No one is ramming it in your face (I'm going to go on a tangent and paraphrase Jon Stewart here: "Do you realize how suggestive you sound when you say that?"). Before this there hadn't been a pony thread in days, probably a week at least, and it was clearly labeled so if you didn't want to talk about ponies then why are you even here? I do not go into CoD or JRPG threads and scream about how people aren't allowed to talk about enjoying things that I don't like and I generally expect the same simple courtesy from others. Sadly, the internet continues to disappoint.SovietX said:I didn't give a fuck about it until you rammed it in my face. There are plenty of places to ask these questions on The Escapist (Pony clubs, Previous threads etc) No need to make a new one every damn day. Go to ponychan or something like that.