Poll: Do you want a Portal 3? (Possible Spoilers!)


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Yes, eventually.

Valve need to do some things first. Finally finish the Half Life series. Give us a new IP or two. Maybe a Left 4 Dead 3...but yes, I would like to see a Portal 3, maybe within a decade.

I think there are a lot of places it could go, especially considering the end of the Co-Op campaign (it's pretty clear we don't need Chell anymore), not only with story but with expanded game machanics. I mean...

[spoiler/]Imagine using portals in space?[/spoiler]

But yeah, give it some time.

Superior Mind

New member
Feb 9, 2009
A prequel maybe, like what they originally planned for Portal 2, (look it up.) I think Chell's story in the depths of Aperture have been brilliantly and satisfactorally concluded.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Sapient Pearwood said:
TO the people saying Portal 2 was too closed off - Chell died in the first game. That was pretty closed off, retcons work wonders :)
That's one of the minor gripes I had with Portal 2 that stopped it from being perfect; I don't like Retcons. I understand that they were needed to make a continuation of the story possible and improve the game visually but at the same time it irks me. It's one of the reasons most Superhero comic books are crap.

That being said I don't think you'd need to retcon Portal 2 to make Portal 3. In fact I think Valve have left it more open than Portal. FYI; You don't need Chell to continue the story. Think robots.


Dec 22, 2007
United Kingdom
The thing is that the co-op ending does allow for some more things. As do some of the conspiracy theories that say that Chell was actually just placed in a part of the lab which she thinks is outside.


Aug 25, 2008
smeghead25 said:
Chell can easily return, and I'm sure there are a billion different ways to get a great story out of it.

Out in the field, Chell takes a step forward holding her slightly charred companion cube, and walks off into the distance. And then falls through a hole in the floor, all the way through Aperture Science and down to the depths. Sounds of testing chambers being rebuilt up high above draw your attention to the insane heights and all the movement of panels and crushing panels way up above you.

You come across an abandoned prototype Portal gun, unfortunately the portals don't stay open for very long as they are very unstable. You makeyour way through the guts of ApSci, heading upwards, perhaps to seek out the help of GLaDOS or avoid her altogether. After about an hour of this, you come across a strange whistling sound and you Portal your way towards it until you find a broken panel precariously sitting against a railing, with a Portal in it, air being sucked out really fast as though into a vacuum. And then as you approach it Wheatley comes rocketing through it yelling at you to destroy the panel. It sucks you towards it though but you grab either side of the panel and go tumbling over the side of the railing, back down into the abyss.

Blah blah blah, eventually you make your way back up to some of GLaDOS's old test chambers and make your way through them. Suddenly she notices your presence and instead of organising a welcoming party with cake, she panics. Obviously you're back to KILL her. Oh no that can't be good! So she starts throwing together test chambers in order to keep you busy while she figures out what to do with you. You see she now has a secret, something she doesn't wish to tell Chell, but something which means she doesn't want to kill her. As the game progresses, Chell makes her escape, eventually coming face to face with GLaDOS once more, and just as she's about to kill her again (by puttin her in a lemon), GLaDOS shouts "I AM YOUR MOTHER!" Turns out she couldn't delete Caroline because she IS Caroline. Caroline Johnson, Cave Johnson... Chell Johnson. "You wouldn't kill your own mother would you...?"

Without time to even answer that question, Wheatley burts in, bumbling and apologising to GLaDOS, hilarity ensues etc etc etc... I'm not writing the story for them. But damn it'd be kinda cool if it happened like this.
The scary thing is...i could see that working... o_O

But anyway, i trust valve, more than i trust other developers anyway.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
The second game brought so much closure that it's impossible to follow up on what happened afterwards.
Put Chell in another game.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
They have to stop making Portal games, or I'm going to be broke!

But yeah, I love Portal, but I really think that Portal 2 should be it. It was just so awesome, I don't want them to make another Portal game and have it be worse. Plus, there really is only so much you can do with portal puzzle-solving and homicidal, whacky AI. I just don't want to become bored of what makes Portal awesome.


New member
May 21, 2010
Sharalon said:
If you haven't played Portal 2 yet just leave this topic alone because I would like to talk about the possibility of another Portal game after the events of Portal 2.

