Poll: Do you watch My Little Pony:FIM?


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Apr 2, 2008
DRes82 said:
LilithSlave said:
It does need to be higher.

It gives me faith in the world.

Also, I don't think anyone has salon styled hair other than Rarity. Or maybe Fluttershy. But most likely Rarity.

Have you seen Pinkie Pie's hair? It's in my avatar. That is not salon styled. And if it does look salon styled, you'd better watch out.
My avatar is the Scorcher. He is much more awesome than any pony, and he doesn't even have hair. Its been BURNT OFF. Watch my show instead. =)
Adventure Time, correct? The show that has rainicorns?

It looks like a fun show. I'll give it a try. There's no reason for me to hate Adventure Time just because I like FiM.

Thanks for the recommendation!


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Neverhoodian said:
DRes82 said:
LilithSlave said:
It does need to be higher.

It gives me faith in the world.

Also, I don't think anyone has salon styled hair other than Rarity. Or maybe Fluttershy. But most likely Rarity.

Have you seen Pinkie Pie's hair? It's in my avatar. That is not salon styled. And if it does look salon styled, you'd better watch out.
My avatar is the Scorcher. He is much more awesome than any pony, and he doesn't even have hair. Its been BURNT OFF. Watch my show instead. =)
Adventure Time, correct? The show that has rainicorns?

It looks like a fun show. I'll give it a try. There's no reason for me to hate Adventure Time just because I like FiM.

Thanks for the recommendation!
Well yes, but lady rainicorn is only a small part, and she speaks only in japanese. Which is pretty cool imo.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Liked some of the first season. Second season has absolutely shit writing at the moment so not for much longer.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
I don't watch it myself, but my 3 year old girl loves it. So I have seen quite a bit of it.


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Feb 6, 2008
meepop said:
Lukeje said:
Why does the OP ask about gender and the poll then only include sex?

As a related question, is the new series worth watching even with the departure of Lauren Faust?
If you'll notice: The poll says "Yes, I'm a guy." As in "Yes, I watch the show; I am also male." Not the best wording, but I think that's what he meant.
I was referring to the fact that `gender' is usually used as a broader term than just whether you happen to have XX or XY chromosomes.

Spudgun Man

New member
Oct 29, 2008
These threads are beginning to make me see why Facist Dictatorships were popular at one time, actually I may move to Syria or City 17 in order to get away from aformentioned threads


New member
Aug 6, 2009
No. I saw it and didn't enjoy it.

People say its really well written and cute but I personally feel that Adventure Time kicks the shit out of it in both categories.

Adventure Time is also a funnier show...

But I guess you can't join a "cool" club by being a fan of Adventure Time... So there's that.


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May 14, 2008
I've seen a couple episodes, it's ok. Great show for kids, especially considering how awful most kid shows are these days. Although, outside of the weird bits of humor it's just not compelling enough for me at this age, so I don't have any real interest in seeking it out myself. If I had kids though, I wouldn't mind watching it with them.

Otherwise, I'll stick to re-watching my Invader ZIM DVDs.

Lukeje said:
I was referring to the fact that `gender' is usually used as a broader term than just whether you happen to have XX or XY chromosomes.
This is one of the most nit-picky things I've ever heard.

If someone doesn't like their birth sex and identifies with a different gender. Pick that option for the poll.. Not like anyone is going to know or care anyway. As it is, the only reason why it says "Don't lie" in the opening post is a case of not wanting people to be embarrassed to admit they like it, not an issue of gender identity.


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Aug 29, 2010
I've watched a few episodes.

I had to. I was asked by a friend to write a user review for the Escapist so I couldn't really avoid it.


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Dec 8, 2010
It's a reasonably good show, but I really dislike how the fanbase feels the need to force it upon everyone.


New member
Sep 8, 2009
Again with the fucking MLP

This just reminds me of gay pride parades. Running around the place screaming "THIS IS WHO I AM! DEAL WITH IT BUDDY!"

I didn't give a fuck about it until you rammed it in my face. There are plenty of places to ask these questions on The Escapist (Pony clubs, Previous threads etc) No need to make a new one every damn day. Go to ponychan or something like that.

OT: I watched one episode. I didn't see the big deal. It's weird because there is very little humour in it. I would rather watch Adventure Time. Show is for kids but is oh so funny.

Or you could just watch Spongebob.

Custard_Angel said:
...I personally feel that Adventure Time kicks the shit out of it in both categories.

Adventure Time is also a funnier show...


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Glass Joe the Champ said:
Togs said:
Please not another goddamn pony thread, next time use the search function for the countless horde of previous topics.
If you want somewhere to gush and squee about a kids tv show the escapist has its own forum group, which again the use of the search function could find.
Soooooo...I'm guessing you.....don't like the show?
I have nothing against the show, its the fans I have an issue with.


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Dec 8, 2010
Kitsuna10060 said:
Don Savik said:
Stop with these pony threads. Pretty sure some already exist. Kthxbai
Togs said:
Please not another goddamn pony thread, next time use the search function for the countless horde of previous topics.
If you want somewhere to gush and squee about a kids tv show the escapist has its own forum group, which again the use of the search function could find.
so ... you 2 just reacted to 'pony'? didn't stop to consider it was made by a pony hater to troll with?

pro tip: it very much likely is, good job falling for it -.-
Err... no I think reading the OP gave me a big enough clue as to what the thread was about.

EDIT=As did the thread title, seeing as it directly mentions MLP.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Custard_Angel said:
No. I saw it and didn't enjoy it.

People say its really well written and cute but I personally feel that Adventure Time kicks the shit out of it in both categories.

Adventure Time is also a funnier show...

But I guess you can't join a "cool" club by being a fan of Adventure Time... So there's that.

I've watched "ponies." I've given it a chance. And Adventure time is better than it in every way. It's funnier, has more interesting and entertaining characters, and more interesting stories. It's also incredibly unpredictable and off the wall. Kinda like Invader Zim. Plus the creator has said every episode has been inspired by his experiences playing D&D.

That's just awesome.

Also, Lumpy Space Princess. Best character. Ever.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
Baneat said:
Adults don't need this stuff, way way way past this.
You'd be surprised how many adults could benefit from learning the lessons we try to teach our children.


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Oct 25, 2008
TimeLord said:
JediMB said:
TimeLord said:
Faust technically hasn't had a large amount of input post-pilot.
This is so far from the truth, it's ridiculous.

Faust had so damn much to do with the show for all of season 1 and the season 2 premiere that she had to quit or risk getting burnt out completely. She was involved in pretty much every single step in production.
She admitted that the role she has now is more or less the role she had after the pilot episodes of season one. She still has a large amount of input. I don't deny that she doesn't
I was under the impression that she said that to reassure the fans that the show is still in good hands.

Jayson Thiessen protested quite strongly when fans started downplaying Lauren Faust's role in the production of season 1.