Poll: Does everybody wish they were not alive?


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Sitting in my bed recovering from a cold, suffering from indigestion like always, and getting ready go into work tomorrow where I'll be cut, scratched, bruised, and exhausted for little money and no future. I never liked school and I really can't think back on any long term work or social situation where I was ever happy.

But this isn't a woe is me thread, as much as I love those. I have it pretty good. I live in a nice house, I have nice parents, I'm good looking, I have a great body, and I live a pretty comfortable life overall. I just really wish I were dead.
I'm tired of all the little things like stomach aches, headaches, stress, when my nose pops open and bleeds down my face for no reason, this eye twitch that won't go away, the way it hurts to breathe when I'm sick, having to piss all the damn time, my utterly bullshit hurt feelings, the pretentious way I feel about things, all the dumb things that I like, my stupid and misplaced hopes about girls I'll never meet, anxiety about things that don't matter, and filling out job application after job application... You know, life.

I'm not going to kill myself, that's for sure, but it would have ruled if I had never been born. Who else feels the same way? Other than Louis CK.


sextus the crazy

New member
Oct 15, 2011
I generally refer to this state as "ennui", which is a rich white way of saying boredom. Pretty much you're in a state where you've got a nice enough life that working hard isn't a matter of life and death, but you also lack any sort of job motivation and interest. I've been there myself and it sucks. Basically, This is the time where you find out what you want to do with yourself. Set goals for the future; Try to find out what kind of work you enjoy or what you are good at, then surf the internet for local opportunities in said areas. I don't know what sort of schooling you've completed, but look back at what you've subjects you've studied and see what you liked. If nothing sticks out, try doing some sort of not-for-profit or volunteer work. Just the experience looks good on a resume and it'll help you make contacts and perhaps help you find something to be passionate about.

INB4 accused of emo-ness.


New member
Apr 12, 2011

I occasionally wish I could reroll the dice on a few aspects of my life however.

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
I've got surgery in a few hours and deadlines breathing down my neck, but overall I'm in pretty good spirits about that. Sometimes I feel kind of depressed to be living down here in Texas by myself away from my family and all, but that usually encourages me to work harder so I can eventually move on. You don't have to try to be happy all the time, but you'll be more productive if you can use your current state as motivation to keep working at it.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Contrast to most people on the site I actually love my life and wouldn't trade it for anything. I have a 6 year relationship with my girlfriend who I rarely fight with and have everything in common with (plus shes Chinese and I am into asain girls :p). I have parents who are still together and want nothing but the best for me and don't screw me over. I am graduating from college this coming year and already have a certificate in Art and Design. I should have been graduating this year but I failed a single class and had to pick it up before moving to the final semester so with my spare time I have teamed up with very old close friend to make a game for steam, App store and PSN/XBLA. It was my childhood dream to be a game creator and now it is coming true if all goes well perhaps I will open a studio and see where things take me.

I have a black belt in Judo which I help teach all the time and have been doing since I was 6 (I'm 22). I am a talented artist and started late, I still need to get a tone better to catch up to artists like Chemical Alia though. I have won a few award on newgrounds for my animation which means a lot to me because I am a little obsessed with 2d animation and want to really make a name for myself one day.

I have had my troubles though I used to be vastly unpopular in elementry school because of my interests and tendencies. I am quite good at sports and all just people didn't relate to me so thought I was weird but the second I got to high school I decided to get over myself and push myself to be a more outgoing person as thus I made lots of friends and make friends really easily now. I think I am able to stay upbeat and rarely get down though simply because I am not very emotional which you won't get from this post but people around me have noticed. Since I don't get emotional I am able to just stop caring when things bother me and I can remain objective almost at all times which allows me to see when I am wrong and constantly improve who I am.

I love my life and before I die I want to spread my wealth of life and help those who haven't had as much luck as I have.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
jesus christ....

this is the only life we have..its too short to be miserable


Fixed by "Monday"
Mar 28, 2010
But sometimes I wish I'd never been born at all.
Personally, no, almost never. Sometimes I consider doing things that would be tantamount to suicide, like jumping off a bridge, but that has less to do with wanting to die and more to do with me being crazy. Otherwise I have no intention of dying any time soon. There's still so much more to do.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Sometimes when I'm really bogged down with work, a little voice in the back of my head goes, "You know if you killed yourself you wouldn't have to do this work." Then I reply to my little voice and say, "Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you?"
Anywho, I see where you're coming from. When I'm really exhausted I wish I could go to sleep and not wake up. But I don't really wish I was never born. Of course, my life is sub-par, but there's still so many things for me to experience. I would be sorely disappointed if I had to die soon.

Well that sure was a strange paragraph to write.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Heavens no. I'm living the ultimate in slightly-lazy life. I like what's happening right now, I'm going to enjoy it.

Ask me again when I go back to school.


New member
Feb 28, 2008

Ghost powers are best powers.
And feet are gross and they should be optional.

OP, if you feel that way, something's wrong. And it feels better to know what it is. Take care of your basic needs (food, water, sleep, exercise, etc) and go get some blood tests run to see if you have any deficiencies/disorders/imbalances.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
No. Not to sound dark but I think anybody who really wishes he or she was dead will find a way and accomplish their goal. The rest are whiners who aren't properly expressing an emotion. What that is exactly varies from person to person.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Erana said:

Ghost powers are best powers.
And feet are gross and they should be optional.
Is it weird that I think its weird that he actually has five fingers?


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Nope, never.

I love my life and wouldn't change a thing so i'm quite happy living it.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
Do I wish I was dead?
Sometimes. Most of the time I don't so much wish I was dead as not see any point to living. Sure, it can be fun, but most of the time - its downright boring. Either way, I'm sticking around for a lot longer, so hopefully things pick up some time. ATM, however, its pretty meh.


New member
May 5, 2011
Yeah, I sort of wish it. There are lots of parts of life that I enjoy, but if I was given a button that gave me a painless death, then I'd probably end up pressing it within a couple of years after a lot of thought. Then again, I'm not exactly in a sane state of mind right now, so maybe not.


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
No, I actually like myself quite a lot, that's why I don't mind poking fun at myself, I mean who cares if I do pretty stupid stuff I'm still pretty awesome, and it would probably be bad for other people that I didn't exist, they wouldn't get to laugh at my clumsiness and social awkwardness, nor would they get to look at my pretty face, now that is sad, not to mention that life would have sucked for my brothers without someone to protect them and push them forward, fortunately for people I know I'm too quiet to brag about how awesome I think I am, so they don't get annoyed by my big ego.
I do sometimes wish I wasn't so damned proud, I mean sometimes I do need help but I just can't ask for help, because I just feel that if I ask for help I failed, that is pretty annoying, I also tend to wish I was smarter but there's not really anything I can do about that [small](stupid below average IQ and lack of common sense)[/small].


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Life shits on all of us very often, coming in many liquid and smelly forms we rather not think about, but if you can dream (that also means day dream), then you can hope and aim your sights at something that can make you happy. All our minds work very differently and 99% or people will not understand how others function (like how you prefer to be dead), but I'm pretty sure if everyone looks at their interests then you all can find something that can make you very happy and want to stay alive.

Hell, I'm the paranoid type so I'm always worried about diseases and shit, as well as my interests/beliefs are looked down upon and are almost always ignored so I feel very alone sometimes. However, I'm pushing myself to achieve an ultimate goal that I know will make me very satisfied, even though it seems to be nearly impossible.