Poll: Favorite type of Magic!?

Level 7 Dragon

Typo Kign
Mar 29, 2011
Perhaps nature magic, since I like to hang around in forests and it would be nice to control/ turn in to animals.

Plus, you can have a bunch of humanoid venus fly traps as your minions.


New member
Jan 28, 2012
I usually start off with whatever lets me summon minions to do all the work for me.
That's why the new dragon age games left me woefully unimpressed.
You could start off baldurs gate 2 summoning giant demons from hell, dragon age completely neutered that and removed pretty much all worthwhile summoning options.

If it's a tcg, I'll pick whatever the equivalent of blue magic is and am as disruptive and controlling as possible.


New member
May 31, 2011
the_dramatica said:

What, no divine magic? Smells like the necromancy practicing heretics here need some smiting.
Rest easy brother, I will help you bring the justice of the Paladin into this foul den of evil!

Also: According to the source code your pic is from a story on fimfiction and I'm torn between whether or not I want to know which one...


New member
Oct 19, 2007
I think I'm going to buck the general trend and say terramancy (earth magic, in other words). Don't get me wrong, fire and lightning and necromancy and such are great, but...A fire can raze a town that requires years to rebuild, but the earth can swallow a city and make it as if it were never there. It's hard to necromantically raise undead legions when all that's left is bone dust, and a sink hole or rock fall is a damn good answer to "oh no, zombies!" I can conjure volcanoes, just by going deep enough. If I am standing on anything, I have ammunition. My citadel is built to my specifications, because I made it that way, and good luck getting to it if I don't want you there. The best part? People will almost always underestimate you because, when you say "earth," most people think "dirt."