Poll: Does anyone (feminist, gamer, SJW, atheist) really find Fedoras attractive/cool?


New member
Jan 17, 2009
It's just a hat. Every image you see of some twat in a "fedora" happens to be a fucking trillby anyway.

Pete Oddly

New member
Nov 19, 2009
Back in 2003, when I was in college, I wore a fedora for roughly two years. At the time, no one was wearing them, and a buddy of mine and I decided to start sporting them because we were aspiring journalists and the hat made us stand out. Literally, I can count on one hand the number of people in our college/university (combined facilities) who wore fedoras at the time. As a fashion statement, it worked.

However; one day I realized my hat was way too ratty to wear anymore. It was full of holes and stains and just looked shitty. So I decided to forego the hat and grow my hair out instead. That was when the fedora craze among geeks started, and all these stereotypes and the use of "fedora" as a pejorative became a thing. I think I inadvertently dodged a bullet there.

As it stands now, I just don't care. It's just a hat. I still like them, though I simply don't wear hats anymore. I don't think less of anyone for wearing one (even if they wear them "incorrectly"), though I do believe certain types of assholes do tend to wear them and try to make them a part of their collective identity. Much like hipsters have tried to claim thick-rimmed glasses as their own, the asshats (heh) in question have tried to do the same with the fedora.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
well besides fedoras and trilbys being mixed up, in general no. I don't find either attractive.


certain ones on certain people CAN be attractive. It really depends on the fedora or trilby and the person wearing it. I own 2 fedoras and a trilby. the trilby is a fancy dress type thing that I wear once in a blue moon (the last time was to a funeral about 3 years ago if not longer) and the fedoras well one is part of my indiana jones cosplay and the other I can use as such but usually use when I know I'm going to be out in the sun for extended periods of time and don't want the back of my neck, my face, my ears, and the top of my head to be burned and am going to be too busy to remember to consistently put sunblock on. As such I haven't worn it in 3 years. And the one for my cosplay I haven't worn for 6 years.

In general though, I don't find hats/accessories to be particularly attractive or unattractive. Nor do I see them as cool/uncool.

As such I'm also somewhere between eglatarian, MRA, and feminist as all of them have some very harmful ideologies(in the way they are being preached as at least) and am not an SJW (which is coincidentally a term that gets thrown at people who dare talk about their own life and experiences on their blogs)


New member
Jul 25, 2014
It's a hat, if you can pull it off you look cool, if you don't then you don't.

If you try to wear it with jeans and a t-shirt then you're going to look stupid but same is true with a lot of formal wear.

I don't know why people insist on associating it with "people on the internet I consider losers" (whether it be nerds or whatever). Like it or not some men can pull it off without wearing an Indiana Jones costume.

Also have no idea how feminism has anything to do with this.


New member
Jul 25, 2014
Frokane said:
So while I try and keep my nose out of this vicious recent game conspiracy stuff, I keep seeing the word SJW, Neckbeard and GAMER thrown around with these fedora related insults.

Which made me very interested so I did a bit of snooping and found out a lot of people roughly my age seem to be into fedoras, but I dont know its origins at all, so I want to know is it a fashion thing? a reactionary statement or a form of geek/gamer sybolism?
From what I've gathered a lot of people in their 20s started wearing them to try to look cool, a lot of other people thought they looked ridiculous and then the mockery started.

It's never been associated with gamers or any other group. It's just become a generic insulting thing you throw at people nowadays to say that they're losers. If someone wants to associate it with gamers that's because they don't like gamers or because they do like fedoras and are hoping the better reputation of gamers will rub off on it.

Bad Jim

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Nov 1, 2010
Imperioratorex Caprae said:
The only other person to pull it off without a suit was Indiana Jones and that was a fictional character, so attempting to be Indy cool is... well just not cool. You're not Indy, you can't pull it off without looking foolish.
Actually, Indy does wear nice clothing, nice leather jacket, shirt, trousers etc. He just looks dirty because every single item is a shade of brown, and he has stubble. He looks the way we expect him to look, like a professor who can afford good clothes but looks rough because he keeps meeting rough people.

Apart from the all brown colour scheme, it's hard to fault they way he dresses. He looks good. Han Solo, by contrast, is a rough guy who wears rough clothes and he would look silly in a fedora.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Bad Jim said:
Imperioratorex Caprae said:
The only other person to pull it off without a suit was Indiana Jones and that was a fictional character, so attempting to be Indy cool is... well just not cool. You're not Indy, you can't pull it off without looking foolish.
Actually, Indy does wear nice clothing, nice leather jacket, shirt, trousers etc. He just looks dirty because every single item is a shade of brown, and he has stubble. He looks the way we expect him to look, like a professor who can afford good clothes but looks rough because he keeps meeting rough people.

