Poll: Did You Receive An Allowance?


New member
Feb 4, 2012
I never got pocket money, but if I needed something my parents would buy it. It helped that I have always hated spending money, and as such entertained myself with cheap fun such as drawing. I never really bought clothes or anything like that


New member
May 16, 2013
Yes, but with a lot of buts.

Only until we were 15 and legally allowed to work, and then we had to get jobs if we wanted money. We even had to buy our own grad dresses. Worked a lot of shit shifts at Burger King for that awful gold dress. Even before we turned 15 if we really wanted something we took up paper routes and such.

And before that only if we did all the chores assigned to us. Cleaning the kitchen top to bottom daily, vacuuming, mowing the lawns/shoveling the driveway, cleaning the litter box, and whatever else our parents asked us to do.

On top of doing all our homework and keeping our grades up.

We were never handed anything, but as long as we put in sufficient effort our parents gave us what they could afford.

And that's the way it should be. It taught us the value of money and how hard it is to make it and how to spend it wisely.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I only was getting allowance from school which was around 2euro per month until I finished high school, which in itself was pretty abysmal of a sum.

I was usually saving it up to buy my monthly games magazine.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
I got an allowance until I was old enough to get a part time job (regardless of whether I had one or not, it was down to me then). I didn't necessarily have to do chores for it, but I was expected to do certain things anyway, like do the dishes with my brother. I wouldn't get it if I'd been a twat or something stupid, but other than that I would get it every week except for when we were on holiday and the week of christmas. Still, if I was saving up for something my parents would usually give me the last little bit if I had saved most of it.

I think when I was 12 it went to £5 and stayed at that until it ended, and that was just about enough (I got a paper round, which didn't count as a proper part time job, when I was 13 and that supplemented it enough to let me drink and things in my early/mid teens).


New member
Mar 31, 2010
No, I didn't.

My parents did provide me with the money I needed, also for forms of entertainment. But I had no set allowance, instead I got money that was deposited into a savings account which I could access at 21 years of age.

Can't say I ever suffered much because of it, I never spent much anyhow. Much less than other kids in each case. However, it did learn me smooth-talking for stuff I wouldn't normally get money for, like games and computers :)

I also think kids who do have an allowance might learn to better judge the relative value of money.


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
I received an allowance from my parents through the ages of 7-14. The amount was my age cut in half, so by 10 I was getting 5 bucks a week in exchange for basic chores around the house. From about 14-16 I got 10 bucks for mowing my grandparents yard weekly. After 16 I just got a job and worked for my money. My mom would always give me food a movie money when I wasn't working.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Occasionally when I was unemployed before 18. As long as I did my chores without having to be asked they didn't mind giving me money when I asked to go out. After I was 18 and living with them during school it was either get a job or move out. I got a job and liked it a whole lot more than having to ask them for money.

I was pretty fortunate that my parents both worked and had good jobs. I'd get around 40-50 a week usually which was more than enough for whatever it is I did as a teenager. I'm glad my parents didn't keep giving me money after 18 though, taught me the value of a dollar once I was forced to get a job.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Yes. It wasn't much, so I usually just saved most of it anyway until it piled up to something meaningful.


New member
Oct 3, 2009
yes and no. Originally my parents used money as an incentive for getting good grades, $50 if i got straight A's on a report card (we got 4 report cards a year) until i started to "break the bank" as my dad says. Wish i would have had the foresight to save that cash. Then when i got a little older and started doing yard work I got paid $10 for cutting the grass. That being said, I still had a bunch of daily and weekly chores, but I received no pay for those.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
I got $20 a week for walking and feeding the dogs. Usually let me save up to buy most of what I wanted fairly quickly when combined with birthday and christmas money


Monster Befriender
Nov 19, 2010
I only did chores occasionally when I was younger and it was mostly just helping out, I did get an income of some kind from my grandparents but similar to my doing of chores it was rather inconsistent, but it was nearly always £10 which was a more than decent amount back then.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Back when I had a weekly allowance, I'd get $5 a week for doing chores. Maybe $10 if I did some kind of extra work. If I didn't do any chores, I didn't get any money.

Since I'm still in search of a job, I still get paid for doing things but it's been bumped up to $20, and only when I do stuff like yardwork.


Apr 28, 2008
Didn't earn a thing and I was still expected to do chores around the house! (ie, all the yardwork was my responsibility)

Yay for living in a poor family!


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
Allowance? The heck are those?
I hear people talking about how they'd receive them as children, but when I asked my parents for one they said I already had one: I was allowed to live in the house.

OT: While the above is sarcastic, it is also completely true. I didn't receive an allowance and never got money for getting good grades like I saw others get, and I had to do chores as well. Some of my friends got allowances when growing up, heck some still do. For me I had to buy all the electronic stuff I wanted from age 13 to now, but when compared to my friends some of them just ask for it and they get it. T^T


New member
Jan 4, 2012
Yes, occasionally in a way is very on topic to this site. More or less every if my dad got lazy we would do but his job for $10 a week. I saved for 6 of them and mad my massive SNES and N64 library as did my brother.

This is still why i get the most gifts at Christmas and am twenty sodding seven... 27! But my dad is a total ass (and he knows this as every one has told him such) to work with even on minor things so I get my dues.


New member
Jun 20, 2011
Not only did I never have an allowance, I had to work with my stepfather at whatever cockamamie enterprise he was involved in at the moment, be it delivering oil, running a moving company, selling construction materials, and all kinds of other bullshit. I never had time to be a kid, and because of it I grew up with 1) no concept of the value of a dollar and 2) an intense aversion to work. It took me a LONG damn time to appreciate working hard to earn my own keep, and if I ever manage to have any kids they'll get a fair pay for any chores I have them do. Not going to cripple the next generation to save money for myself.


Deus Ex-Mod
Jun 26, 2008
I used to get £5 a week, as long as I did whatever chores I was asked to do. There was no set list to be completed in a week, I just had to help out when asked and I'd get it on the Friday.

It probably doesn't seem very much to some, but it was enough for sweets, which is all I cared about at the time. Plus if I ever went out to the cinema, I'd get extra money for that anyway, as long as I was well behaved.


New member
Feb 12, 2009
I was told I'd get payed $2 a week for my various chores around the house and yard, which would continue to get bigger as the years went on...I got payed all of once. So no, I say I did not get an allowance.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
My parents were of the opinion "We pay for your schooling, food, transport, housing, clothes, entertainment and everything else, the least you can do is housework for free". And its a fair point. Sure, I didn't have $500 in the bank and a brand new console as a gift from my parents by the time I was 10 like some of my friends, but I did have a house, I did get to do a lot of activities, I did get fed, and I did get a good education.
High school I started receiving some money - for lunches so my parents wouldn't have to go out and buy + make them. Never been given money for nothing though, or for doing anything around our house. Its just expected to be done.