Poll: Damn,2012 is becoming true..Or is it...

I am 2 cool 4 anime

New member
Mar 31, 2011
It looks like 2012 is coming true...Why is the earthquwake in Japan,the radiation,and the star explosion in 2004 (it really did happen,look in to it),it looks like the end days are coming true!I really dont know what to think,maybe its just the end of Japan..(then the ancient mayans where Japanese!)What do you think??


New member
Dec 4, 2009
no. its not true. the doomsayers were wrong in 1984, '93, '99, '03, '06, and they're gonna be wrong in 2012.

its all just fear mongering.

EDIT: also, why are we getting future telling tips from a dumbass civilization that was too stupid to predict their own demise? you think they can predict our future and not theirs?


Songstress of Ar Ciel
Mar 23, 2011
Osh, of course not... Unable to stop their own annihilation but able to tell the world comming to n end ahellofatime later in history? Sure thing dudes...

Well i sure don't mind, by new years eve this year Im going to collect a fair share of money from a bunch of my clearly retarted friends.

Think I will enjoy a nice, sunny vocation then.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
No, that's just crazy. Seriously, that's not even trying. "North Korea is going to invade" is more plausible[footnote]Well, especially if you live in South Korea, but YKWIM.[/footnote].


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Sorry, im not among those who like to listen to people who run around preaching doom.

Then again, Valve is possibly releasing a game early...

If doomsday does happen, i will be too dead to notice it.


New member
May 17, 2010
Chaos pops up everywhere, because chaos is the natural state of everything. Just because there's an earthquake here or an explosion there, doesn't mean the whole damn world is going to explode.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
No the world can't end in 2012. Why well before the end of the world three successive winters where snow comes in from all directions, without any intervening summer will happen. Or at least that is what my ancestors believed...

Alon Shechter

New member
Apr 8, 2010
I am 2 cool 4 anime said:
still,chaos is starting to pop up daily,so im really not sure anymore!

Eh. Earthquakes happened before and people said it was the end of the world.
Same goes for any other miracle of nature.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Seriously doubt it. Bad shit has happened all over the world since about 4.5 billion years ago. Unfortunately, as sad and tragic as it is, that's life and we all just have to deal with it.

If you know anything about Jehova's Witnesses, they say that the end of days is coming any moment now (have been saying that for close to 50 years now) and they cite that in the last 100 years or so, a lot more shit is going down is the big reveal. In counter to that, it just seems that way because we now hear about it more with modern technology. Over 200 years ago if the Japan disaster happened, do you think that we in west would know about it? I don't.

In regards to the Mayans, their maths only allowed for their calendar to go up to 2012 so their priests(?) invented an armageddon story (just like every other civilisation did) to allow for the maths discrepancy. The only difference is that their Judgement day had a date on it. What do you think would have happened if Revelations was all about April 24th 2011? Most people would laugh and dismiss it. It's only cool because it is Mayan and therefore a little bit romantic and mystical.

And breathe!


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
I am 2 cool 4 anime said:
It looks like 2012 is coming true...Why is the earthquwake in Japan,the radiation,and the star explosion in 2004 (it really did happen,look in to it),it looks like the end days are coming true!I really dont know what to think,maybe its just the end of Japan..(then the ancient mayans where Japanese!)What do you think??
These things happen all the time. Just ask any Californian about earthquakes. And I'm sure several stars have exploded since 2004. We just won't know about it until a few billion years from now (you know, the speed of light and all that).

The only difference here is it's closer to an arbitrary number set by an ancient culture that we don't even fully understand.


Music Industry Corporate Whore
Nov 14, 2007
I am 2 cool 4 anime said:
It looks like 2012 is coming true...Why is the earthquwake in Japan,the radiation,and the star explosion in 2004 (it really did happen,look in to it),it looks like the end days are coming true!I really dont know what to think,maybe its just the end of Japan..(then the ancient mayans where Japanese!)What do you think??
Because I'm lazy, I'm just going to cut and paste my response to this exact same thread the last time it came up (which incidentally, was 9 days ago):

me about 9 days ago said:
I've said it before on these forums and I'll now say it again: if the Mayans knew shit about shit they would have ended their calendar in 1697 when the Spanish handed to them their ass on a plate.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
There is nothing significant about 2012.

It's a year when a Mayan calendar expired.


What about the Gregorian calendar?

That has no end date. Obviously it means that the universe will never end.


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
BonsaiK said:
I am 2 cool 4 anime said:
It looks like 2012 is coming true...Why is the earthquwake in Japan,the radiation,and the star explosion in 2004 (it really did happen,look in to it),it looks like the end days are coming true!I really dont know what to think,maybe its just the end of Japan..(then the ancient mayans where Japanese!)What do you think??
Because I'm lazy, I'm just going to cut and paste my response to this exact same thread the last time it came up (which incidentally, was 9 days ago):

me about 9 days ago said:
I've said it before on these forums and I'll now say it again: if the Mayans knew shit about shit they would have ended their calendar in 1697 when the Spanish handed to them their ass on a plate.
I love you for that line.

This ^^

The End of Days is a bullshit prophecy for the moment (I mean, the Earth will be destroyed / wiped out / whatever at some point in time - millions of years probably) - also, if I'm wrong, I'd be too dead to care.
Mar 30, 2010
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
Grouchy Imp said:
A better explanation lies here:

TL;DR, The Mayan calender operates on various cycles such as Winals, Tuns, K'atuns and B'ak'tuns. 2012 is the date of the next B'ak'tun.

Previous B'ak'tuns include September 18th 1618, June 15th 1224 and go back as far as August 11th 3114 BC. Future B'ak'tuns are scheduled for March 26th 2407, June 28th 2801 and so on. In fact the last B'ak'tun (or rather the furthest calculated) lies on October 13th 4772.
The world hasn't ended on previous cycles of the Mayan calendar (I'm sure we would've noticed) and it isn't going to end at the change-over of the 2012 cycle.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Hiname said:
Osh, of course not... Unable to stop their own annihilation but able to tell the world comming to n end ahellofatime later in history? Sure thing dudes...

Well i sure don't mind, by new years eve this year Im going to collect a fair share of money from a bunch of my clearly retarted friends.

Think I will enjoy a nice, sunny vocation then.
Actually, I think it's supposed to happen in December, so you'll have to wait another year (only in 2013 can we be sure[footnote]although we can be pretty sure right now too[/footnote] that the world didn't end in 2012).

Anyway, 2012 is totally going to "come true". At least in the sense that it is going to happen. The end of the world: not so much.