Apart from the all brown colour scheme, it's hard to fault they way he dresses. He looks good. Han Solo, by contrast, is a rough guy who wears rough clothes and he would look silly in a fedora.
Never said he doesn't, just pointed out that Indy is a rarity that can pull off the fedora without wearing dress clothes. Also the times I remember Dr. Jones in a suit, he wasn't wearing the trademark fedora because it was part of his adventure-hero ensemble and not his regular professorial regalia. But he's an anomaly and there are very few folks who can pull off that style without being seen as copycats (and yes I'm well aware the whole Indy get-up was basically lifted from a golden age Hollywood flick).


New member
Jan 31, 2012
I have nothing against Fedoras when worn properly. However, as others have said, pretty much the entire conversation is actually about Trilbys, and the only person I've ever seen wear one of those without looking like a prat is Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Like all things, it depends. Could you imagine Indiana Jones wearing a bowler hat? A beanie?


New member
Aug 20, 2009
To me, a fedora looks good on a slim, well-groomed person who is wearing fairly classy or business attire. Worn with a t-shirt, or with a ragged patchy beard, it looks like an ugly attempt to show class without having it. But that's the "fedora" that's actually a trilby. Fedoras, real fedoras made with wide brims, look cool regardless as long as they're the everyday fedoras not the dress fedoras.

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
It's an article of clothing which is no longer in fashion. It looks good in pictures of the 20's because it was fashionable then. Similarly, portraits of medieval kings in full noble garb look good because it looks proper given the time in which it was created. However, just as walking down the street in the style of medieval nobility would look very out of place today, so does a fedora. Fashion is not forever. If you don't care about fashion though, go ahead and wear one; no skin off my back. I barely care enough to dress myself well, much less to criticize others.


New member
Sep 28, 2011
I love yatzhee but he does look like an idiot with his fedora in my opinion, just cause I enjoy his videos doesnt mean I worship his fashion sense.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
I don't wear any hats but I don't care if other people do. Hell, wear whatever I don't give a shit. It doesn't make you any less attractive.

San Martin

New member
Jun 21, 2013
If I had a son, and said son wore a fedora, I would immediately pack him off to the New World in order to hide my family's shame. A daughter I would accept, as long as she eventually grew out of it.
Apr 24, 2008

Jack White doesn't give a fuck about your internet-based nonsense. He's too busy getting shit done.

Decide for yourself what's cool. Fuck the haters.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
DizzyChuggernaut said:
I wouldn't be surprised if many SJW/white knights wear fedoras, as the stereotype does include the whole "real gentleman" thing (which the stereotypical fedora wearer interprets to mean "put women on a pedestal and treat them like children" which is pretty much the definition of "white knight"/"SJW" behaviour, though those behaviours are also based on stereotypes).
That's interesting; sounds like you're describing "separate spheres" arguments that women are too pure and innocent to have to deal with the ugly world, which feminists have been arguing against since the 1800s. I don't often see SJW and feminist described as opposing forces.

The only requirements for short hair is a pair of scissors, really. None of this "bold and interesting personality" nonsense. I'd actually argue that having long hair is more difficult to pull off, as long hair requires significantly more maintenance.
Couldn't agree more. My eldest daughter has short hair because she has a sensitive scalp and hated spending time painfully brushing her hair. My youngest has longer hair because she thinks braids are cool. The youngest takes far more time to get ready.


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Bad Jim said:
Imperioratorex Caprae said:
The only other person to pull it off without a suit was Indiana Jones and that was a fictional character, so attempting to be Indy cool is... well just not cool. You're not Indy, you can't pull it off without looking foolish.
Actually, Indy does wear nice clothing, nice leather jacket, shirt, trousers etc. He just looks dirty because every single item is a shade of brown, and he has stubble. He looks the way we expect him to look, like a professor who can afford good clothes but looks rough because he keeps meeting rough people.
I mean that's the kind of clothing that I like.

Suede (or leather) jacket, shirt, jeans, and utilitarian shoes. Why shouldn't I be able to grab a fedora (a proper, wide-brimmed fedora. Not a trilby) to complete the set?


New member
Feb 12, 2014
if it suits the wearer, yes. otherwise people tend to ruin the whole ensemble.

"Cool" though in general is wrong of a term because, well, it's just a hat.


New member
Dec 26, 2014
There's a time and place for everything. Including the so-called fedoras that are actually trilbies.