12, 2011
So I got a surprising amount of games for Christmas this year.

Donkey Kong Country Returns
Dark Souls
Resistance 3
Shadows of the Damned
Spec Ops The Line
Playstation Allstars Battle Royale

what should I play first?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Spec Ops: The Line. It isn't that long, can be done in one sitting, but has an excellent story and lead character. There isn't much replayability in it so might as well get it out of the way.

Eddie the head

New member
Feb 22, 2012
Resistance 3 is one of the best shooters I have played in a long time. Mostly due to the lack of regenerating health and you can carry more than two guns at a time.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I'd play either Catherine (I'm curious about it, and lots of people have recommended it to me) or Shadows of the Damned (for the whole Mikami/Yamaoka/Suda trifecta).


New member
Nov 25, 2010
Catherine is great. I thoroughly enjoyed it, both gameplay, story and the whole surreal/symbolic elements. Music was also pretty awesome too.
Sep 14, 2009
s69-5 said:
Nouw said:
Spec Ops: The Line. It isn't that long, can be done in one sitting, but has an excellent story and lead character. There isn't much replayability in it so might as well get it out of the way.
Wow, way to sell it! Sounds like it's barely a rental... ;D
(I have no intention of playing but its because it's first person and I find them disorienting, but have no actual opinion of the game beyond that. It's just your comment made it very underwhelming).

OP: Dark Souls. It is without a doubt the best game on your list. Spec Ops people will argue, but it might be done in one sitting (fat chance though), has a lot of replayability and excellent gameplay. It has a very minimalistic story that is discovered rather than told.

Other than that: Catherine is pretty good.

On another note I've been going between my new games and my backlog:
- Assassin's Creed 2 (never played 'em, figured I'd play the one that actually won some GOTYs)
- Tekken 6

- Cross Edge
- Atelier: Meruru

- Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
- Xenoblade Chronicles
- The Last Story
- Mugen Souls
actually spec ops the line isn't first person! if you don't mind somewhat gears of war style combat, it's a fun shooter to go through in a night, and it has multiple endings so i'm going to go through it once more this weekend probably.

OT: after spec ops I would maybe say donkey kong, those games are always good fun, and no better way to start your new games with one that is lots of light hearted fun.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
i picked Dark Souls. i figured if you got it, then whoever got it for you thinks you're up to the challenge. (or is a colossal dick and wants to see you ragequit and fail) i played Demon's Souls and loved the SHIT out of it. i expect Dark Souls to be no different.


New member
Nov 7, 2011
I voted Donkey kong before I noticed Catherine was an option. Play Catherine, damn fine game.


New member
Jun 22, 2012
Play "Spec Ops: The Line" first. You can play it in one sitting (it took me ~6 hours), but it's one hell of an experience. It might very well change the way that you look at video games.

Evil Top Hat

New member
May 21, 2011
I'd advise starting with whichever one you think you'll enjoy the least and playing them in an order that will likely only cause them to get progressively better as you go from game to game, ending with the most enjoyable of all.

Incidentally, I don't agree with these people saying Spec Ops: The Line should come first. After playing through a game in which you pilot a mentally ill protagonist travelling through a war torn area in a narrative about horror and death don't expect to be having too much fun with Donkey Kong Country afterwards.


New member
Aug 10, 2010
I say save the best for last... so read the poll accordingly. Start with PS Allstars, or Shadows of the Damned.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
s69-5 said:
Nouw said:
Spec Ops: The Line. It isn't that long, can be done in one sitting, but has an excellent story and lead character. There isn't much replayability in it so might as well get it out of the way.
Wow, way to sell it! Sounds like it's barely a rental... ;D
(I have no intention of playing but its because it's first person and I find them disorienting, but have no actual opinion of the game beyond that. It's just your comment made it very underwhelming).

It's actually in third person. Not only did you judge a game base on a single element, but you were also wrong about that element. Come on, you're better than that.

Also, you should do research on SO:The Line. It deals with PTSD, guilt, and dehumanization. Surprisingly artistic.

OP: I would suggest playing Spec Ops: The Line first. It is short and delivers a surprisingly good story. After that, I would suggest Catherine. The rest is up to you.
Sep 14, 2009
s69-5 said:
gmaverick019 said:
actually spec ops the line isn't first person!
Ah. Well that's refreshing.

Question though: will the social commentary be lost on someone who typically doesn't play shooters?
Maybe I'll borrow it from a friend if they have it.
probably not, if you've seen any kind of military movie or watched trailers on military shooters, then you'll get the references of things throughout the story. (surprise surprise, nolan north is the main characters voice actor, although I think he does a great job at it, projecting the stress/intensity of the different scenes) Also be warned, play the game like it's intended to and you'll do fine, if you try and run and gun like a fool the computer will destroy you, I'm going to crank it up to legendary difficulty in my next run but I guarantee i'll die at least once in every checkpoint.