Poll: General age and gender-groups on The Escapist?


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Wuggy said:
Your poll answers are a bit jacked up there. It should be:

A good rule of thumb is that it expands towards the "bigger number"

Anyway, I'm male and 19.
I was thining this same thing , i didn'T know how to answer the poll, ITS ALL THE SAME !

Male, 18>
Male, <18

is the same thing ! Massive fail on the OPs part.

OT: I am a male and i am 22 years old, i live in Canada, Quebec, Montreal, and i like plump (read fat ) women . *wink* *wink* So all abord ladies !

Is that too much information?

Danny Ocean

Master Archivist
Jun 28, 2008
GLo Jones said:
what about people that are 18, are they not included?
There's very few of those.

You're only 18 for a day; an instant really, then you're more than 18.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
JanatUrlich said:
Female. Just turned 20 today D=
Happy birthday!

As for me, 22 year old male. Turning 23 in January.

I'm reaching that "damn, growing up is really trippy" stage. A friend of mine that I graduated from high school with is now teaching at said high school. It's freaky.


The end is nigh.
May 24, 2010
I am a 24 year old male, and your poll is broken.

You need to learn to greater-than and less-than!

Jack Rascal

New member
May 16, 2011
Mischa87 said:
To the women: Come on out and vote, it's anonymous, you don't have to worry about mouth-breathers stalking you after responding (A lot of women won't even reveal their real gender online,for fear of being creeped on, or otherwise harassed)
I'd like to vote, but I don't know how! Both options are "under 18" and I am not under 18... Am I supposed to pick the last option then? Fine, I'll pick the last option. I can't mess this poll up any further than it is :)


New member
Jun 28, 2011
chadachada123 said:
Mischa87 said:
Female, 24 going on 692. Also, I'm surprised at the lack of female response here, I personally know more females on here than the post shows. Not to mention the whole gender divide in gamers is vanishing, it's something like 42~% of gamers are female now.

To the women: Come on out and vote, it's anonymous, you don't have to worry about mouth-breathers stalking you after responding (A lot of women won't even reveal their real gender online,for fear of being creeped on, or otherwise harassed)
The only problem with a blanket statistic like "42% of gamers are female" is that it generally doesn't define what a "gamer" is in this context. Do gamers here include people that only play Angry Birds and maybe own a Wii? Or does it only pertain to "hardcore" gaming?

Still, I imagine that female gamers on the Escapist number a bit higher than on other gaming forums, for we seem a bit more open and, for whatever reason, attract hardcore gaming girls.
http://www.theesa.com/facts/pdfs/ESA_EF_2011.pdf Is where I got the info from, take it as you will.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Male and 31.

To all the people arguing over the > and < .... you got the idea of what he meant.

Stop being so damn pedantic.