Poll: do you think children aren't able to make decisions for themselves?

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
Hope Chest said:
dcomproductions said:
it feels like my parents don't think of me as another human being, but that i'm but a toy to them, to be molded into what they want. i can make my own decisions and just because i'm not 18 doesn't make me less of a human. i want to know if there are others this blinded.
Let me give you a bit of advice: most of the adults on this forum are not mature enough to handle a discussion about childhood.

There was a time you could get a good discussion of this topic on here. Somedays you still can, if you get lucky and get the right posters. But those days are gone, and you didn't get lucky.

Your first mistake was posting this in Off-Topic: should have put it in Religion and Politics, where the posters tend to be less...well, you've seen how they've behaved in this thread. You're going to get a bunch of misanthropes looking to get their jollies causing emotional hurt to others like you over the internet. Just change the topic and the OP, and forget you ever made this thread is my advice.
After seeing most responses in this thread, I agree with Mr. Hope Chest, and as always he said it much better than I ever could. Of course, I'm 15, so I'm biased here.

I know that around the time I joined there was a bit of a youth bashing thing going on (fun fact, it's why I joined). Apparently that hasn't really changed, it just hasn't surfaced itself much for a while.

skitzo van

New member
Mar 20, 2009
2012 Wont Happen said:
skitzo van said:
Since the OP's gone I call for derailment!
derailment vetoed!

Oh Noes!
OT: After reading these responses I've realized how I'm caught between child and adult, occasionally being a whiny prick and slightly being mature, and now I've realized there ARE other people who felt EXACTLY like I did, and I feel I should focus on being an adult more and stop giving my parents crap. Now I feel as though my mind is maturing at its abnormal rate again! I feel as though my mind has been born again and I don't know why I'm saying it on the internet.

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
Not a Spy said:
2012 Wont Happen said:
I wouldn't say that the odds are stellar- but they are less than that of a person who is much older. A persons age is one factor that will determine maturity, and before the argument is made it is a factor of the effectiveness of the argument. Once the argument is made- the age of the original speaker has nothing to do with the validity or lack of validity of it. Only the arguments content matters at that point. In addition, there are many other factors. I am straight edge and care a lot about politics. Compared to a 20 year old alcoholic who couldn't be bothered about politics- I would probably be more politically mature.

As far as giving myself more power, in all honesty I think that perhaps 15 is at the lower limit judging by the people I know. It could work, but I think that 16 would probably ensure a better educated electorate. The other sophomores I know are rather hit and miss as far as their maturity level- but almost all of the juniors I know are more mature than any of the 18-19 year olds I've met (due to the fact that they generally drink a lot less).

Anyway, sorry to have bothered you for so long at this point, as I know you didn't want a conversation.
Very well, but I think your perception may be just a tad skewed. Of course the juniors you know appear mature to you, that's because you're only likely to encounter one's whose opinion's you probably share. Allow me to explain, you assume most of your class are dimwits because, well, they are. But the reason you see this is because your exposure is unwilling, you don't want to be with these people but they're your year so you're in a lot of the same classes. By contrast most of your junior acquaintances are probably by choice. You aren't in as many classes with them so a larger percentage of your interactions must take place with those who you are friendly with, and we tend to be friends with people who share our opinions in one way or another.

And it's foolish to assume that everyone who you see drunk is dumber than you, and that everyone who can drink does, but truthfully I haven't the energy to explain, I grow weary of this tedious argument.
Just as a matter of record, I am in all junior classes except for my electives. Anyway, g'night.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
Judging by your inability to rationally deal with disagreement, I'd say you, personally, cannot make INTELLIGENT decisions for yourself. You can make your own decisions, but their likely to be bad ones. And from my own experience, I know that if I were to tell little me some of the mistakes I've made, he'd punt me in the balls and then grow up to make the same mistakes, because I wouldn't learn from some punk-ass pasty 18-year-old telling me how he fucked up our life. So you should be allowed to make some decisions, if only to fuck up and learn, but right now, nothing too major.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
Kids under 8 may still make wrong decisions, because they don't know everything yet. After that, though? Easily. Kids are much smarter than most people think.

But remember - only fools learn exclusively on their own mistakes. Smart people also learn from mistakes of others. So be rational.


New member
Apr 24, 2008
It comes down to ,do you respect your parents? and they you? respect is something earned, never given.
Personally one of my parents never had MY respect to begin with,ie; heavy drinker, wife beater, drunken disciplinarian and basically repeatedly making supportive comments like this when in their cups, "you ruined my life the day you were born" "I want to grind you into the ground until you are nothing" "got your 1st job eh? its about time you started pulling your own weight, half of your weekly income should cover the rent and keep you out of trouble""You walk out that door to live by yourself and you are dead to me"
What can I say growing up in that environment I realised very early some people are a**holes. but it also made me mostly unsympathetic to other peoples "problems".
Normal parents as a whole have an interest in their childs development, and acting on these interests no matter how misconstrued or repressive seeming are is just a demonstration of their love and concern for their little piece of joy.


