Poll: Do you own or know someone that owns a 3DS


Robot in Disguise
Mar 22, 2010
I don't own one and don't intend to in the foreseeable future. I'm simply not interested in any of the games released or announced for it. I probably will end up getting one when a Pokemon games comes out (just like the DS and GBA)

No one I know has one, but two of my friends have tried them at a store. One said the 3D was awesome, the other thought it was awful.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
I don't have much interest in portable games, when I was a kid i had an original game boy (brick size!) because my family traveled a lot. I even had a 'game boy color' when I was in college to use when I was sitting in some building for an hour between classes. As an adult who does all the driving, owns the house he lives in (and therefor all the TVs) and my free time is 'at home' well. I see no reason for a mobile gaming device. If I'm out and about I don't have time for that.

My nephew (who is 14) has a 3DS. He plays the shit out of it though he says "i almost never have the headache 3D on"

Tommeh Brownleh

New member
May 26, 2011
I like my 3ds. I'm confident that the games that will come out in a couple of months will be great. The graphics are good, the 3d is good, its all good. I don't see what people don't like, besides a lack of games. Every console doesn't have many games when it comes out.


Oct 6, 2009
A friend of mine loves his, and I'll admit that the 3D effect is a lot less obnoxious than I thought it's be, but it's also been about half a decade since I last used a handheld for a period longer than I could borrow someone else's. I won't be getting one, but I can see why other people would/do.

Matt Dellar

New member
Jun 26, 2011
I bought Pokemon White when it came out, just because I skipped D/P/Pl, but since beating that I haven't touched my DS. So, no, I'm not into portable gaming, as I prefer to type stories on my laptop while traveling.

The 3DS is still a "wait until it's worth well over what I pay for it" system. Even then, I'll wait till they're done with remakes and start releasing really cool new games. I mean, like legitimately new.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
I know quite a few people with 3DSes. My brother for one, who I think it mostly waiting for new games at this point. As for my friend with a 3DS, Ocarina of Time was enough for it to be a good purchase for him.

I'm not sure if I'll get one yet. I'm gonna wait to see how this library stacks up, especially against the PSVita.


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
I have a friend who owns one but I've yet to experience it for myself. Prediction? Headache city for me.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
A friend of mine has one and is happy with it. I don't see a reason to get one. Maybe a PSVita...prolly not. Everything that interests me is either on consoles or on the PC.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
My boyfriend let me play his 3DS the other day. It's nothing special, though I did enjoy this one minigame where I could shoot ping-pong balls at my friends' floating heads. Seriously.


New member
May 2, 2009
A "Yes, & it's OK, I guess" option would have been a nice addition to the poll. I like it as a piece of hardware, I just wish it had some games. I'm also one of the few people who can play in 3D without their eyes exploding, so that's nice too...


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Yes I own one. Got it for my Birthday. I really enjoy it and I can't wait for my free games.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
My room mate, best friend, long-time school friend, and I, all own one. We all got it for OoT, upcoming Starfox, and the many other games to come.
I really like it, and I kinda understand people's complaints about the 3D, but if you get it in the right spot, you can play for hours without a concern for cataracts. Besides that, you can control how much 3D you have, and most games just need a bit, so please stop complaining about it.
I'd wait till the next-gen one comes out, and get it with the game it comes with.

Related: Since I am a Nintendo fanboy, and bought something of theirs that is not doing so well, the very first day, I get 10-20 free games.
You jelly?


New member
Jul 5, 2009
myself nor any my friends own one, we all think its a waste of money have stuck with our DS lites (and by us i mean 5 of us). though i've gone off hand-helds, i'll be sticking with PCs and consoles.


New member
Apr 21, 2010
My friend owns one, he likes it but he lost his old DSi so I think it was a good choice he also never played Ocarina so yeah. I still think its a huge waste, 3D is a fad that will be replaced by something else in a year or two and once that comes the 3DS will be obsolete, but then again I could be totally wrong.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
Yes, but is has it foibles. The line-up is atrocious. No, I do not care for Ocarina of time in the slightest. I'm waiting for Paper Mario to come out, because that series has my number.

The Ambassador scheme didn't bother me, 20 free games is OK as a trade off. But they REALLY need to get their act together in terms of games.


New member
Jul 27, 2011
I'm the only one I immediately know around me that has one. (Random Reminder: If you have a 3DS, be sure to log onto the 3DS's Nintendo eShop, so you can be part of the Ambassador Program and get access to 10 free Nes games and 10 free GBA games.) I show it to people who feel like trying it, and Face Raders alone is interesting enough that I enjoy carrying it with me. I got Ocarina of Time 3DS as a random present, and am enjoying playing it as well. Then there's the promiss of what's to come: Mario Kart 3DS, Kid Icarus Uprising, Kingdom Hearts 3D(s), Megaman Legends 3(ds) (if they don't outright kill Megaman this year, that is... ;.;), Ninja Gaiden (3DS) (3D blood would be awesome), Paper Mario (3DS) SUPER FUCKING SMASH FUCKING BROS (FUCKING 3DS) (OH MY GOD YES!), and possibly even more. So yeah, I can say I'm enjoying my 3DS both now and DEFINITELY later.


New member
Sep 5, 2004
I don't own one but I will probably buy my daughter one since she's been asking so nicely for it. :D


New member
May 31, 2011
I have one, but I traded my DSi in to get it, so I got like $100 back, and only paid $200 for it anyway. I still get the free games though XD.

I quite like it. The 3D is pretty cool when you get it at the right level. I've found that about half-way up makes for the best playing of OoT. I will admit though, it does get slightly annoying if you need to shift, then re-find the best position again, but still. Also, right now, the games are pretty crap, with OoT being very clearly the best, but there's some good titles coming, namely Starfox 64 3D, Kid Icarus Uprising, and Cave Story 3D. Then the standard Mario Kart, which should look pretty cool in 3D.

It's an entirely subjective thing though, just like any console debate. Some will love it, some will hate it. You just have to make your own mind up on if you think it's worth it. See if you can get your hands on a store demo model or something.


New member
May 19, 2008
If their last few handhelds are anything to go by, there's going to be an improved version of the 3DS at some point. It'll likely have improved battery life and better functionality, so I'm just waiting for that. If that never happens, then I'll pick a regular 3DS eventually when they actually get a larger library with games I actually want. In the meantime I'm still very happy with my DSi.

Shifty Tortoise

New member
Sep 10, 2008
My brother owns one. If he'd bought it at it's currently reduced price, i wouldn't have though it was a waste of money. But as he got it on release day (when there were next to no games available) i think it was a bit of a waste. No worries though, if he's got the money to spare, go for it, at least i can borrow it when he's not using it and play Ocarina.