Poll: Exactly where are you from?


New member
Dec 3, 2008
the_joker1112 said:
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Never heard of it? ya, neither have I, and I live here.
I've heard of Saskatchewan though. no idea where it is.


New member
Jan 21, 2009
Sydney, Australia. Quite surprised with the number of Australians on this forum, probably part of the reason why there aren't any testosterone fueled flame wars.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
I just realized it's sort of odd that the title of this thread specifies "Exactly where are you from?" but the poll options only go down to continents, so it's actually less exact than other such polls that ask by country. Wierd.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
House25 said:
bazookabob said:
United States, most of my life spent in Tennessee, in the Southeast. And if you ask me to say "y'all" I will hunt you down and bludgeon you, like I do to everyone else who says "y'all" or refer to all soft drinks as "cokes" around me. Easily the most annoying part of living in this part of country, aside from the overwhelming amount of ignorance, terrible weather, lack of opportunities, etc.
so what do you call soft drinks? "Sodas"? "Pop"? (by the actual brand name)?
If I'm referring to a group of drinks I'll usually just say "soft drinks." Typically if say I go to a restaurant and want a drink I'll just call it by the actual brand name that I want and if they don't carry that exact drink I'll order which ever brand closest to it they carry, for example if they don't have pepsi, I'll take a coke. I have actually been known to say "pop" from time to time, largely due to my roommates being from northern Ohio who refer to soft drinks as that.


Mad Cat Lady
Feb 25, 2008
Jamash said:
Ula said:
Right now. I live in North Yorkshire, UK. Butt, I was born in Germany, lived there for 2 years, moved to Northern Ireland, lived there for a year and a half, moved to Salisbury, UK, lived there for 5 years, moved to Belgium, lived there for about a year, then I came to N.Yorks and have been moving around the same area for about 6 years. Woot, Europe for the win.
Let me guess, one (or both) of your parents is in the British Army?
My Dad was, he's finished his 22 years now though.