New member
Dec 30, 2009
dcomproductions said:
dietpeachsnapple said:
While I may think that we underestimate the intelligence and resilience of our youth to learn from their mistakes, I also think you aren't doing yourself any favors by misspelling "decisions."
so i can't spell, that doesn't mean i'm any less mature than an adult.
Maybe not less mature but less intelligent

Sorry! HAD to be said¬_¬


New member
Jun 26, 2009
dcomproductions said:
it feels like my parents don't think of me as another human being, but that i'm but a toy to them, to be molded into what they want. i can make my own decisions and just because i'm not 18 doesn't make me less of a human. i want to know if there are others this blinded.
They can make certain decisions for themselves, but when it's the case of say a 5 year old boy who identifies as female, and is wanting to go on Hormone replacement therapy asap so she doesn't go through puberty like her brother, i think decisions like that should be left to the parents.
Weird example I know, but I recently watched an Oprah special on just that issue.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Quit your moaning. Your parents know best, don't bother complaining about it on the Internet. Perhaps you aren't mature enough to make the decisions your parents are allegedly stripping from you. Perhaps your parents aren't trying to 'mold' you, so much as they are trying to prepare you for living on your own, as is a parent's job.

Yes, you can make your own decisions. However, this doesn't mean you should.

This is coming from a sixteen year old, so you should know you've got some growing up to do before you can claim to being able to decide things for yourself.

On the topic of whether or not children should be ble to make their own decisions, it all really depends on the individual child's intelligence and maturity. Simple as that.


New member
May 5, 2009
are you serious, I'm pretty sure gaming kids aren't as bored as to take drugs and stuff, it's not like we make COMPLETELY idiotic decisions, who's voting on this poll? (a bunch of kid hating wrenches. also the above guys thing about being mature and things, i agree.
also I'm 14. (ad to all of you child molesters I'm acutely 30 so make YOUR own decision.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Just a reminder.

Adults can be childish morons aswell. A company where my dad works in, had to change the titles of their employees for one month, and then change them back. Some of them threw themselves on the floor, crying, because their temporary titles weren't as cool as the original ones.
We're talking about 40-50 year old men, at the top of their careers, wearing suits, driving Audis, and traveling around the world so they can play golf during winter.

A friend's sister and myself have got fired from a workplace for not eating at the same place with everyone else. She had worked there for five years, longer than anyone else. They also blamed me for turning my best friend (who also worked there, and got me the job) somehow against them.
When we got fired, they told my friend that they had hoped he would pay more attention to them, now that his stupid friend and sister were both gone. He gave them all a big old WTF, and quit.

Adults do fucking stupid shit, and by no means are they any less childish than actual teenagers. Just because you grow up, doesn't mean you automaticly become unselfish, gain loads of confidence, a high self-esteem, and an unbreakable ego.
Mar 28, 2009
*Possible huge level of bias seeing as I'm 15*
Well my parents are pretty good, they trust me to make my own decisions and give me a say in what goes on in my life, and I have friends who have both ends of the spectrum, some have parents who have no trust in them whatsoever and rail against it by drinking, smoking and fighting, others are given free reign to do those things and abuse, it, whilst others still have those privileges and realise that that that is what they are privileges and treat them as such.
So while my parents don't allow drinking and discourage it if I go over to a mates place whose parents allow it I might have a couple of drinks, but I won't abuse it, because I've been taught it.
So I think it depends on the kid and the parents, if a kid proves himself to be more trustworthy give them more rope, if they use that rope to strangle you, cut it off. And good parents shouldn't have any reason not to trust their kids, because they should have taught them what is acceptable and whats not.



New member
Jul 17, 2008
kids indeed nowadays are retarded, however usually if parents make decision for them it's most of the time bad one. they should be allowed to choose themselves othervice they'll never learn.


Old Hands
Apr 6, 2009
fluffybacon said:
dcomproductions said:
it feels like my parents don't think of me as another human being, but that i'm but a toy to them, to be molded into what they want. i can make my own decisions and just because i'm not 18 doesn't make me less of a human. i want to know if there are others this blinded.


Baton the hatches! duck and cover! to the bunkers!​
I'm sorry but the sheer levels of irony here win.

OT: Kids are retarded, don't let them out there, seriously.


Nightingale Assassin
May 20, 2009
fluffybacon said:
dcomproductions said:
it feels like my parents don't think of me as another human being, but that i'm but a toy to them, to be molded into what they want. i can make my own decisions and just because i'm not 18 doesn't make me less of a human. i want to know if there are others this blinded.


Baton the hatches! duck and cover! to the bunkers!​
From looking at your avatar, I'd say that's slightly contradictory.


New member
Jun 27, 2009
OP, from your tendency to get angry and defensive with almost no provocation, and your poor grammar, I'm going to guess that you, as an individual, aren't mature enough to make your own decisions. (For the most part.)

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
dcomproductions said:
your doing what most older people do to me, judge me. they think because my parents don't treat me as an equal that i'm immature "ignorant, young, and stupid". most of the time, they are right and have let me learn what's best but now it just feels like they're exercising authority just because they can. i won't go into details but no matter how old i get in their eyes i'm 5.
Let me say, quickly, that I thought the same way when I was 14 - 16.
My dad didn't know anything, I knew what I wanted and what was 'right'.
He was old and out of touch, and I knew what was what.
He was trying to make me something I wasn't, and I wasn't going to stand for it.

And you know what I did?
I grew up.

And I'm not saying that in a rude, or condescending way. I really mean it: I grew up.
And I also adopted a little saying: The older I get, the smarter my father gets.
Which means, basically, that the older I get, the more I realize that my dad did actually (And does actually) know what he's talking about. He wasn't stopping me from having fun, he was trying to help me make mature decisions that would stop me from making huge mistakes.

Now I'm older, married, and living on my own. And you know what? I goto him for advice on all sorts of things. He can't really 'tell me what to do' anymore, but I hold his opinion, knowledge, and wisdom in high regard. A big difference from when I was younger (Though I'm still young), and a big lesson learned.