Ok, so after the events of Portal 2 it would make sense that Chell never returns, but I would like to know more about Aperture, Cave Johnson and GLaDOS.

The gameplay could be extended through patches for the co-op campaign but another sequel wouldn't really make sense. Valve kind of explained a lot about what happened to all the different characters and left a good ending with few loose ends.

However, I would like to see more of Aperture, but maybe in a different game in the Half-Life universe.

Well, I want to know what you think and how you want Valve to handle this.

EDIT: Btw, did you guys see Ratmans final transmission. So cute :)
Yeah, but Portal's ending was done too. You escaped. Then Valve updated the game to make you "Assume the submissive position" and drag you back. They may have closed it off, but they might just update it

Pedro The Hutt

New member
Apr 1, 2009
Andaxay said:
Pedro The Hutt said:
Andaxay said:
I loved Portal 2, and I will ALWAYS want more Portal. But you know what? Portal 2 was such an enjoyable ride, and I'm not sure if another would cause the series to turn a little stale. I would still want more Portal after Portal 251, but perhaps some things should go out on a high.

However, this IS Valve, and they completely blew me away with this one.

Maybe a prequel.

And something that destroys that damn "Caroline is Chell's mother/Cave's wife" theory that is giving me a massive headache because IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE.
You mean that "Sorry gentlemen, she's married, to science" isn't enough to debunk it?
It's pretty clear that from start to finish she was his secretary.
Exactly. I can't think of a single piece of in-game evidence that even points towards it. I can understand why the theory, but with a complete lack of anything pointing that way I'm totally unconvinced.
Welcome to fandoms, take any two characters within the same fictional realm and there ~will~ be people trying to pair them together as a romantic item. I'm pretty sure Cave and Caroline had deep respect and appreciation for one another, which is understandable considering he kept her as his secretary long after she stopped being a pretty young babe. But that doesn't mean per say that there has to have been romance involved.
(Not to mention I've got my own ideas about what made Caroline's heart go faster, heh)


New member
Aug 20, 2009
yes but with different characters
(there are allot of possibilities since allot of people are still in stasis)


New member
Nov 12, 2009
The only way I'm going to accept a POrtal 3 is if it has to do with/is also Episode 3. I'm not sure where to go from here within the portal universe, I mean Chell was released and I will not accept another protagonist. With the exception being Gordon Freeman and/or Alyx.
(I will possibly accept a short game where you find out what actually happened to the Borealis, as it is hinted at in Portal 2)


New member
Jul 16, 2008
For gameplay, yes. For more GLADos and brilliant humour, yes. For story continuation, no. Chell has left Aperture Laboratories as a test subject and it should stay that way. What I do want is for Chell and/or Aperture to appear in HLEp3. Which will most likely happen

Titan Buttons

New member
Apr 13, 2011
Portal 3 is completely possible and can even be better then 2 but the ending to 2 completely removes Chell from the game so the 3 game would have to be about Atlas and P-bot or even a new character
It could be one of the people in cryo that you help Glados aquire
I believe that if they use Chell in the 3rd game, theey are going to need a hell of an excellent story explaining why her happy ending was ruined and she returned to a place that she hates and spent 2 games trying to escape

Sun Flash

Fus Roh Dizzle
Apr 15, 2009
Chell and GLaDOS might be able to be worked into the next Half Life, even as a cameo, I remember reading someone at Valve saying Chell could (theoretically) interact with Freeman and co. at some point.

But I don't know how you could A) Top or B) Continue the story after Portal 2's ending.

Valve could put Chell in the next Half Life and continue her story there and keep on going with GLaDOS in the Portal series.

Actually, you know what? Valve knows what they're doing. I'll put my faith in them.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
SomeBritishDude said:
That being said I don't think you'd need to retcon Portal 2 to make Portal 3. In fact I think Valve have left it more open than Portal. FYI; You don't need Chell to continue the story. Think robots.
Hm the retcon didn't bother me really, Portal isn't really story based enough for it to matter. I know you don't need Chell I was just pointing out that Valve isn't opposed to retconning what they need to to continue it.


Thinking with Portals
Jun 4, 2008
Khushal said:
Andaxay said:
Exactly. I can't think of a single piece of in-game evidence that even points towards it. I can understand why the theory, but with a complete lack of anything pointing that way I'm totally unconvinced.
Im not supporting the theory, but there are some things in the game that can hint at this.

