Poll: Fable 2 ending was TERRIBLE (((spoiler)))

Nickolas Azieha

New member
Feb 9, 2009
I have challenge to all of you out their. Try to defend the ending of fable 2. come on. I bet you can't do it. It was god awful.
I never played the first fable cause I was on a game boy, but what I had seen it looked awsome. so now that I have a 360 I thought I'd try the sequel.
The ending consisted of listening to some jerk blab on for a while till I shot him in the stomach. That was it. no bombastic final fight, no billion enemies to slice my way through. it was just pain.
In all of he you tube review's I head they were all excited about the tree special endings but your supposed to work torwards those, but you just get to pick in the end. Its just painful and awful.
I enjoyed the rest of the game a fair amount so I'm looking for a justification, so here we go.

try to defend The ending of fable 2.

Flap Jack452

New member
Jan 5, 2009
it cant be defended. and put spoiler in the topic name so that you dont have someone complain about you spoiling the ending for them.


New member
Apr 22, 2008
I thought it was pretty good.
I can't really defend it though. I have my opinion, you have yours. It seemed dramatic enough, and I laughed while shooting that jerk in the stomach.
I must admit, the no boss fight was kinda lame, but the Giant Shard was pretty flippin' fun.
The thing with the dog was awesomely dramatic, to the point where I cried on the inside.

Nickolas Azieha

New member
Feb 9, 2009
I will admit I didn't watch the whole thing cause I thought that it would give me a little advantage in the final boss fight. I almost wish I had finished the nasty speech. the shard was fun though (still tedious)


New member
Feb 9, 2009
I felt that while it was a good ending, it was a terrible "Boss."

It's like having sex, and instead of a climax, you simply get a nice card saying "Good Job!"

Nickolas Azieha

New member
Feb 9, 2009
but it felt like a long build up going of to find the 3 heroes and all I thought the game was just starting but wow did that go wrong. It had so much going for it but then it kinda crashed and died.I do enjoy your sex analogy though


New member
Feb 9, 2009
Really can't defend it... there was nothing special about it. Unlike awesome really special endings with games like halo or kingdom hearts, no. It was so... disappointing


New member
Feb 9, 2009
the whole game was fun to play until i saw the ending seen which was so fucking boring i wanted to go hit my head off a comp desk and go get a ps3 but im not that pissed and couldnt afford it.i thought the end would be like you try to shut him in a very dramatic cutscene with forced worn armour with a hard to reach boss would show you a fuckin cutscene that shows you shoot him off a fuckin ledge then he pops up as a fucking huge dragon like jack of blades in the first ones expansion.

you don't need to ever play the first game even though its considered the prequel all you have to know is the village got burned at the beggining and his sisters dead so fuck it
PS its much better then fable 2

PPS. when i borrowed this from my friend he said it was very long it took me longer to beat the level cortana in halo 3 then it took me to beat this game


New member
Jan 8, 2009
IANbarber said:
the whole game was fun to play until i saw the ending seen which was so fucking boring i wanted to go hit my head off a comp desk and go get a ps3 but im not that pissed and couldnt afford it.i thought the end would be like you try to shut him in a very dramatic cutscene with forced worn armour with a hard to reach boss would show you a fuckin cutscene that shows you shoot him off a fuckin ledge then he pops up as a fucking huge dragon like jack of blades in the first ones expansion.

you don't need to ever play the first game even though its considered the prequel all you have to know is the village got burned at the beggining and his sisters dead so fuck it
PS its much better then fable 2
Wow, thats one long sentence...

On topic, I thought it was lame at the time. With time and contemplation, I see it as sort of flipping off the expectations of the general gaming community. I didn't even get to kill him because I did listen to his entire boring speech and that ass wipe I hated just as much got the honor. I agree it was a let down, but it was still an interesting choice.

Nickolas Azieha

New member
Feb 9, 2009
wait whats PS. sorry. but what I had seen of the first one it looked awsome. many more spells and the castle thing was a lot better. I also loved all the back jokes, for instance the joke where it said that the guildmaster was found with "your health is low carved into his head" I thought that was hillarius (only from watching reviews of course)
it had so much greatness but then it just shat it self inside out. (yeatzee condemd 2)


New member
Feb 9, 2009
post script and pps mean post post script and i forgot something that made me mad the jobs should quite harder and blacksmith is not interesting but also more interesting then chopping wood while i typed everything in this forum i was saying it outloud while watching zero punctuation so i just got on a rant


New member
Dec 3, 2008
I thought the ending was well done, the farm sequence was agonizingly boring aside from what it is artistically meant to be - but the rest I really enjoyed. Perhaps I don't care about the ending so much as the game is meant to be a story from beginning to finish. When it finished, that was it (unless you wanted to keep adventuring) in which case it is not yet the end of the game - just the end of the main plot and for those of you who think this is a crappy ending, you should take a look at the endings to some older games before you judge this one.


(Epilepsy warning on one of the game endings)


New member
Feb 9, 2009
Bullfrog1983 said:
I thought the ending was well done, the farm sequence was agonizingly boring aside from what it is artistically meant to be - but the rest I really enjoyed. Perhaps I don't care about the ending so much as the game is meant to be a story from beginning to finish. When it finished, that was it (unless you wanted to keep adventuring) in which case it is not yet the end of the game - just the end of the main plot and for those of you who think this is a crappy ending, you should take a look at the endings to some older games before you judge this one.


(Epilepsy warning on one of the game endings)
Y'know, I think one of the main reasons we think the ending sucked (Aside from no boss, G'damnit!) was the fact that it wasn't good compared to the rest of the game. The rest of the game was awesome, and as I thought I was about to get some sort of awesome epic boss thing, but we simply got a guy talking till you shoot him, or the gay one shoots him.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
I found alot of problems with fable 2

-Money is pointless past getting a good weapon

-the game was SOOOOOOOOOOO god damn easy i died once and that was because my battery fell out AND i had a potion that revived me so nothing happened

-The first game and the second we're VERY similar in storyline too each other is was rediculus

-no point in playing after you beat it

-good is balanced with evil in the end i sacrificed nothing for being good except my dog who didn't do anything for me any way the crap he found was useless and he attacks people who are so close to dieing its just why bother

this one pissed me off
-getting first place in the shooting contests rewards you with an amazing auto-pistol that kills anything (look at point 2) and reload is not even a second long and the weapon you get for spending 5 long hours looking for gargoyles is actually worse.... WTF

-guards suck so being an big evil basterd just gets you exp

-endings sucked

-no point in getting married other then if you hate your money or want something to do with it

-exp was retarded buy all the exp potions in barrowstone leave do it again becuase if you own like 5 houses you get enough money any way

-jobs were the same damn mini-game

and this one is the finally
-hit y to end the game............................