Poll: Do You Use the Word "Gay" as an Insult?

Dec 14, 2009
ZeroMachine said:
Daystar Clarion said:
ZeroMachine said:
Daystar Clarion said:
ZeroMachine said:
Daystar Clarion said:
No. I'm not inbred.
You may not be inbred, but that comment shows that you're quite obviously way more of an asshole than anyone I know that uses "gay" as an insult.

We use it out of irony. We use it out of irony with our gay friends. Our gay friends use it out of irony. Why?

Because given the right situation, it can make things funnier. Being politically correct has it's place, but when it comes down to humor, sometimes you need to push those boundaries.

Now, don't get me wrong: we don't outright use it to describe something. But let's say that we're joking with our friends, and one of the guys say:
"Oh, god, yeah, I love Taylor Swift!"
"Pfff, gay."

And we all have a laugh, because we all either love or have a respect for Taylor Swift. She's just, when looking at a purely "chick or guy" view, more for chicks.

So stop being so gay and get the stick out of your ass. Even most of those that do use it as a synonym for "bad" were just raised in a different environment. If your response to that is to call them inbred, you're just as bad as those who KNOW it's insulting and still say it in an insulting way.
I'm fully aware that some people use it jokingly, but see how things can be easily misunderstood? You, for instance, thought my comment was something worth writing an essay over even though my intention was to rouse a few giggles. Funny that.
"Inbred" has never, ever been used as a joking insult. Ever. It's been used to talk down to people and call them retarded.

"Gay" has been used as a joking insult for years, and even though it can be used as an actual insult, the fact that a shit-load of people use it as a joke makes it more forgivable. Yes, the majority matters.

There is a VERY big difference.
Where you live maybe, but me and my friends use the term a lot to reference stupid people. Again, it's the intent that matters, we use against each other when we do stupid things. Get the fuck off your soap box.
You live in a strange place, then. Though I mean no offense by that. Let's just agree to disagree and bash the guy that actually means it as a horrible insult?
Indeed, the only problem I see with the term 'gay' is that it's often hard to tell whether a person intends it as an insult or not.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
Yes. but usually in situations where it kind of roughly makes sense

for example:
Some guy: I like smart cars
Me: That's because you're gay

I'm using it as an insult, but it's used to describe femininity rather than something just being bad.


New member
Jan 9, 2010
Very Rarely, if i'm extremely tired and someone is being incredibly stupid, it might slip out because of my illogical reasoning. Public places? Hasn't happened in two years.

Slumber parties? Every so often.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
I'm gay and I don't have a problem with it, I use it myself sometimes. As long as it isn't used to insult people who are actually gay, but even then I say that shouldn't be any different than calling someone straight.

I actually find it more annoying when the word gay comes up and people are like "OMG I'M SO SORRY I'M NOT HOMOPHOBIC" no matter how many times I tell them It doesn't bother me.

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
smearyllama said:
No. It's offensive on an intellectual level.
Alexander The Great was gay, dammit! You don't see people insulting him!
I believe that there needs to be more love in this world, no matter how it's directed, so why would the spreading of love be an insult?
Pfft Bwhaahahaah I make fun of good ol' Alex all the time, but not because he was gay....but because he came up short at ruling the world XD

Hehehehe Oh when will people learn dictatorships aren't the most lasting forms of government....Except Cuba...jesus those guys are perssistant
Dec 14, 2009
Guitarmasterx7 said:
Yes. but usually in situations where it kind of roughly makes sense

for example:
Some guy: I like smart cars
Me: That's because you're gay

I'm using it as an insult, but it's used to describe femininity rather than something just being bad.
Indeed, that's how I see it. If I see something that is overly feminine or overly emotional I'll say "gaaaaaay" in a high pitched voice.

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
Dexiro said:
I'm gay and I don't have a problem with it, I use it myself sometimes. As long as it isn't used to insult people who are actually gay, but even then I say that shouldn't be any different than calling someone straight.

I actually find it more annoying when the word gay comes up and people are like "OMG I'M SO SORRY I'M NOT HOMOPHOBIC" no matter how many times I tell them It doesn't bother me.
^ This POST!!!!

And with you saying that I honestly just went gay for you.... ;)

*Slaps Self* My bad! Happens alot


New member
Oct 11, 2008
Daystar Clarion said:
ZeroMachine said:
Daystar Clarion said:
ZeroMachine said:
Daystar Clarion said:
ZeroMachine said:
Daystar Clarion said:
No. I'm not inbred.
You may not be inbred, but that comment shows that you're quite obviously way more of an asshole than anyone I know that uses "gay" as an insult.

We use it out of irony. We use it out of irony with our gay friends. Our gay friends use it out of irony. Why?

Because given the right situation, it can make things funnier. Being politically correct has it's place, but when it comes down to humor, sometimes you need to push those boundaries.

Now, don't get me wrong: we don't outright use it to describe something. But let's say that we're joking with our friends, and one of the guys say:
"Oh, god, yeah, I love Taylor Swift!"
"Pfff, gay."

