Poll: Die Hard or Godfather?


Dec 24, 2011
Holy shit, a perfect 50/50 split right now at 59 each. Now I'm even more glad I voted for Diehard.

I don't get the unending love for The Godfather, it just seems like an incredibly long, dull, crime drama with a somewhat convoluted storyline. Ya, there are some cool scenes and moments and the casting and production are high quality, I just don't get why everyone seems to think it's the greatest movie ever.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
I voted Die Hard(tiebreaker!).

The Godfather is way too long of a movie and is a good way to get yourself to fall asleep. Die Hard is a huge action film with great fights and funny one-liners.


New member
Jul 16, 2013
With movies like The Godfather, I really have to be in the mood to watch them, whereas with a big, dumb action movie like Die Hard I can just put it on and have fun with it.

So yeah, Die Hard for me

And once again, the tie is broken.
Dec 10, 2012
It seems like most of the commenters are choosing Die Hard, which is odd because it's pretty close to an even split at the moment. Maybe it's because "everyone knows" that The Godfather is considered to be one of the "best" films ever, so if you like Die Hard better you feel obligated to defend that choice.

Myself, I'm the same. Sure, The Godfather is great and a cinematic landmark and all that, but Die Hard is just more fun, more entertaining, more rewatchable. It's one of the best action movies ever made, and I honestly think it has aged rather better than The Godfather for the modern movie audience.

When I want to just put on a movie, Die Hard is always one of the first ones I think of. The Godfather is more like a commitment, like you need to be in the right mindset and you need to be prepared for heavy emotions and deep investment. Die Hard is just all fun, all the way through, every time.


New member
Jan 14, 2012
I love both movies but it's not a real competition for me. Die Hard is one of the best films of the 80's but The Godfather is one of the best ever made. It elevated crime movies into the forefront of film as an art, previously only dominated by romance and noir type films.

I'd choose The Godfather over almost every other film, it's just a tier above the rest as far as visual style, story, characters.

Die Hard is more fun to watch, both movies are infinitely quotable, but The Godfather is a work of art, cinema at its finest in my humble opinion.