Poll: First Kiss.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Mine was pretty bad (or at least my first serious kiss was), I think I was 16 or 17 and a lot more drunk than is sensible or reasonable for a 16 or 17 year old...
I remember it was my friends ex girlfriend (I don't recall her name) and I only vaguely remember what she looked like, which I suppose isn't too bad given my standard drinking policy, he was ok with it (thank god). But (yes, their is a but) there was a (hot) girl at the party that I was good friends with, who I'd recently turned down because she had gone out with my mate (he was less accepting of my being friends with her, and I'm not in the bussiness of knowingly hurting people).
The only thing I clearly remember is realising how much I'd hurt her in my hypocritical drunken makeout session...worst thing I've ever felt, I don't recommend it, I now have rules about girls and being in other peoples direct line of sight...


New member
Oct 30, 2008
m_jim said:
Flying-Emu said:
14 years old and I regret that split-second of weakness. It will haunt me forever.
This sounds interesting. Do you care to share?
Well, there's two ways to look at it. I had (very, very nervously. I damn near wet myself while) asked out a close friend of mine. She said yes, and when we actually went and did something, she kissed me (Note: She kissed ME. I was very... passive... in my younger days). Next day, she told me she decided to be a lesbian.

My first kiss made a lass a lesbian. Same with the second. I've only had one relationship where it didn't end with the girl switching sexualities. Therefore, I've deduced that I'm either the unluckiest bastard around, or I'm very very bad at kissing or rather effeminate.

And considering I have severe self-esteem issues (partly due to this), I'm inclined to think the second.

Oh, also, I haven't talked to that first-kiss-girl since then. So not only did I completely embarrass myself, I also managed to lose a close friend.



Voted for the top thing, as much as I wish I could forget it.


New member
Jun 29, 2009
I was 17, and it was Junior prom.

I'm still friends with her, but the relationship was never romantic...


New member
Sep 26, 2008
sky14kemea said:
not had mine yet X3

"surely not!" i hear you all cry, but its true :p i havent even held hands with anyone yet

ah well, c'est la vie
I admire your honesty.


My first kiss was terrible, I didn't want it and I had to shove her off, she was really gross. She smelled like B.O., had a self-esteem complex, didn't play video games, was covered in zits and dressed like a slut. The worst part, was after I shoved her off, she appeared to have not noticed my shove, and tried to lunge back onto me. She never even opened her eyes, I ended up having to run away.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Flying-Emu said:
m_jim said:
Flying-Emu said:
14 years old and I regret that split-second of weakness. It will haunt me forever.
This sounds interesting. Do you care to share?
Well, there's two ways to look at it. I had (very, very nervously. I damn near wet myself while) asked out a close friend of mine. She said yes, and when we actually went and did something, she kissed me (Note: She kissed ME. I was very... passive... in my younger days). Next day, she told me she decided to be a lesbian.

My first kiss made a lass a lesbian. Same with the second. I've only had one relationship where it didn't end with the girl switching sexualities. Therefore, I've deduced that I'm either the unluckiest bastard around, or I'm very very bad at kissing or rather effeminate.

And considering I have severe self-esteem issues (partly due to this), I'm inclined to think the second.

Oh, also, I haven't talked to that first-kiss-girl since then. So not only did I completely embarrass myself, I also managed to lose a close friend.



Voted for the top thing, as much as I wish I could forget it.
At least you didn't have to click the third option. :'(


New member
Sep 26, 2008
AkJay said:
xmetatr0nx said:
AkJay said:
My first kiss went a little like this.

