I once had a pretty bad night out, I drank a whole bunch of mixed drinks which I later found out had been unattended drinks a mate had been stealing. I smoked a lot of cigarettes (I never smoke). Ate three big macs and some fries, before vomiting much later.
Now I'm physically repulsed by the smell and taste of Macdonalds. It's odd I can still eat the breakfast menu, and I can steal eat say Hungry Jacks' (Burger King) fries. But I just can't eat Macdonalds burgers and fries anymore.
Now I'm physically repulsed by the smell and taste of Macdonalds. It's odd I can still eat the breakfast menu, and I can steal eat say Hungry Jacks' (Burger King) fries. But I just can't eat Macdonalds burgers and fries anymore.