Poll: Evil Facebook


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
I used to use it a lot, but my use was dampened by the fact that yes, my family can find me on it. Apparently the idea that I want a life that is separated from them is an utterly foreign idea. Creeps.

However, I stopped using it for about 6 months because the new privacy policies creeped me out. After that I found it harder and harder to go *back*, as every time I jumped on I would look at the news feed and think "Wow, this is completely insipid. Why did I ever waste my time with it"?

I only started back into it this very week because I realized that my social life was severely suffering because I didn't use it.

So, in the end, it's a semi-necessary evil.

Lord Kloo

New member
Jun 7, 2010
Radeonx said:
The first page I go to everyday is Facebook.
It is a fantastic way to keep into contact with people and set up things with friends. I love it.
ah, finally a man after my own heart..

yeah basically what I've quoted describes my view of FB.. my Opera browser has it on speed dial and I can even open it with my eyes closed I use it so often, but then again I'm a people person and need to constantly know what people do or if I want to talk to them about something etc.

without FB I wouldn't know about half of the parties that go on and so FB is great for organizing your life..



New member
Sep 10, 2010
I think Facebook is evil. Even so, I have to use it for asking friends stuff about class work etc. because I can be certain I will have at least one friend on at any time. I do not really use it for much else.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
I voted never used it but that's not technically true, I was forced to make an account by an ex-girlfriend but I haven't really bothered with it when not told to go there.


New member
Jan 12, 2009
Made an account in the summer of '08 haven't touched it since. I just don't like having all those people I don't know or like from school (I'm 15) trying to add me as a friend.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
Have facebook, dont see why people can be on it so much, theres nothing to do all the games and apps suck. people are like o u can talk to people, uhh thats why i have MSN hell even on steam i can do that and outher programs or even e-mail. I honestly dont see how people can enjoy it and actualy use it for anything when it all can be done with outher things
Mar 9, 2010
I have Facebook and about 100 friends. I want no more, I add no more. I'll usually accept a friend request from someone who I don't know and delete them two days later so I don't get any more requests. I have Facebook for event invitations and seeing what's going on. I haven't posted a status since early 2010 and I don't intend to break that although I will occasionally comment or like something. Chat is also a no go for me, too many people I don't want to talk to will talk to me.

There's very little on Facebook for me, but I have it just in case.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
It's a social networking site. If you're an idiot and post your entire life story and feel the need to add everyone you've ever met/people like your parents, then that's your own problem. Try to be less dumb.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
I opened a Facebook account, checked it out got bored, deleted it.

Then last thursday, I opened another Facebook account......to play EchoBazaar (from the last Extra Credits video) :S


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
You kind of need Facebook when you go to college, to keep in touch with High School friends.

Just don't friend your parents, I keep a very small friend list of a dozen or so.


The Troll under the bridge
Oct 19, 2009
I'll only use it once in a blue moon, if I cna help it. The only reason I have it is because I have mates from other countries, and time zone difference makes it hard to get in contact.


New member
May 22, 2010
stormcrow5 said:
Have facebook, dont see why people can be on it so much, theres nothing to do all the games and apps suck. people are like o u can talk to people, uhh thats why i have MSN hell even on steam i can do that and outher programs or even e-mail. I honestly dont see how people can enjoy it and actualy use it for anything when it all can be done with outher things
This is a common argument, but think for a minute what you just said. Yes, there are plenty of programs that you can use for instant messaging, but not everyone has those programs. For example, very few of my friends have a steam account, and I can't expect them to get an account and buy a game just to talk to me over the service. Similarly, I have yahoo for my primary email account, and so do some of my friends, but others have G-mail, Hotmail, accounts provided by their ISP, and even AOL accounts. Should I make an account with each of those services just so I can talk to all of them, and expect them to do the same? Not when there's a much easier way. The fact that almost everyone has Facebook makes it the standard IM platform. The beauty of it isn't that you can talk to your friends over the internet so much as it is that you can talk to all of them through one account.


New member
Feb 7, 2010
I use Facebook, I enjoy keeping in touch with family and friends. Sounds to me like your problem isn't with Facebook, it's with the people you're friends with.

I block the updates from games and such, I ignore invite, and when I post I could care less if my Parents post (which they usually don't). For me it works great.

Twitter also, but I use that to make friends online. Facebook's only for people I actually know.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Dear OP you are just doing it wrong and so deserve to suffer.
You add only people you know and like and want that they see what you are posting. the only family member i added was my brother. If your parents want you to add you, either be honest and tell them that you don't want to, if they think you hate them then, then they are probably stupid. Or start a second fake page for them.

i got around 50 people on FB, all of them i know and like and see regularly. I broke one rule of social networking and added some co-workers as well as my 2 bosses. But thats just because we are good friends for years and just now work together as a team. Just to tell you before you add your boss as well, don't.


New member
Dec 9, 2010
I have an account, there is nothing there, not even my real name. Just used it to find a couple old friends nothing else about the service even interests me. Personally I don't want to be found that easily... It would just mean having to deal with people that I probably don't want to deal with anyway.
The whole "I have more friends" attitude that seems to be the basis of sites like that just doesn't sit well with me either. All the requests from people that I have nothing in common with just so they can have more friends is just ridiculous.

Sinclair Solutions

New member
Jul 22, 2010
Nope. I barely used it when I had one, but I decided to get rid of it after watching the South Park episode. It just reminded me how useless it was and that there was no reason to keep it.