I knew this girl for a long time, she was a good friend of mine ,and i liked her a lot, then one day she came over, and i actually asked her out on a date, she said yes and talked about how i was the nicest sweetest guy she had ever met. I finally lean in and kiss her, she kisses me back, then literally 15 seconds later looks at me with this pained look on her face, and told me should could never be with me because she didn't feel any warm/fuzzy feeling when we kissed, i shit you not. But, good news everybody! she said we could still be friends. Best friends forever. Fuck i hate my life.
Im sorry i shouldnt laugh at this, but this made me chuckle a bit. Hey its her loss, she probably wasnt worth it. Now head up and forward to better looking girls!
Well, i would be looking forward ot better looking girls, only problem is because she was my first real crush, she basically shattered any and all self-confidence i have in myself.
The first crush hurts the most! After that it's smooth sailing. I was rejected by my first crush in grade 4, I don't think I really got over it until grade 8, rofl. One time I got dumped by a girlfriend of a few months and I did this weird thing where I ran outside in negative 30 degree weather, in a T-shirt, and started crying and stumbling around. Later I realised she's a total *****. I think picking out terrible things about the person helps.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Flying-Emu said:
My first kiss made a lass a lesbian. Same with the second. I've only had one relationship where it didn't end with the girl switching sexualities. Therefore, I've deduced that I'm either the unluckiest bastard around, or I'm very very bad at kissing or rather effeminate.
So, you're what we call a gaytalyst... Har har harrr... (Wednesday midnight humour)

Back to the topic, it's probably too late for an edit to my first post, so I'll say this: I also distinctly remember my other "first" kiss. It was a girl I'd had a crush on for six years. We were in the same class, but I never actually mustered up the courage to ask her out, and whenever I tried talking to her I couldn't get more than two sentences out before panicking and running away or someone more interesting chatting her up.
And then, one day, she had the cutest haircut, and looked so hot, so I decided to do it. I just walked up to her and kissed her. She kissed back and it was so passionate and romantic, all my fantasies come true!

And... uh... Then I woke up. My second best-remembered dream.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
ExaltedK9 said:
sky14kemea said:
ExaltedK9 said:
sky14kemea said:
not had mine yet X3

"surely not!" i hear you all cry, but its true :p i havent even held hands with anyone yet

ah well, c'est la vie
I feel your pain.

Nobody wants to kiss you, when your name is ExaltedK9.
there there *pats head*
one day someone will look past the name :p

but there's no pain on my side XD thus the c'est la vie
Yea, maybe you're right. People put too much on names... and species.
Wanna yiff? ROFL


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I waited til I was 14, but it was my then girlfriend's 15th brthday(what can I say I like older women). We were watching the stars and I said something cheesey, we had a hard giggle, and she just trapped me(what can I say I didn't see that one coming). It rocked. I am looking for a kiss to knock that one off from #1. Probably why I am still dating.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Ridonculous_Ninja said:
At least you didn't have to click the third option. :'(
You have no idea how much I wish I could have. I have to live the rest of my life with the fact that I was in too much of a rush to realize that the relationship wasn't going to work. So I wasted my first kiss, the one kiss you'll always remember, on someone who ended up not giving a shit about me in the end.

That is a horrible, painful feeling. Please, don't make the same mistake I did. Until you're absolutely certain that the lass is going to be worth remember, don't kiss her.
Malicious said:
Sorry mate but i have to laugh it out on this,id say you are just unlucky,if a girl goes gay its proly out of a long list of reasons,tho makes for a funny anegdote
Well, at least my pain brought someone joy. I consider it less of a funny anecdote and more of a "What the hell, why me?" story, but whatever. My opinion might be coloured by the fact that I haven't had a date in well over a year now.

Owell. Sympathy is for the weak! I'm going to listen to Power Metal and blow shit up in Team Fortress 2! Bottling your emotions is good for you! Don't listen to your therapist! He's rich, he's never had to experience real pain!

RyQ_TMC said:
So, you're what we call a gaytalyst... Har har harrr... (Wednesday midnight humour)
Har har har, piss off.


New member
Apr 4, 2008
Was with my ex at 14, she was, lets just say "experienced" at these kinds of things, and it was a truth or dare game at her friend's house when we had just started going out, so it was her turn and she picked dare, now, at this point, nobody knew we were going out yet, so her best friend dared her to kiss me, so she figured it was a good a time as any to kiss me for the first time, we stood up and made out right there on the spot, everybody was shocked, the look on their faces was hilarious, cause this wasn't just a peck if you know what i mean. Her friend found out we were going out a day later, many lulz ensured, we broke up 2 months later.