And we all have a laugh, because we all either love or have a respect for Taylor Swift. She's just, when looking at a purely "chick or guy" view, more for chicks.

So stop being so gay and get the stick out of your ass. Even most of those that do use it as a synonym for "bad" were just raised in a different environment. If your response to that is to call them inbred, you're just as bad as those who KNOW it's insulting and still say it in an insulting way.
I'm fully aware that some people use it jokingly, but see how things can be easily misunderstood? You, for instance, thought my comment was something worth writing an essay over even though my intention was to rouse a few giggles. Funny that.
"Inbred" has never, ever been used as a joking insult. Ever. It's been used to talk down to people and call them retarded.

"Gay" has been used as a joking insult for years, and even though it can be used as an actual insult, the fact that a shit-load of people use it as a joke makes it more forgivable. Yes, the majority matters.

There is a VERY big difference.
Where you live maybe, but me and my friends use the term a lot to reference stupid people. Again, it's the intent that matters, we use against each other when we do stupid things. Get the fuck off your soap box.
You live in a strange place, then. Though I mean no offense by that. Let's just agree to disagree and bash the guy that actually means it as a horrible insult?
Indeed, the only problem I see with the term 'gay' is that it's often hard to tell whether a person intends it as an insult or not.
I will agree on that to an extent, but I can figure out who means what pretty easily usually.

And if I find out the person really means it as a homophobic statement, god DAMN will I rip 'em to shreds.

But political correctness has made it hard for us that find bigotry and racism and all that stuff hilariously ironic. Every side of anything like that is dead wrong! Black people aren't all criminals, and white people aren't always trying to control black people or keep them from getting ahead. Gay people aren't some unnatural disease, and Catholics aren't all these abhorrently horrible people. It's fucking hilarious how blind so many people are, and I love to take advantage of that and turn it into something humorous, but because so many people tip toe around words, I need to make sure I'm in the right crowd. It's downright aggravating.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Somewhat often but I try to avoid it more and more because of how offensive it can be.
Dec 14, 2009
Grayjack said:
I'm guilty of saying it a few times. I know I shouldn't, but it just slips out.
That's what she said, oh snap! Sorry, I couldn't resist... [sub]That's what she said! Help me... I can't sto - That's what she said! Noooooo![/sub]


New member
Jan 26, 2009
Well, not the word gay, but if I'm pissed at someone I might call them a fag. But for me it basically means idiot, not gay. It's kinda like that South Park-episode. It's a habit I'm trying to break though.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
I use the term 'gay' as a replacement for something that is stupid/silly/needlessly complex.

I tend to hate myself when I do...as I don't believe being a homosexual should be considered anything that's negative or unnatural. It's just something I find I've said over the years.

I try not to say it...but the fact is I do without even realizing it.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
Signa said:
I find this acceptable because while you are associating the word "gay" in a negative context, it in no way means you feel that gays are something to be viewed in a negative context. Take a look at the Harley driver episode of Southpark. No one calls each other "fags" because they hate gay people. The original meaning of those words has been subverted to general use for everything, and only the bleeding heart liberals think that you are disparaging a particular section of the population when you use those words.

Just remember folks, it's not the words but how you mean them. Y'all have a fucking nice day!
Thing is, despite how you intend to use the word, the fact that some people use the word as an insult towards gay people means there is still a problem. Put yourself in my shoes. As a closeted gay man in high school, when I heard the word gay used as an insult, where gay=stupid, what does that make me think? You have to realize, there are people around you that are gay, and you don't know they are. And being closeted means you are scared. You already feel horribly out of place, afraid that one person finding out will destroy your social life. And hearing gay mean stupid makes you feel even worse.

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
Nope, there are far better words to use as an insult, you thick-witted philistine (obviously a joke).

smearyllama said:
No. It's offensive on an intellectual level.
Alexander The Great was gay, dammit! You don't see people insulting him!
I believe that there needs to be more love in this world, no matter how it's directed, so why would the spreading of love be an insult?
"OH, LOOK AT ME, I'M ALEXANDER THE GREAT, I couldn't conquer India because I pussed out and tried to get home because I couldn't control my troops' moral! And then I got malaria and died like a tosser!"



New member
Feb 11, 2010
Only very rarely and only when playing video games with friends, and I usually still feel bad about it after I say it.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
By the way:

Sir John the Net Knight said:
Serenegoose said:
This is pretty much my response to anybody who thinks it's an appropriate insult.

Being a only very very slightly bi-leaning-mostly-gay-woman, I don't see why I'd use it as an insult.
You wouldn't. Straight males use it in a heavily straight male environment as a term to attack another straight male's masculinity. It's part of the rhetoric of the constant straight male struggle of establishing a pecking order where the top of the heap bullies the bottom feeders.

Yes, it's completely and totally stupid. As a straight male, I find it to be an utterly retarded and backwards providence that serves no purpose other than to boost or crumble a person's ego. I'm also one of the "bottom feeders", so take that as you will.
You, sir, rock. I just wanted you to know that.