Poll: Fable 2 ending was TERRIBLE (((spoiler)))

Nickolas Azieha

New member
Feb 9, 2009
though that sounded strinkingly like the ZP review I agree interily. fable 2 was awsome at first glance but then you take a step back and all of a sudden its "wow that was the worst game I'v played in ever" heck you didnt need money for anything you found enough in chests to buy several houses and after that their was no point. you didnt even need weapons if you had the time warp spell then it was piss easy cause they would put away their weapon whenever you teleported. plus all the good weapons were found by questing.
awful game in general.


New member
Feb 9, 2009
MaxTheReaper said:
Haddi said:
I felt that while it was a good ending, it was a terrible "Boss."

It's like having sex, and instead of a climax, you simply get a nice card saying "Good Job!"
That would be so incredibly awesome. I might consider sex worthwhile.
Also: Bitches, Tyler Durden said it can't be defended, so it can't be defended. Do some of you need a beating?
The thing I'm wondering is where the card would come from.


New member
Feb 9, 2009
MaxTheReaper said:
Haddi said:
MaxTheReaper said:
Haddi said:
I felt that while it was a good ending, it was a terrible "Boss."

It's like having sex, and instead of a climax, you simply get a nice card saying "Good Job!"
That would be so incredibly awesome. I might consider sex worthwhile.
Also: Bitches, Tyler Durden said it can't be defended, so it can't be defended. Do some of you need a beating?
The thing I'm wondering is where the card would come from.
Simple answer: Your lover gives you the card when you're all done.
Creepy answer: You hire a dude to stand beside you while you get it on. When you're done, he gives you the card.
Is it wrong that I'd probably get the second one?


New member
Feb 9, 2009
MaxTheReaper said:
Haddi said:
MaxTheReaper said:
Haddi said:
MaxTheReaper said:
Haddi said:
I felt that while it was a good ending, it was a terrible "Boss."

It's like having sex, and instead of a climax, you simply get a nice card saying "Good Job!"
That would be so incredibly awesome. I might consider sex worthwhile.
Also: Bitches, Tyler Durden said it can't be defended, so it can't be defended. Do some of you need a beating?
The thing I'm wondering is where the card would come from.
Simple answer: Your lover gives you the card when you're all done.
Creepy answer: You hire a dude to stand beside you while you get it on. When you're done, he gives you the card.
Is it wrong that I'd probably get the second one?
No but it proves a theory I have.
Sweet. I feel happy for you.


New member
Feb 8, 2009
I quite liked it, I mean come on he's an old guy with no magical powers or any thing to make him powerful he was jut a tad bit crazy. Plus it was awesome to see Stephen Fry kill someone.


New member
Dec 10, 2008
From a story-line standpoint, it was a perfect ending.

From a video game standpoint... it sucked.


New member
Sep 14, 2007
Lyiat said:
From a story-line standpoint, it was a perfect ending.

From a video game standpoint... it sucked.
QFT. Also, I think your game is broken if upon hearing from the man in front of me that he went and slaughtered my entire family to stop any future good in the world, my sole reaction is, "Whoo! Thank Christ, I hated those fuckers!"


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Yeah, no. It cannot be defended. Although as previously mentioned, taking the "Do nothing for 15 minutes" option does produce hilarious results.

The game as a whole was pretty interesting though, it had a lot of depth but at the same time was so shallow. There were a lot of things to do... but only a few of them had lasting consequence or were even interesting. The entire game was practically easy mode too, even if you do like Yahtzee suggests and don't abuse the magic system. Though I've yet to not use it at all, that might make it 10x more difficult.


New member
Nov 12, 2008
grrrr i was super evil but there was no wish for blow up the world or turn everyone in to zealots to worship me or even a wish for a kick ass sword or anything like that. The weapon to kill Lucien, a music box? OK it's anti-climatic but hey, i can sorta dig it but one boss fight during the game though (well alrigt the Shard, Troll's and the Banshees but they don't count) you have to have a ending boss fight. I so wanted to do something evil to the people i know like in TLC where you can take their souls i was itching to kill hammer but noooooooooooo i cant just steal her soul or something she get's to complain at me for a couple minutes about I'm so evil for taking the cash but then she get's teleported away pathetic I don't think Peter grasps what makes a game good.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
It REALLY sucked, that ending. And what was up with making you choose from three very limited, mutually exclusive wishes? If the shard had all that power, all three at once would not have been an issue. I guess Theresa just wanted to rub in what an ungrateful, traitorous ***** she really was. Not getting an option to behead her for betraying you (Lucien merely "listened" to her, remember?) was the final kick in the teeth. I traded Fable 2 in the very next morning - for store credit, as I was disgusted with "gaming" in general and storytelling in particular because of it. Peter Molyneux is WORTHLESS at both of those.


New member
Dec 12, 2007
Bullfrog1983 said:
I thought the ending was well done, the farm sequence was agonizingly boring aside from what it is artistically meant to be - but the rest I really enjoyed. Perhaps I don't care about the ending so much as the game is meant to be a story from beginning to finish. When it finished, that was it (unless you wanted to keep adventuring) in which case it is not yet the end of the game - just the end of the main plot and for those of you who think this is a crappy ending, you should take a look at the endings to some older games before you judge this one.


(Epilepsy warning on one of the game endings)
Old games having crap endings is no excuse for today's games having them. Fable 2 was out in 2008, there's just no defending the ending. What REALLY annoyed me about the Fable 2 ending is that if you bother to wait and listen to Lucian's speech, Stephen Fry shoots him! I had to redo it all because I wanted to do it!

Talk about annoying the player with bad design. Not to mention the fact that I STILL can't complete the game because my family does not load!

Fable 2 was boring and crap. It was a step down from Fable and the gameplay was dumbed down to casual playing levels, it wasn't like the original was actually hard anyway!

Lord George

New member
Aug 25, 2008
I thought it was quite a good ending, it was simple but nice, with you getting to casually take out your pistol and shoot him right between the eyes, I don't think games always need to have some 50foot tall demonic end boss.(though that would have been cool)


New member
Oct 24, 2008
Fable 2 was a much better game than the first. But Fable 1 had a decent boss fight. It also had a good boss in the expansion The Lost Chapters. The Knothole Island DLC should have addressed this and given us all SOMETHING to fight dammit! Like that annoying ratbag thief. Or maybe even have a new story where the 'new tenant' of the spire is corrupted by the power of the Spire and turned into some uber she-demon.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
TheNecroswanson said:
Defending Fable 2's Ending:

You weren't after some arch mage of death like in Fable 1.
Stupid BBEG wasn't some uber man looking to destroy the world with old kingdom monsters. He was just some doofus archaeologist probably, whom found out how to control floating pyramids.
That's it. Why would it take more then one shot to kill him?
Because It's A VIDEOGAME. If I fight through legions of bandits, floating pyramids, Monsters, and a guy who looks like Darth Vader, I want something big, and preferably awesome, as a final boss.


New member
Jul 29, 2008
I thought it was "pretty good". It's nice to have an ending that isn't a spectacular super grand finale.
The boss weren't awesome and I liked it that way made it feel somewhat realistic (ignoring the fact that it's a fantasy game)

Not that I should actually have to defend it. I kinda liked it, not really much else that needs to be said.