Poll: First Kiss.


New member
Feb 18, 2009
French kiss = first. Grade 2, two girls pinned me in a corner and the third came up to get get her kiss. She was so cute before she let herself go....


Bringer of Words
Jul 30, 2008
My first kiss was a little nerve-racking, honestly. It was bad enough that I was meeting someone from the internet for the first time, but I think I was going to be alright.

...Yeah, I'm sure it would be alright.

The bus ride over to the city was rather cold. When I got there, the sun shined relentlessly on my cold back. I was beginning to sweat just sitting about, fingers thumping the plastic table the nearby cafe offered me. It was a weird feeling knowing I'm in a different country from my own, stranger still that everyone spoke my language. Notably with unique accents, but otherwise the same language.

Though I hadn't converted enough currency to really buy anything lavish - like a meal - but I could afford a drink. The bottle was cool and moist in my hand, and I couldn't help but notice the waitress's feet were slapping the ground as she stepped. Flip flops, I imagined, and wondered how anyone could wander around in anything less than tennis shoes.

Finally, in the distance, I saw a dim shape moving closer. It was impossible to mistake, and I knew it was who I had come to meet. The helmet was the most obvious thing, large and clunky as it was. The cape also had a good effect in the mid-afternoon breeze. The cascading cloth captivated me, and I couldn't help but stare in awe. The plastic chair screamed in agony as the heavily-armored Ultrajoe settled down. It was decidedly strange to see the full armor set, and then 'thongs' on his feet. And they had Australian Flags printed all over them.

I'll admit, I was in love.

Ultra didn't speak much, and aside from the flip-flops on his feet, made me think decidedly of The Stig. All armor, couldn't see anything, and otherwise didn't talk. We sat in silence for a few moments, and I could feel an Ultra gaze roving over me. I wasn't sure, but I figured he was undressing me with his eyes.

I finished my drink, and made my introduction. I had the feeling he was looking straight through me, peering into my mind. I felt gingerly around my throat, noting that I underwent a long procedure to have the monitor replaced with a synthetic head in order to make the Ultrajoe more comfortable. I blinked through synthetic eyelids, I was notably uncomfortable without my monitor.

Regardless, I spent the late afternoon with Ultrajoe, leaning against his strong, muscular armor. I was in emotional bliss for the evening, and my watch alarm beeped angrily at me. I cursed silently under my breath, my time with Ultrajoe was at an end. I needed to hurry back to the bus stop. I turned to run, unable to face any goodbyes from the Ultrajoe. Even silent ones.

I got to the bus stop panting, tears streaming down my face. I wasn't ready to face life without him. I couldn't... The bus arrived, and a hand like cold steel clasped around my wrist. I turned, and saw Ultrajoe staring wordlessly at me. My back arched, and I felt my body being pressed against his armor. My lips met his helmet, and I felt my eyes melt closed. I missed him, Lords did I miss him, but I had to step onto the bus and leave.

I watched as Ultra flew past the last window on the bus, and I smiled in a bittersweet sort of way. The kiss was wonderful, and I'd always remember my day with the Ultrajoe.


New member
Apr 3, 2009
My first kiss was rather amusing- my nose bumped into hers. Sure made it memorable, but not exactly special lol


New member
May 4, 2009
2 years ago outside a convenience store while her boyfriend was inside.... yep...


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Graustein said:
mrhockey220 said:
Graustein said:
I'm still saving mine for when I actually find someone I like. No rush.
...says the guy with the brave little toaster avatar! Jk

Its ok dude I totally know how u feel. Havent had mine yet either.
What's having the world's greatest appliance as an avatar got to do with anything? :p

I'm not sure you do know how I feel. I want it to be memorable and with someone important to me. I'm in no hurry to have my first kiss, or my first anything else for that matter. Not until I'm comfortable with her.
No I totally understand. I want mine to be memorable too and I want to be comfortable and familiar with the girl as well.
Apr 28, 2008
First Kiss - At a party once, we were drunk

First REAL kiss with someone I actually cared about - never happened :(
god I'm lonely...


New member
Jan 22, 2008
Lol I started kissing my girlfriend at a football game and she said not know cause her parents were watching us.

Lead to some uncomfortable conversation with her parents later.


New member
Oct 3, 2008
I was 14 and was drunk after a party that split up. Not exactly romantic but hey, what can you do?


New member
Feb 20, 2009
JRCB said:
sky14kemea said:
not had mine yet X3

"surely not!" i hear you all cry, but its true :p i havent even held hands with anyone yet

ah well, c'est la vie
Same, sadly.

Working on it, though. :D
Another one here.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
sky14kemea said:
not had mine yet X3

"surely not!" i hear you all cry, but its true :p i havent even held hands with anyone yet

ah well, c'est la vie
It's nice to know I'm not the only one, and the there are girls out there who are in the same boat as me.


Feb 22, 2009
ElephantGuts said:
Well I'm glad to hear I'm not the only hopelessly alone person here.
What do you expect? There aren't many gaming girls out there. But theres somebody for everyone. In some cases theres 2, i like to call that the jackpot. :D