Poll: do you have xbox live


New member
May 25, 2009
I have a year subscription, I thought I had bought a 3month card, but when I put in the code it turned out to be a year one, score


New member
Jun 3, 2009
I did.... Until the red rings got too it... I haven't played anything but PSP in months.... I feel like something died inside of me....

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Nope. I'd have to spend about $160 just to get it, which is money I don't exactly have to spend for such trivial matters.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
VanityGirl said:
I have a gold account.
I also have a PSN account.

I like my gold more just because of the voice chats, parties and general ease of communication versus PSN. I like PSN, but I can see why it's free.
I'd like PSN to put in a voice chat so I could talk to my friend while I'm playing Socom and she's playing KillZone2. Alas, that is why we have XBL, we communicate like that.

A perfect example of how to take the positives of both instead of just saying one sucks.
I commend your lack of stupidity :D


New member
Feb 25, 2009
FlshrImp said:
canadamus_prime said:
No, because I'm not paying 100 bucks for the f*ing X-box wireless adaptor, and since I can't get Internet to it any other way...
if you have a laptop with internet, just get an ethernet cable, i got mine for like 2 bucks! works great.
it does actually work pretty nicely.
pretty easy to set up as well.


check it yo!


New member
Feb 25, 2009
Trivun said:
I should do, but I don't. Reason being is thus: I have stored in my room from various offers with games and as a complementary thing from Microsoft when I had the RRoD about three to five months of free Gold membership (not sure exactly how long, sadly, but at least three months). I have a wireless router in the house I share with my university friends, and there's another one in the house back home. However, I can't connect to t'interwebz because I don't have the Microsoft Wireless Network Adapter that you need to connect. Never mind that it would be a simple enough matter for MS to have added this built in to the Xbox 360 itself, they decide to screw us and get more money by having it as a periphral instead, knowing that almost all Xbox users will want to get onto Xbox Live. So I would be on XBL if I could, but as a student I have more important things to spend money on than an adapter for my Xbox, so I can't connect unless I can somehow find a job soon and get some money behind me, other than my student loan. Damn MS money grabbing bastards...
you being a student i can only assume you own a laptop which you use wire-less-ly(lol) no?
you do realize you can connect your xbox to wireless internet Via your laptop right?

all you need is an Ethernet cord...which is cheap..even for a student...


i've already shared this link however i shall share once again.

its easy.

its cheap.

now stop complaining about MS and how there a bunch of money loving bastards...

because EVERYONE is a money loving bastard.

there soul reason for being a company is not to make you happy.

There soul reason for being a company is to make money.

and there being smart about it.

now i'm just rambling.

my bad.


enjoy the link.



Sep 22, 2009
Only just managed to get a gold account (it took some sneaking around on my part), not that I really have the time to enjoy the benefits of multiplayer. Damn studying.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
Naw, even if I did have a 360 I probably wouldn't. If PSN wasn't free I wouldn't pay for it either (unless it was really cheap). I like doing my online gaming on the PC.

Btw if you're not willing to have a discussion over Live then there's really no point in having this topic. If you want everyone's posts to be sentence-long expansions of the words "yes" and "no" solely for the sake of seeing how many people have Xbox Live then you might as well Google how many users Live has and be done with it.


New member
Oct 6, 2008
Poll doesn't make sense, silver is free, it can't be too expensive. If you have an xbox, you automatically have at least silver.


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
brainless906 said:
Trivun said:
I should do, but I don't. Reason being is thus: I have stored in my room from various offers with games and as a complementary thing from Microsoft when I had the RRoD about three to five months of free Gold membership (not sure exactly how long, sadly, but at least three months). I have a wireless router in the house I share with my university friends, and there's another one in the house back home. However, I can't connect to t'interwebz because I don't have the Microsoft Wireless Network Adapter that you need to connect. Never mind that it would be a simple enough matter for MS to have added this built in to the Xbox 360 itself, they decide to screw us and get more money by having it as a periphral instead, knowing that almost all Xbox users will want to get onto Xbox Live. So I would be on XBL if I could, but as a student I have more important things to spend money on than an adapter for my Xbox, so I can't connect unless I can somehow find a job soon and get some money behind me, other than my student loan. Damn MS money grabbing bastards...
you being a student i can only assume you own a laptop which you use wire-less-ly(lol) no?
you do realize you can connect your xbox to wireless internet Via your laptop right?

all you need is an Ethernet cord...which is cheap..even for a student...


i've already shared this link however i shall share once again.

its easy.

its cheap.

now stop complaining about MS and how there a bunch of money loving bastards...

because EVERYONE is a money loving bastard.

there soul reason for being a company is not to make you happy.

There soul reason for being a company is to make money.

and there being smart about it.

now i'm just rambling.

my bad.


enjoy the link.

Thanks for the link, and yes, you're right, I do use a laptop. However, just for the record, I'm not a Microsoft hater. This is the first time for at least six months I've made any complaint about MS. 've never recieved anything but good service from MS. When I had the RRoD I sent it to them for repair and they returned it fixed a week earlier than they said they would, with a free month's subscription to XBL Gold for use when I wish. I use Vista and have done for over a year and it's always been perfectly fine, and given how much I use my computer this is quite an achievement. In fact, the only computer related problem I've had since getting a laptop was a hell of a lot of lag wen playing L4D, and that's down to a crappy graphics card which I can't change without replacing the entire motherboard. And that's all down to Avida, who made it, and nothing to do with MS. I freaking love MS.

Just thought I'd set the record straight. Thanks for the link anyway, much appreciated :D


New member
Jul 1, 2009
I have Silver, playing multiplayer games just isn't that important to me.

It sucks that they are taking more and more things away from the Silver players though, like how we have to wait longer for demoes and DLC than the Gold members and can't use the Deal of the Week.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
...yes i do have it thanks :)

To add more convo to this...anyone wana do Co-op legendary on ODST add me :D


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Yes, ive had it for 2 years now, but only used it for 1. After i got RROD and decided to buy a PS3 instead, Microsoft decided to keep charging me on my credit card for it yearly. My friend tells me that my account has been offline for in excess of 400 days, yet i expect yet another credit on my statement soon...

I'd better get reimbursed for this when i can be bothered ringing up and complaining...


New member
Aug 18, 2009
I had Gold for it's free trial and then gave up.

Instead of paying for xbox live I got a Lovefilm subscription so I can play games online for free on my PS3. Woop!

I don't really understand why PSN is free and Xbox live is not. Non of the features besides basic ones that both have like playing online and being able to occasionally playing with friends and use voice chat (which contrary to what some people may feel works on PSN and works well) actually appeal to me.

I dislike having to use an Ethernet cable, it's a pain having to place my laptop next to my xbox and then lay the chords over everything. It's not a problem but it can be somewhat annoying.

I also don't want to buy a hardrive for my xbox so I can't get any DL content for it! Yay!