Poll: General age and gender-groups on The Escapist?


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Ariyura said:
CrystalShadow said:
Nimcha said:
24 of the female variety!

In other words, old...
24 is old? Thanks. Now you've made me all depressed. >_<
lol No matter how old we are, we'll always feel older.
XD. I guess that's true.

Somehow though, if having lived just 1/3 of the average person's lifespan makes you old... >_>


They'll fix it by "Monday"
Nov 17, 2009
Ruwrak said:
Josh12345 said:
Ruwrak said:
Zhadramekel said:
Ruwrak said:
Zhadramekel said:
20 year old girl. Hi there
And hello to you to haha.
Sorry, couldn't let you say hi to a wall :)
Haha, thanks for that ;)
Your welcome m'lady *tips hat* x3
hey, how come no one tells me about these akward conversations? *runs over to bother some other quote pyramid*.
2 things

2 Awkward? Gallentry is not dead good sir. Just often associated with... other type of peoples.
Wow, in my last comment I actually made note of that, hold on *checks * here we go:
Josh12345 said:
male and 14 *glances at avatar* Yes I know Samus is a girl, thanks.
Was hoping for a more detailed description from the OP though, I mean did he expect anything BUT 50+% for the 18+ male section?
2. Well, you kinda answered my response there, nothing else to add.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Josh12345 said:
Ruwrak said:
Josh12345 said:
Ruwrak said:
Zhadramekel said:
Ruwrak said:
Zhadramekel said:
20 year old girl. Hi there
And hello to you to haha.
Sorry, couldn't let you say hi to a wall :)
Haha, thanks for that ;)
Your welcome m'lady *tips hat* x3
hey, how come no one tells me about these akward conversations? *runs over to bother some other quote pyramid*.
2 things

2 Awkward? Gallantry is not dead good sir. Just often associated with... other type of peoples.
Wow, in my last comment I actually made note of that, hold on *checks * here we go:
Josh12345 said:
male and 14 *glances at avatar* Yes I know Samus is a girl, thanks.
Was hoping for a more detailed description from the OP though, I mean did he expect anything BUT 50+% for the 18+ male section?
2. Well, you kinda answered my response there, nothing else to add.
Seriously, I'm a Samus nut. And I actually did not read the previous posts (I have an attention disorder that allows me to skip 99% of all posts made before me. Yaaaay :p Just kidding, just I am to lazy to read all.) And who cares if you have a girl as avatar man. Samus kicks more ass then I can chew bubblegum. I don't see why you should think I mock you for having such an awesome avatar (on a different website I actually use Samus's helmet as one so it makes us kinda even.)

Second of all, gallantry can be associated with (as practically anything else in the universe and their mum's cat) this polite and formal way of speaking. But oh well. At least I know I'm not the only one who still believes in good manner x3


New member
Jul 25, 2011
Asurnasurpal said:
AnarchistFish said:
Asurnasurpal said:
I'm MtF trans and 18. Could that be added to the poll?
Treading on thin ice here, but don't you categorise yourself as the later one?
I do, but I'm more asking for more options. Gender is WAAAAAY to complicated to just list Male or Female.
Sometimes. In the mass majority of cases physical gender isn't though and I presumed that's what this poll is asking.