Poll: Do you watch My Little Pony:FIM?


Occasional Gentleman
Apr 3, 2010
SovietX said:
I didn't give a fuck about it until you rammed it in my face. There are plenty of places to ask these questions on The Escapist (Pony clubs, Previous threads etc) No need to make a new one every damn day. Go to ponychan or something like that.
No one is ramming it in your face (I'm going to go on a tangent and paraphrase Jon Stewart here: "Do you realize how suggestive you sound when you say that?"). Before this there hadn't been a pony thread in days, probably a week at least, and it was clearly labeled so if you didn't want to talk about ponies then why are you even here? I do not go into CoD or JRPG threads and scream about how people aren't allowed to talk about enjoying things that I don't like and I generally expect the same simple courtesy from others. Sadly, the internet continues to disappoint.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
Aidinthel said:
Yeah I see what your getting at. It's just frustrating. Aside from the repeated "The last character you played as..." threads and something going on about MLP. Pretty much every site I go on has bronies going on about which character they would want to meet and all that. It's tiring to see this everywhere you go, and more times than often, when you come across a bronie that is a little bit too into MLP it get's out of hand.

In short, too much make it go away please. WON'T ANYBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN? (Who had their precious show hijacked)


Mar 28, 2009
TimeLord said:
Redingold said:
TimeLord said:
Redingold said:
Wow, those poll results can't be accurate. If 70.3% of people watch the show, and there are 1147 bronies (at least) on the Escapist, then Yahtzee, who has 2013 people in his fanclub, is watched by 123.3% of people.

Anyway, I do watch the show, read the fanfics, browse the artwork, et cetera, et hoc genus omne.
That's not how logic works! You're not accounting for Yathzee/MLP overlap like myself.
I don't have to. Overlap doesn't affect the maths here. If 70.3% of people = 1147 people, then 2013 people = 123.3%, regardless of overlap. Even if all 1147 bronies are in the Yahtzee club, the total number of Yahtzee fans is still 123.3% of people, apparently.
But that means you are assuming that Yahtzee fans and MLP fans together make up 193.6% of the Escapist userbase according to your logic! What about people who dislike both? Why is it above 100%! I'm so confused!

For that matter, why not compare MLP and LRR fans? I'm confused as to why you picked ZP fans other than them being the only other group with more fans.
No, you don't get it. I only have to consider overlap when I want to work out how many people are in both groups or in at least one of the groups. It's entirely feasible that all the bronies are part of the Yahtzee group, but that still puts the number of Yahtzee fans above 100%. If you don't get this, I'm afraid I know of no other way to explain it to you.

And as for why I didn't compare MLP fans to LRR fans, that's because if I had done so all I would have shown was that LRR is liked by less than 100% of people. Yahtzee's group was the only one that gave a proportion greater than 100%.


New member
Jul 22, 2011
FutureJarhead16 said:
wackymon said:
FutureJarhead16 said:
Glad I'm not apart of this shit.
its A part. not Apart.

just letting you know.
due to the fact that when read it means that you are not apart, as in a part of.
ergo, you lie.

in the words of big mac

Did you seriously take the time to correct my typo?
i need a life.
Condor219 said:
Kytseo said:
Yes, and I am male, /brohoofs every brony and pegasister on this thread, (BTW, Applejack is best pony).
This is incorrect. Dashie is best pony. Applejack can be second-best pony.
you are both incorect. fluttershy be signifigantly better than either of thoes 2.