Poll: Do you agree with the Black Ops Swastika Ban?


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Censorship = SHIT.
Sure, there's a lot of things that are in bad taste you don't want in your environment. Though shit. Free speech is essential in society, and to have free speech, you HAVE TO tolerate things like swastikas.

What makes this ban especially retarded is the fact that there already are swastikas in the game.
They exercise their free speech but shit on yours?
That is immense hypocrisy.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
It's funny how a lot of the people in support of this are basically saying "Anyone doing this is a twat anyhow so deserves it."

That really isn't the point...


New member
Jan 20, 2008
After playing Black Ops last night, I've seen three Swastikas used so far.

All three were a swastika on a white circle, on a red square.

That isn't Tibetan, or a good luck charm.

The problem with allowing it is that frankly, most people who use it are doing it purely and simply to be offensive, like 12-year olds vandalizing the school. And we all know it.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
Gah,people just need to chill out.... Who cares if some rtard uses the swastika, just ignore him. It's the same bullcrap as african-americans freaking out because a white guy said the 'N' word....


New member
Oct 6, 2009
There have been Nazi and KKK clans on CoD for years why are we banning stuff affiliated with them now?

As for the people harping on about free speech. You guys realize that the first amendment only affects the government right? XBL is privately owned and can do whatever the fuck they want with their service including censor speech.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Canid117 said:
There have been Nazi and KKK clans on CoD for years why are we banning stuff affiliated with them now?

As for the people harping on about free speech. You guys realize that the first amendment only affects the government right? XBL is privately owned and can do whatever the fuck they want with their service including censor speech.
Doesn't make it a good move though. Particularly due to the selectivity of this ban. They should have thought about it more beforehand...


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Honestly don't see the problem in it...if I gotta kill a player and see his swastika pop up its more of a plus rather than a negative, I mean for gods sakes I just killed a "NAZI"! No I don't agree with the ban...we see the nazi flag in game...we kill and rekill Nazi's and Nazi Zombies in game so why ban their symbols if someone wants to play as the enemy.

Hell I'm more offended by ejaculating penises and animal sex emblems than the swastika...and even then I wouldn't want them to be banned...they gave us a tool to be creative and it was OBVIOUS from the start what people (especially the COD players) would attempt to create first I.E Dicks, anything associating with Nazi, and sexual orientations.

I had someones emblem actually lettered out something like "Kill Jews", far more offensive than anything I've seen thus far and quite obvious intentions. Microsoft are being nazis themselves...I just hope it doesnt spread to the PS3.

Final Note: I do not use sex symbols or the swastika for me emblem...I use Captain Americas Shield!


New member
May 28, 2009
Eldarion said:
Octorok said:
Iwata said:
If you ban the swastika, then you also have to ban the hammer and sickle, no if's, ands or buts. Double standards much?
No, not really. The Hammer and Sickle was representative of a series of leaders and time periods in the 20th Century Soviet Union, many of which varied from Stalin. However the Swastika is associated (primarily, any fucking idiot who says it has a different meaning is wrong. I don't care what it meant before the Nationalist Socialists, it's a Nazi symbol.) directly with the one leader and regime - Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.
Sorry that the reality is different than your narrow interpretation allows you to see. The symbol has had strong religious meaning to several eastern faiths. The FACT of the matter is that its NOT only a Nazi symbol. To declare otherwise just because you refuse to accept this is pure bullheaded ignorance. If your gonna shut your eyes to any facts you don't want to see that just makes you seem like a child. Sorry pal, there is more to this than you apparently are willing to accept.

I love how you defend the hammer and sickle, sorry pal by your logic that should be banned as well. But you don't think so, just cause right? While we are at it why don't we ban the cross from emblems? Can't even count the number of innocent people killed by the church in the crusades, witch hunts ect. Ignorance and double standards, you are a class act aren't you?
Lovely. Nothing like insults to decorate a debate over use of a symbol.

You seem to have missed my point. By several miles. Are you seriously saying that you look at a Swastika and think, "Hm. Symbol in some Eastern religions."? Of course you don't. Practically globally that symbol is the symbol of the Nazis. It may have meant something else before or since, but its use has been dominated by the horrible crimes and effect on humanity by Nazi Germany under Hitler. The same way if I was named "Adolf" I'd have a gigantic stigma against my name, for the simple reason it is associated with the horrible events of the mid-Twentieth century.

This game is directly targeted to a Western audience anyway. Seriously, its sales are almost universally in Europe, North America and some in Australia. I don't understand your argument, since you fail to provide any actual evidence. I claim the Nazi symbol ought to be censored online because the people using it are simply trolls trying to pretend that they are behind Nazism.

The Swastika being worn by Nazi soldiers is historical accuracy. Players making it their symbol online is pure douchebaggery.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Yagharek said:
Canid117 said:
There have been Nazi and KKK clans on CoD for years why are we banning stuff affiliated with them now?

As for the people harping on about free speech. You guys realize that the first amendment only affects the government right? XBL is privately owned and can do whatever the fuck they want with their service including censor speech.
Doesn't make it a good move though. Particularly due to the selectivity of this ban. They should have thought about it more beforehand...
I didn't say it was a good move I just meant that free speech doesn't actually apply. I actually don't give a shit either way. Should MS and Treyarch ban Swastikas? probably not no but at least some annoying little shits will have one less tool to be pricks on the internet. So I find myself in agreement with both sides. If what the kids were doing was funny or had some cultural value I might sway more against the ban.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
I dont agree with it. Its a common misconception that the swastika is exclusively a Nazi symbol, when in reality, cultures from EVERYWHERE in the world have used it. Thats not even the main issue though, I just cant stand to see "anything" banned. Once things are banned, more things get banned. Cencorship is the bane of human existance, and it can get wildly out of control. Nothing, save like snuff films, should be cencored or banned


New member
Aug 25, 2009
I don't agree, mostly because the developers are using it in the game (Nazi Zombies), and in the first three Call of Duties and World at War it was all over the place.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
pretentiousname01 said:
People are clearly just using it to piss off others.

That is not what Freedom of speech had in mind. I am also of the mind that the other vulgar things should be banned. At least suspended/warning.

However this is what happens when you give people power. They invariably use it to be giant assholes.
Free speech only applies to the government censoring speech. It has nothing to do with your rights to play games freely, whether or not free speech intended to allow people pissing each other off with swastikas.


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2008
I agree wholeheartedly with the ban since the people who does use a swastika as an emblem does it only to piss people of and only to piss people of.


New member
Jun 28, 2010
I have only ever seen 1 swastika on Black Ops...and he was annoyingly good.

If anything needs banning it's the penis, vagina, penis in vagina or penis in the bum emblems I keep seeing!! Godamn it keep it to yourself please...


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Yes, cause it will piss people off, and that is something I enjoy hearing about.

And for the arguement about its religious significance, Im pretty sure that most people on XBL only think Nazi when they think of this:

Not the Manji:

Sure, it could be meant as a religious symbol, but like I said above, its not going to be interpreted that way instantly.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Censorship is bad \_/ That is all.

Why stop at the swastika? Why not ban all the other emblems ppl find offensive? No, I don't agree with the ban.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
WanderingFool said:
Yes, cause it will piss people off, and that is something I enjoy hearing about.

And for the arguement about its religious significance, Im pretty sure that most people on XBL only think Nazi when they think of this:

Not the Manji:

Sure, it could be meant as a religious symbol, but like I said above, its not going to be interpreted that way instantly.
isn't the kanji for "ban" turning the opposite way from the swastika?