It's weird he would include her in an oil painting for one, but the things he says about her in the pre recorded messages hints that they share an emotional bond bigger than mere professionalism.

It's just odd that he would just give the entire facility over to his secretary, they must have had a larger bond than mere co workers, perhaps lovers or something along those lines. I don't think they were married however, but theres definently more to it than just co workers.
Yeah, the picture made me wonder too. But then someone quite rightly pointed out that she's not wearing a wedding ring in the photo. Cave seems to be very fond of her (or her abilities) but her professional reactions and GLaDOS's formal tone when "replying" to him make me wonder whether it was just a one-sided thing. That, or they were having a bit of a fumble under their desks.

Pedro The Hutt said:
Welcome to fandoms, take any two characters within the same fictional realm and there ~will~ be people trying to pair them together as a romantic item. I'm pretty sure Cave and Caroline had deep respect and appreciation for one another, which is understandable considering he kept her as his secretary long after she stopped being a pretty young babe. But that doesn't mean per say that there has to have been romance involved.
(Not to mention I've got my own ideas about what made Caroline's heart go faster, heh)
Yeah, they were probably close colleagues, and Caroline must've been one heck of an able person for someone as important as Cave to respect her abilities and want to put her in charge, but I'm far more convinced they share respect and admiration for each other rather than love. Especially from Caroline.

That last part of yours intrigued me, :)


New member
Apr 25, 2010
I think the game with Chell is over.
It was fun, but it's time to let her go.
EDIT: Chell isn't a character, at heart.
She has no personality other than the one assigned to her by the player.
What will she do after Portal 2?
I'm sure some gamers would have her continue away from Aperture, independent and free.
I'm equally sure others would feel an emotional bond to GLaDoS, and have Chell return to a Rattman-like existance within the walls of the facility.
Some gamers might harbor resentment toward GLaDoS, and wish that Chell's freedom is false, to further justify their feelings.
Valve can't choose one without alienating other players.
EDIT, AGAIN: Maybe a moral choice system could be implemented?

Personally, I'd like to see Wheatley return. Yes, he's in space. But put yourself in his shoes.
You are small, insignificant, and confined to a rail for CENTURIES.
You've been given plenty of cool equipment, but told that using it would result in death.
You are powerless, living in fear.
Finally, you make a bid for freedom, waking Chell up and asking for her help.
Even in your escape, you still have to depend heavily on her.
She figures out how to disable the neurotoxin and the turrets, and even with your hacking skills you can't help feeling worthless.
Then you gain control. GLaDoS, the overlord, has swapped positions with you.
For the first time in your life, you have a voice. You are strong.
Drunk with power, you revel in your newfound abilities.
Then your programming starts in. Your addiction to power is compounded by a testing addiction.
Even though, at heart, you are still basically good, this new addiction overcomes your basic nature.
You even try to kill the woman who carried you, when you were small and helpless, just to retain your powers.
Then it all goes wrong. History repeats itself a third time, and the overlord is overthrown.
You are banished to space, where you are REALLY helpless, to drift among the cosmos forever, pondering your own decisions. It's worse than being on a rail, really.
I hold that Wheatley deserves a second chance.
Personally, if I were god, I'd make him into a testing robot, like Atlas.
He'd have power, but not absolute power.
Because nobody deserves an eternity with a homesick Space Core.

But Portal 3 could be a good game, if it followed the humans awakened at the end of the co-op campaign. It could take on a survival aspect, maybe?
Or maybe a game set in the past, watching Aperture Science turn from the innovators of tomorrow (testing astronauts and Olympians) into a hopelessly crumbling corporation (testing hobos and tramps)
I found Cave Johnson's transformation from a hearty, take-no-prisoners juggernaut into a sickly, broken man one of the most intriguing parts of Portal 2.

Listen to the Lemon Speech, for example.
Comic nature aside, this is a once-powerful man now unable to stop the poisons in his bloodstream.
If you listen carefully, his voice breaks, slightly, as he says "Do you know who I am?"
He's being killed by something beyond his control, probably the only thing in his life he doesn't dominate. It's a fascinating irony.