Poll: Does everybody wish they were not alive?


New member
Mar 17, 2010
I'm quite fond of existing, thanks. The recession might have ended my job and no one answers my letters, the warring factions of my family might grow ever further apart and after over a year I still have no idea why I get random migraines but I'll be damned if I'm going to say I wished that I was dead. My sense of humour, among other things, wouldn't allow it.

Sometimes I do wish everyone would just bugger off and leave me in peace, but that's only because being one of the only people that nobody minds talking to means you are privy to everyone's problems and secrets.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
I used to want to die. But that was about a year ago, I was very sick and it looked like I might not get better. It wasn't life-threatening, but it was so painful and unpleasant and limiting that it ended up with me at 6am -having been up all night in pain- looking at all my medication wondering how much I would need to take in order to die.
So, I did what I hope anyone would do. I got the fuck out of there. We had suspected something in my boyfriends house as being the cause for my illness but I felt I had no where else to go. I went to live with family miiiiles away and got a bit better.

Now I'm pretty much happy all the time. I'm still sick. But when I look back at how sick I was, how could I not be happy?

People take their good health for granted.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
I did, then I got to the point where I knew it wasn't going to happen, at least not by my design, and I sort of just kept going, letting life go along as it would.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Sober Thal said:
Fuck this poll. @ angry drunk lecture...

It's okay to feel this way. You are a special flower that needs to be cultivated in order to mature in the proper way. You are special, and you need to be told this every day in order to achieve proper life time happy sauce.


The amount of sand, that exists in the vaginas in these forums posters, sickens me.

You people need to to grow the fuck up, really fast, really hard. Otherwise, you are nothing more than a blight on the face of existence.

Seriously... I blame your parents. They obviously raised you wrong. If you are this weak, you need professional help.

Either way, continue thinking you're special and deserving of extra special attention.



Do the world a favor, stop acting like a spoiled brat, and start ACTING LIKE AN ADULT!

Otherwise, you can expect, and deserve, all the verbal abuse you get. It's a simple piece of logic.

Now... let us fuck animals and kill each other!!!

............[small]Can I marry you?[/small] Even in your drunken rant you have made the most perfect post to sum up my feelings on this. Please, shut the fuck up with your whiny ass "I hate my life" bullshit unless your in serious danger of killing yourself.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Not a majority, but more time than I'd like. Life seems completely pointless to me. I guess I'm just damaged goods from either my genes or my upbringing/childhood, but it still sucks.

The only reason I've found for getting up in the morning is my girlfriend. Taking care of her has been motivation enough for me to get through school and get a proper job. I have good, awesome friends, a few of them at least and a cool family.

I just dont really like the world. Its not good enough. I feel like I was promised so much when I was a kid, and in reality its mostly shit. The real bummer is that it COULD have been so much better. But meh.

For now I'll enjoy it while I can, and live my life as I want. As much as I can at least. I'll die sooner or later anyway, so no need to rush things. I'll only live as long as I feel its worth the hassle though.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Not really, no. I'm reasonably happy with my position in life. I would like to change certain things about it, but that kind of regret comes with life.


New member
Jan 25, 2011
ehh, no, not really. Sometimes it seems like that would be easier but lets face it, being dead would be really fucking boring. Might as well get what I can out of life while I'm alive cause once I'm dead, it doesn't really matter what happens, I'm not coming back.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
In the words of Tyrion Lannister; Death is so final, while life has endless possibilities.

I may not like my life sometimes (who doesn't?) but I thank God I actually have it.


Another Regular. ^_^
May 22, 2008
Vault101 said:
jesus christ....

this is the only life we have..its too short to be miserable
This, so much this.
Alternatively, from Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium:
"Your life is an occasion. Rise to it."
Love that quote so much...

Really though, more OT: in fact, I'm often simply happy for being alive. I'm making my way through uni quite well, with plans to incorporate some world travel into my work the year I leave uni. Others have already mentioned this, but perhaps you just need some plans to work towards, something to get you motivated.

As for myself (without going into details), I'm quite happy with my life. And I have to admit, a good portion of that is simply from me having an epiphany of sorts a couple years ago, and truly understanding that cheesy phrase people say perhaps too often... that this life of ours is short, and it's up to us to make the best of it.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Woah dude, I think you need to put things in perspective. I mean you only have one life to live and from the sound of things you may just have a few reasons to get out of bed in the morning. Seriously I would look into those feelings before they get away from you, because honestly wanting to die will weigh heavily on you over time. Regarding myself I do want to die and I'm going to make it happen soon, but that's what a lifetime of depression will do to you, and it started for me just like you said lying in bed not wanting to live through another day. Trust me that attitude can and will consume your every thought, if I could go back and do something about my depression I would, but now it's too late for me... So make an effort because your life still has potential.

Trippy Turtle

Elite Member
May 10, 2010
I wish I could change a few things but otherwise I'm pretty happy. I've had some bad days but nothing can make me want to forget all the fun days I had with friends and stuff. Besides, I doubt there is reliable Wi-fi in the afterlife.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Last time I went to the doctor's he cleared me of all mental illnesses (and he gave my balls a good cupping, so you know it's a reliable diagnosis), so no.

The Last Nomad

Lost in Ethiopia
Oct 28, 2009
As shit as my life gets, I've never once wanted to be dead (or not alive as you put it). I don't remember before I was born because I didn't exist. Don't want to go back to that, ever. You would not only not have to live but your mind/soul/spirit/whatever you want to call it will not float through a void for eternity. It just wouldn't exist, which is something no living thing can even comprehend.

And if there is an afterlife, I'd rather stay here thanks. We've got more drugs...

EDIT: Best quote on the matter. Tyrion Lannister: "Death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities"


Sep 9, 2010
Aprilgold said:
Sober Thal said:
Fuck this poll. @ angry drunk lecture...

It's okay to feel this way. You are a special flower that needs to be cultivated in order to mature in the proper way. You are special, and you need to be told this every day in order to achieve proper life time happy sauce.


The amount of sand, that exists in the vaginas in these forums posters, sickens me.

You people need to to grow the fuck up, really fast, really hard. Otherwise, you are nothing more than a blight on the face of existence.

Seriously... I blame your parents. They obviously raised you wrong. If you are this weak, you need professional help.

Either way, continue thinking you're special and deserving of extra special attention.



Do the world a favor, stop acting like a spoiled brat, and start ACTING LIKE AN ADULT!

Otherwise, you can expect, and deserve, all the verbal abuse you get. It's a simple piece of logic.

Now... let us fuck animals and kill each other!!!

............[small]Can I marry you?[/small] Even in your drunken rant you have made the most perfect post to sum up my feelings on this. Please, shut the fuck up with your whiny ass "I hate my life" bullshit unless your in serious danger of killing yourself.
Can I ask why you come into a thread that clearly IS "whiny ass", just to complain about it?

For fucks sake, better things to do with your life.


New member
Jun 22, 2011
Of course not. Life is great, love is great, having fun is great.
I am very happy with my life and when you grow up in a country where you don't have to walk 20KM before you reach drinkable water and can go to school and get an education, I don't think you should be complaining.

Every life has good and bad moments, of course, but I think that a positive attitude is AT ANY MOMENT the best way to deal with life.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
Hell no, I love life! I have a great family, a loving and fantastic boyfriend, pets that I adore. I have great friends, I have a good life and am graduating university with a Bachelor of Science award. Yeah I have days when I'm ill, but I don't let them get to me, I just enjoy them in bed playing videogames all day. The only thing I wish for is a full time job.